If the Ministry of Health is studying allows IP insurance policies to transfer between different insurance companies, it can also study personal insurance and employers, and even whether the school's group insurance can be combined into one, maybe it can help insurance companiesReduce risk.

Recently received an insurance company notification that my comprehensive health insurance plan (IP) annual premiums were 1195 yuan.Among them, 534 yuan is from the government's MEDISHIELD LIFE, and 661 yuan is the loading part of private insurance.This 534 yuan plus 600 yuan of 661 yuan, directly deducted from the health savings, and paid 61 yuan with a credit card.

After receiving the notice, the additional insurance (Rider) is more than 1,200 yuan. This time, you must use a credit card directly, and you cannot save it with health care.

In other words, in order to pay a small part of the hospitalization and medical expenses that do not guarantee the IP, I use the additional insurance purchased by cash, and the premium has exceeded the IP subject itself.Adventure insurance is a commercial product launched by insurance companies, strictly not in the system of national medical insurance.This phenomenon of "noise to win the Lord" highlights that if medical insurance does not control control, it will easily deviate from the original intention of diversified risks to make medical expenses sustainable and affordable.

Why do additional insurance premiums gradually catch up and even catch up with the main body with age?

Sample insurance is the one that guarantees IP, but this small part is actually complicated.First, the IP brochure description can cover up to 95 % of the cost, and the insured households bear 5 %.The keywords here are "Gundam". Specifically, once the Baodian is hospitalized, there is a self-paid part, such as Deductible and 10 % Co-Insurance of 3,500 yuan per year.The limited part is not subject to insured.

From April 1st last year, the purchase or renewal IP is bound by the new cancer drug list and cannot be paid in full. Instead, it is determined by the multiple claims of Medishield Life.Some companies provide 18 times; some companies quickly see business opportunities, launching cancer additional insurance 21 times higher than life insurance, and even cancer drugs that are not on the list.

In addition to IP as severe and hospitalized insurance, there are also serious illness insurance and other life insurance, which will also provide compensation during illness.Some insurance companies also provide additional insurance for the premium itself. When the insured is unable to continue to bear the premium due to health reasons, the premium additional insurance can pay premiums. It is really insurance outside the insurance. There is a mountain insurance.

How can ordinary people have so much effort to understand these details.Since the insurance broker said that there is any peace of mind and peace of mind, and many people can spend some money to add insurance like me, it can be seen that this complex medical insurance eats human nature.According to reports, 70 % of the local residents purchased IPs, and about two -thirds of them, which is more than 1 million people purchased additional insurance.In addition, about half of patients who purchase IP and additional insurance, they still choose to obtain allowances provided by public hospitals during hospitalization or undergoing daytime surgery.This may be good for individuals, but it is an additional burden for hospitals and governments.

The Singapore market is not large, but there are seven companies that provide IPs. Their respective additional insurance is even more diverse.In the recent acquisition of Yingkang Insurance, we also learned that an insurance company such as Yingkang has a market share of only 10 %. It can be seen how powerful the marketing of Life Insurance.

Under the fierce competition, in order to attract insurance households, insurance companies will have a great difference in coverage and premiums, but this may not make the price more competitive, because IP insurance is currently not transferred.Essence

Singapore's high employment rate also means that many people have employer group insurance. Such insurance has a high degree of coincidence with IP.It stands to reason that one person and one danger should not give yourself double insurance. After all, there is only one payment party.

If the Ministry of Health is studying allows IP insurance policies to be transferred between different insurance companies, it can also study personal insurance and employers, and even whether the group insurance of the institution can be combined into one, maybe it can help insurance companies reduce risks.This is because the insurance company cannot know what other guarantees are there, especially when the group insurance is underwritten by other companies, so it will still evaluate the risk of claims to calculate premiums.

In short, Singaporeans live in a hospital. In addition to their own bank accounts, there may be health saving savings, lifelong health insurance, IP, additional insurance, employer insurance, etc.Although one person has more insurance, it also aggravates everyone's burden.