Women are more educated and pay more attention to personal career development, which also makes more and more they decide to escape the traditional "mother -in -law shackles", thereby delaying or even canceling the planning plan.

When the second child was 10 months old, I decided to start the work of full -time media people.Prior to this, accompany my brother to watch the picture book singing nursery rhymes, answer his "100,000 why" at any time, and insist on breastfeeding sister, accompany her to accompany her to laugh with her ... almost occupy my former "workaholic"All time and energy.

As a post -80s, I chose to become a mother very late.Most of the same age and younger female friends around them are paying more and more attention to themselves and enjoying freedom.Occasionally, people who are mothers will laughed at the dark circles that have been stationed for a long time, the lingering tirelessness, and the heart to eat and drink for the children to eat and drink.If anyone is so energetic, no need to ask, it must be those who have no children!

The personal experience is so obvious, and the "young child" at the macro level has become a common phenomenon of various countries, and it is not surprising.Earlier this year, Singapore released 2023 overall fertility data -0.97.For the first time in history, it fell below the 1.0 mark, which also made Singapore one of the countries with the lowest fertility rate in the world.

Coincidentally, some other countries in Asia are also constantly refreshing the record of "no lowest, only lower" records.Last year, South Korea's fertility rate fell again from 0.78 the previous year to 0.72, of which in the fourth quarter, even as low as 0.65 of the record, became the most low -lying land for the global fertility rate.Malaysia and Thailand in neighbors also declined year by year, and the fertility rates in 2023 fell to 1.6 and 1.08, respectively. In 1970, these two numbers were 4.9 and 6.29.

As for China, a large population country, after eight years of relaxation of family planning restrictions, the population has not increased.On the contrary, the first negative growth in more than half a century in 2022 -the inflection point is far earlier than expert expectations.This trend continued to accelerate in 2023, and China's population decreased by 2.08 million a year.

After considering the risk of death, the total fertility rate, that is, the average number of children who have a couple of couples must reach 2.1 in order to achieve a more balance between the population generation.The ultra -low fertility rate of 0.65 in South Korea means that after a generation, there are only 33 people left in 100 people. After the five generations, the total population will return to zero!The situation is severe.

Why are young people unwilling to have children?In Singapore, the media survey questionnaire shows that high costs are the biggest concerns.I have only learned that from the regular pregnancy examinations and medical expenses during pregnancy, to the expenses of consumables such as milk powder toy, toy, toy, diaper, etc., until the child's education investment is increasing, it will become a expensive economic burden.

The more important factor is the transformation of the concept of the development of the times and the progress of social progress.Just like those female friends around me, more and more young people are unwilling to marry and have children as an inevitable option for life.Keeping single, love but not married, Dink's two -person world and other novel lifestyles are now commonplace.Pay attention to self -feelings, enjoy the current happiness, be bound by chai oil and salt, feeding, sleeping, and tutoring homework. With the free and free freedom of walking and playing if you want to go, it has become a "longing life" for many young people.Among them, women have more education and attach more attention to personal career development, which also makes more and more they decide to escape the traditional "maternal shackles", thereby delaying or even canceling the planning plan.

Looking at other Asian countries with low fertility rates, the situation is roughly similar.Jin Zhiying, who was born in the best -selling Korean novel in 1982, tells the story of an ordinary girl for his wife and mother, and it is also a common story of tens of millions of Korean women.Some book reviews said: "Her life is bland, as if she cannot independently exists. The younger brother's sister, the husband's wife, the child's mother, the daughter -in -law of the mother -in -law, the vague subordinates in the eyes of the company's leaders are not her own ...… From her, it seems that the systemic gender discrimination reflected in the book "The life of a woman has triggered a strong resonance between East Asian and even global readers, which may help us to see the causes of the extremely low fertility rate in South Korea.

In China, there is an interesting phenomenon -young people decided to "not roll."Netizens joked that raising their children "either roll children or roll up with adults" -The tutoring classes from a young age, after school, one after another, and the college entrance examination thousands of troops cross the wooden bridge ...Children's childhood became miserable, and parents were tired and anxious.As a result, some young people simply "lying down", not to find objects, and minimum living standards, and rejected the pressure.

Under severe challenges, countries around the world are racking their brains.In fact, to relieve the trend of accelerating fertility rates and avoid the possible population crisis, the government and society can make a difference.The top priority is to solve difficulties and eliminate anxiety for young people.Among them, they especially need to pay attention to the needs of women -physiological health, psychological pressure, career development, and social status, etc., eliminates their worries that "family and careers are difficult to balance" and "parenting and self -improvement can only be selected."

Specifically, when women choose to become a mother, medical care can have safe, efficient and affordable services, breastfeeding can use clean, convenient and privacy facilities, parenting can get economic support and social help, and the workplace can regain equal.In the channels of salary and rising, the entire society can give a more inclusive environment and the development space of eliminating invisible discrimination ... Only then they will truly agree with the concept and practice: fertility is not just a harsh test of physiological psychology. Personal development at one time will beThe helpless sacrifice of the opportunity cost is an irreplaceable and unique life experience with a good and happy life.