Harcener's failure is that it has not been absolutely loyal to the army. This is not enough. She did not finish brainwashing for college students.Harcena's escape revealed the truth: the awakening of the people must be the end of the dictator.If the public lives a sense of happiness under the dictatorship, this is sad.

Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Hassa's ritual temple has ended the history of the total 20 -year rule of Bangladesh and announced the disintegration of the political destiny of the People's Alliance.After Hasa fled, the official residence in Daka was ransacked by the public on the same day.In Daka, Harcena's father, also known as the statue of Mujibu Rachman, who opened the country, was destroyed and pushed down by the public.How familiar this scene was, the statue of Saddam was also pushed down by the Iraqi people.

The fuse of overthrowing the dictatorship of Hasina is the dissatisfaction of college students to the citizenship system of employment.The quota system was established by Rahman and aims to provide 30%of the descendants of the veterans of the Liberation War in 1971. These offspring only account for 0.12%to 0.2%of Bangladesh's population.The essence of this rule is the hereditary system. It is inherited by the privileges enjoyed by the founding predecessors.This group of predecessors constitutes a social interest group and becomes the power foundation of Harcena. On this basis, Hasina continues the expansion of the group's network.To ensure power, Hasa must be relentlessly against the opposition.This is the secret of the dictator to rule the people.

If Bangladesh is under the dictatorship of Hasa, the people's lives are getting better and better, and college students will definitely not rebel.The inevitable result of dictatorship is corruption, dictatorship is the enemy of democracy. The vested interest group can obtain unlimited power, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption.Hasa herself acknowledged that a maid in her family rolled about $ 34 million.Bangladesh's corruption is world -renowned. From senior officials, they have been accused of gathered wealth to the "high -level corruption conspiracy" in the construction of the Padma Bridge in the World Bank, and then in 2016, Bangladesh's Central Bank of the Central Bank of Bangladesh was $ 81 million in strange theft.

General corruption has led to the anger of the whole society. The civil servant quota system solidifies the social classes and blocks the channels of young students' struggle.The background of college students protested on July 1 is that the unemployment rate of youth is still high.According to World Bank statistics, more than a quarter of job seekers between the age of 15 and 29, and one -eighth young people were unemployed.The economy under the rule of Hasina has achieved average domestic GDP (GDP) in the past 10 years of 6.6%.The poverty rate decreased from 11.8%in 2010 to 5%in 2022.However, economic growth does not mean that the people must support the government. Behind economic growth may be polarized, and the rise in unemployment rates in corrupt society will inevitably lead to the resistance of young students.

Harxa's measures to deal with the situation are targeting students.Bangladesh's security forces killed hundreds of people in just a few weeks, and charity groups could only collect corpses who did not confirm their identity.The Holocaust became the last straw that crushed Hasa's rule.The reason why Hasina hurriedly fleeing to India in a hurry to take a military helicopter was that the Bangladesians rushed to the streets. The truth was the decision to make a decision to shoot to the demonstrations.Hasa lost military support, and the only way to live is to escape.This is the sorrow of the dictator.

In sharp contrast to Bangladesh, Madura of Venezuela.Venezuela Opposition said that in the presidential election on July 28, Gonzalez may get 67%of the votes and win with nearly 4 million votes, which is more than twice the number of Maduro votes.This result is consistent with independent export polls.But Maduro insisted that he won the election victory.The dictator Madro continues to be in power, why?Gun.The Venezuela Minister of Defense, General Lopez, surrounded the entire General Staff and reiterated the army's "absolute loyalty" to Maduro.

It can be seen that the dictator must not fall down. As long as he holds a gun and dares to slaughter the students, he can protect the regime.

The author of how Tyrants Fall, the author of the book, said: "The more democratic the political system is, the more people in charge rely on the support of very few people to maintain power." Michigan State University study authoritarianism.The analysis of Polish professor Franz showed that from 1950 to 2012, nearly two -thirds of the 473 dictatorship who lost power were kicked off by insiders.To prevent this threat, the means of dictatorship are holding the gun tightly.Maduro and his predecessor Chavez established an intricate military, police and intelligence agency network.There are about 150,000 armed forces in Venezuela, and a national police force and a national militia forces.Maduro was not soft at the people with a gun.

It seems that the lesson of Harcena's failure is that she did not have the absolute loyalty of the army. This is not enough. She did not finish brainwashing for college students.The question is that the dictator can always slavery the people with the help of a gun?Democracy is the mainstream of the times, and dictatorship is ultimately what others do.History has never praised the dictator because the dictator must be brutal and must be targeted at the people.How the tyrant goes back and pointed out that dictators are irrational.They spent a lot of money to build a monument for themselves, alienated most of the people and promoted narcissistic publicity. Few people believed that it was true.Anyone who wants to be a dictator or eliminates democratic constraints has extreme personality characteristics.

Ironically, the starting point of Hasina's political career is shouting democracy.During the military rule of General Elsad, Hasina and the nationalist leader Carlida Zia jointly launched democratic protests and overturned the military ruler.Harxina is called "democratic iron lady" for this.However, in the 15 years of re -administration in 2009, Bangladesh has transformed Bangladesh into a authoritarian country. Power has become more and more concentrated in her hands. The legislature is led by the ruling party. The party also controls law enforcement agencies.In 2018, the Bangladesh parliament passed the law to suppress the freedom of the press and restrict the freedom of speech.Since she took power again, at least 600 cases of forced disappearance occurred, and hundreds of people were executed by France.

Harxa escapes a truth: the awakening of the people must be the end of the dictator.If the public lives a sense of happiness under the dictatorship, and believes that the enemy of the dictatorship must be their own enemies, this is sorrow.Sadness is that the slaves are accustomed to kneeling and unwilling to stand up.How could they wake up at the bottom of the well at the bottom of the well?

The author is Shanghai current affairs commentator