On July 29, the Rockets launched the Rockets to attack the Gelan Highland Village and killed 12 Israeli children and adolescents. The Israeli government vowed to start a severe but restrained counterattack.The Israeli drone launched an attack in southern Lebanon on the same day and killed two Allah soldiers; the next day, he attacked 10 targets and killed a true main party warrior.Although the Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu said when inspecting the attacking village that it would make a strong response, Israeli officials revealed to the media that they would severely punish the Allah but not trigger the Middle East War.The United States and other countries have also launched diplomatic mediation to prevent the situation from being out of control.Various signs show that the risk of comprehensive war in the Middle East is still controllable, but all parties cannot also take it lightly.

In order to support Hamas's fighting in Gaza, since the October 7 of last year, the true part of the Lebanon has continued to create incidents on the border between the northern border of Israel.The two sides have been suffering from each other so far, and Israel has repeatedly stated, and at the expense of the fact that the Allah has launched a comprehensive attack.Because when the U.S. conflict broke out, the aircraft carrier combat group was urgently mobilized to the sea outside Israel. The intimidation of the Allah should not be robbed by the fire, and it effectively avoided the conflict upgrade.However, because of the continuous attack of the Allah, Israel was forced to evacuate residents at 2 kilometers in the northern border, and there are still 60,000 people who cannot return to home safely.This is undoubtedly the major cause of Israel to solve the threat of the Lord once and for all.

After half a year of battle, Hamas was basically at the end of Gaza. The Allah's continued provocation has lost its original strategic significance.Therefore, analysis is suspected that the Lord's continued provocation, behind the new round of offensive against Russia to Ukraine, and test the intention of the United States to react.If Israel launches a comprehensive war against the Lord, it is necessary to rely more on US military aid, and then weaken Ukraine's ability to obtain American weapons.In addition, whether the US President Biden retired for healthy reasons, whether he can effectively complete the remaining term and become the focus of attention from all walks of life.It is believed that the Russian and Ukraine War and the conflict of the Middle East to evaluate the current decision of the United States will also affect the development of the situation.

The reason why Israel's provocations on the Lord show restraint may also have their own considerations.First of all, the main purpose of Israel's current purpose is to end Gaza's military operations, so that all the hostages abducted by Hamas are released, and ensuring that Hamas will no longer exist in the future as a political or military force.Before achieving the goal of Gaza, Israel is estimated that it is unwilling to have an outer branch.In addition, long -term war state has caused a lot of impact on the economy.The 300,000 -after army -mobilized troops mobilized to cope with Hamas and Allah seriously crack down on economic output, which caused the economic shrinking 5.2%in the fourth quarter of 2023.Israel is obviously difficult to bear long -term non -peaceful state.

Another key factor in determining the situation in the Middle East is the attitude of supporting the Israeli enemy of the Lord of the Lord.In order to revenge Israel's bombing Iran's consulate in Syria, Tehran launched more than 300 missiles and suicide drones to Israel on April 13, but most of them were intercepted down and did not cause much damage.Although this is the first time that Iran has directly attacked Israeli, the military community believes that the political role of attack methods is greater, and it is obviously explained to domestic radical forces.Therefore, Israel's response was relatively low -key, and did not directly acknowledge the explosion that occurred in Iran.The two sides each found the down steps to avoid conflict upgrades.

The reason why I have not worked as a direct war that has not been worn by Iran has not been in the important reason. One of the important reasons that cannot be denied is that the military strength of the two sides is not equal.Although Iran has never abandoned the development of nuclear weapons, there is still a distance to have nuclear weapons that can be used.But Israel is already a actual nuclear country, and never deny the position of nuclear weapons from the guard.Before achieving the nuclear military plan, in addition to the peripheral organizations such as the Masao and the Hussean armed forces and the launching a small -scale harassment attack on Israel, Iran actually lacks the military strength of the full war with Israel.Therefore, it may be feasible to attack Israel to attack Israel and support it with Israel, which may not fully meet the current interests of Iran.

Although the situation is generally controlled, it is still not optimistic around Israel's security situation.The first is that the conflict of low intensity will not stop, and it is possible to upgrade to the control due to the fire on the fire at any time.The second is that the situation in the Middle East is not in isolation. As mentioned earlier, the relationship between the conflict of Harbin and even the true parties and the Lord of the Lord, the relationship with the Russian and Ukraine war, has also made the possibility of a comprehensive war in the Middle East cannot be ruled out.Therefore, follow -up observation of the situation in the Middle East cannot ignore the trend of the Russian and Ukraine War.In the end, the fierceness of the US presidential election, the differences in the differences in the conflict between Europe and the Middle East, may also affect the development of the situation.How long is the current relatively stable situation, I am afraid that no one is sure.