Many people believe that the Republican vice presidential candidate Wans is similar to Trump's personality and the same style of acting. It is both a cherishment and a strong union. It is more than enough to defeat any candidate of the Democratic Party.

In fact, this is an illusion, a kind of granted.It is precisely that Wans may be the biggest weakness of Trump.If this year's U.S. presidential election, Trump was eventually defeated to Harris, it must be defeated in Wans' hands, it was the opportunity to make Trump lose into the White House.Many intermediate tickets.

In competitive sports competitions, in addition to a single combat, as long as they are groups or doubles, there are issues that cooperate between players.The cooperation between players can not achieve the effect together.Technology, ability, method, personality, temper, style, characteristics, etc. are all important.Especially the tacit understanding of each other is the key to determining the victory and defeat of the game.For example, many double -do games in table tennis, badminton, and tennis are not the cooperation of technical and ability, but a combination of style and personality.In general, if the offensive ability is strong, it is necessary to be equipped with a high level of defense and a strong consciousness.Otherwise, no matter how strong the two are, it is difficult to achieve good results, and they will become "pig teammates".

It is also manifested in the US presidential election.For example, Obama chose to be a partner at the time because Bayeon has a mild personality and is suitable for being a deputy.Even if he later became president, he started not to talk about rules, completely because his status changed and his power was different.Otherwise, he is always a gentle person in front of Americans, or even Adou.Another example is Trump himself, choosing Pence as a deputy, it is also very suitable.The mild Pence can fight with Trump and let Trump want to do whatever he wants.From Burns to Trump's eye medicine, it may also be a "betrayal" behavior by Trump's unreasonable momentum.Biden chose Harris as a deputy, which originated from the character of both parties, but had a strong desire for presidential power in his heart. Therefore, it also formed a certain complementary.

For Trump, he was originally a person who did not talk about rules, was unsatisfactory, and was very good at opening the river and whatever he wanted.There is a large difference in personality, but in fact, it is very complementary in work.Under such circumstances, whether it is campaign or in the future, the deputy can give Trump more to make up for and block the work vulnerability.

Choose Wan Si, a person who is very similar to his personality characteristics, talks about doing things than herself, do not talk about the rules, also wants to do whatever he wants, and extremely extreme to make a campaign partner. For TrumpA large explosive bag will blow himself up because of Wans' words and deeds at any time.For example, just exposed by the US media, Wans once attacked Harris interviews with gender and fertility in 2021. After Harris eventually became a Democratic presidential candidate, it would become sympathy for Harriska, to Trump withdrawn to Trump.An important detail of hate points.Because, even during the presidential election, the phenomenon of digging walls and exposing each other between candidates often appear, and even the words are extremely inferior.The attack method will vote for Trump.

In particular, it is worth noting that Wans can become Trump's campaign partner and also obtained after "anti -water". Its character itself has problems and will be disdainful of many people.To attack some defects of Harris, it makes people feel that he is a very low person.In other words, when Trump showed extreme behaviors, Wan Si not only could not give him fire, but he would oil the fire, so that the fire burned more, and eventually burned himself.This is not impossible, but it will happen at any time.Naturally, Wans is likely to be Trump's "pig teammate".

On the contrary, if Trump finds a relatively gentle and rational partner, it can effectively make up for his shortcomings. Even if there is a difference in opinions, he will have a profit and no harm to his decisions.If Trump is lucky to be elected this time, in the process of governing in the future, its extreme behavior will become more out of control in Wan Si's oil and vinegar, including international relations and international trade, which will become very bad.

In order to avoid the emergence of extreme ideas and extreme behaviors in the United States, and to prevent the United States from being further split, split, and tearing, American voters, especially middle voters, will tilt to Harris during the voting process.The latest polls released on July 28 showed that after the US President Biden announced the abandonment of the election and support Harris for a week, Harris' support rate rose by eight percentage points, from 35%to 43%to 43%EssenceTrump's support dropped from 40%to 36%.Compared with the last poll results, Trump's support has decreased a lot.This may be reminding Trump that if you want to be elected, I am afraid it is not as simple as what you say.Harris is not Biden, Wans is not Pence, Biden can easily be defeated, and Harris cannot.Pence can give Trump's silent support, and Wans will add chaos to Trump.If Trump fails, it must be defeated in the hands of Wans, not Harris.

Trump at this moment has fallen into a very embarrassing situation. It is not to enter.Many; replacement of Wans, the risk is also very high, according to the character of Wans, it is likely to do extreme behavior.So, is there the third way that can make Trump choose?

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer