After the Central Financial Work Conference was held, six state -owned banks in China have completed the symposium with real estate companies, and they all actively expressed their support for real estate enterprises' financing.

The Bank of China announced on Monday (December 4) in the evening of the evening. It is a number of mixed ownership and private housing enterprises such as Greentown Group, Longhu Group, Vanke Group, etc.Development exchanged.On the evening of the same day, the China Postal Savings Bank also released news, saying that the bank had in -depth exchanges with eight real estate enterprises through one -to -one discussion in a one -to -one discussion, and discussed new ideas for cooperation in real estate industry banking and enterprises under the new situation.

plus China Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank, and Bank of Communications that have previously announced discussions with real estate companies. The six major state -owned banks in China have completed communication with real estate companies.

According to Chinese media reports, the seminar of the six major banks and housing companies focuses on the content of the Central Financial Work Conference at the end of October, "One treaty to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate enterprises", and the Bank of ChinaThe State Administration of Finance Supervision and the CSRC proposed on the 17th of last month that "the normal -operated real estate companies do not hesitate to loan, draw loans, and break loans."

The 21st Century Business Herald quoted Xiahai Securities Chief Economist Xia Lei, saying that restoring financing is the first step, but only if the real estate company sells a repayment payment, the ability to independent hematopoietic recovery can real estate companies truly get out of trouble.