Source: Bloomberg

Stephanie lai

Donald Trump's presidential campaign suddenly began to catch up, and racing to find a way to weaken Vice President Kamara Harris's strong momentum.

Just two weeks ago, the Trump team was so enthusiastic that some officials warned not to be too confident.The former president escaped a assassination attempt, locked nominations, and led in polls.His campaign team was aimed at the states that were once seen, including Minnesota and Virginia.

But the sudden exit of US President Joe Bayeng subverted the competition. The Republicans who had not been optimistic for a long time inspired the enthusiasm of Democratic voters and donors and covered the cheers of the Trump camp.

So far, the Trump's campaign team has not yet determined its effective strategy to attack Harris. Harris, 59, is a woman with black and Asian descent, nearly 20 years younger than her Republican opponent.Some of the early efforts of Republicans shocked Trump's allies, thinking that they were too gender discrimination and racism.

Trump and his vice presidential candidate Wans is stepping up his appearance, and his campaign team launch large -scale advertising offensives in the key battlefield to spread information.At the same time, Wanz was reviewed by his past criticism of children without children, exacerbating the disadvantages of campaign in female voters.

"They will overestimate their strength," said Lisa Camooso Miller, a spokesman for Republican strategist, a spokesman for the former Republican Commission."How can two white people who have made wrong on women's issues can chase a black female candidate not let go, and can they do things well?"

Replacement of polls

Harris's campaign team is now advertising in many states aimed at Trump.This includes Arizona, which is almost completely ignored by the Biden campaign team, but Democrats now believe that the state still has hope.The record of 200 million US dollars has wiped Trump's financial leading advantage in just one week.

Bloomberg News/Morning Consult's latest poll data shows that Harris wiped out the overall leadership of Donald Trump in seven battlefield states.The vice president set off a wave of young, female and black voters.In the swing states that may decide the results of the November election, Harris's support rate is 48%, and Trump's support rate is 47%. The two are difficult to win and defeat in statistics.

The Trump campaign team and his allies believe that as voters began to notice their attack on Harris, the enthusiasm behind the vice president will fade.

"Democrats will be replaced, but we will shorten this honeymoon period," the leader of Trump's main super political action committee Make America Great Again Inc. said Taylor Budowich.

Trump has increased his attack on Harris in a series of rally in recent days and other occasions, depicting her as "radical left lunatic" and "incompetent".The new TV campaign criticized her as the "border tsar" of Biden, trying to associate her with the government's unprecedented immigration policy among voters.

"There are many information now, Trump does not have a clear signal that they are more oriented," Terry Haines, founder of Pangea Policy, told Blowberg Surveillance on Tuesday.