Malaysia politics has recently reported that Malaysia's grassroots are under pressure to withdraw from the party leadership and exit BN, making the political situation that was not too calm.Although the core leaders such as UMNO and MCA have come up with rumors, and Malaysia politics is currently in a beer company sponsoring race and religious controversy extended by the Chinese school righteous performance, which led to the issue of MCA's retirement.In addition, under the banner of Barisan Nasional, MCA obtains some official positions in the Government of Johor and Malacca. Therefore, it is generally not believed that MCA will withdraw from the Barisan Nasional at this moment because this will cause them to have nothing.

Of course, for those who are familiar with the Malaysian Political Bureau, MCA's retirement is not a new issue from both aspects.First, MCA's traditional rivals Democratic Action Party, and the Democratic Party, which changed from allies to political opponents after 2018, often challenged MCA to withdraw from BN in recent years.Secondly, the voices that appeared from the inside have appeared three times in the past six years.The first time was in 2018, the Barisan Nasional lost its power four months later.At that time, Yan Bingshou and Zheng Xiuqiang, the leader of MCA Reform, and Zheng Xiuqiang, when the general president of the election and the acting president, claimed to lead MCA to withdraw from the Barisan Nasional.This issue has indeed set off grass -roots arguments within MCA, but as Yan and Zheng defeated, the proposition soon faded out of the grassroots vision, and MCA still had the same goals and enemies as UMNO after this.

After the second time after the election of 2022.At that time, Umno decided to form a government with the Pakatan Harapan. The decision made MCA, which has been in a state of opposition with the DPP for many years, in an embarrassing situation. During this time, the party's grassroots once again rose up the idea of ​​retreating.Of course, in order to resolve this internal emotions, MCA did not join the cabinet. It only supports the decision of Umno Chairman Ahmad Zahi through the form of trust supply.

In order to return to MCA, when Ahmad Zahi was united to build the government, the leader of the party publicly criticized the Prime Minister Anhua and the Pakatan Harapan minister, so that MCA can be a political scene with the attitude of fighters.This largely plays their grassroots.However, MCA's grassroots emotions began to take shape after the six states elections last year, because Umno found that his Malay support was still low in these re -elections.This situation made Ahmad Zahi feel anxious, which caused him to ensure his future with UMNO through the continuous cooperation with the Pakatan Harapan.This anxious emotion made Ahmad Zahi save the steps with the member party, including the steps of UMNO grass -roots leaders, and made various decisions without authorization.

For example, the Barisan Nasional will continue to cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan in the coming election earlier, and there is no consultation with MCA. This incident makes the grassroots of MCA feel marginalized, resulting in the third voices of exiting Barisan Nasional.Of course, in the eyes of most Barisan Nasional and UMNO leaders, this situation is a provocation of political opponents.The chairman of the District Council has stated to the media that MCA can only break through the BNs to break out of the new world. Therefore, there is still a certain real foundation for pressure at the grassroots level.

MCA grassroots have some purpose to achieve in the three retirement demands.The first background was the background of the Barisan Nasional, the UMNO leader, including Ahmad Zahi, has been investigated by the Anti -Corruption Association, and retired to protect himself in Mingzhe; the second background is the embarrassment of political opponents.The Chinese News Agency declared a political position; the last time it was Ahmad Zahi decided to continue to cooperate with the Pakatan Harapan in the next election, and the Ma Guohua News Agency has recently complained about the government's administration.League, especially the DPP party, keeps a distance to ensure that he will not become a gas pocket for the Chinese society.

By borrowing the Umno grassroots, he is dissatisfied with Ahmad Zahi

Of course, in the voices of the MCA at the level of retirement, there is another more circuitous purpose.You know, UMNO will hold a party congress three weeks later.This is a platform for more than 6,000 party representatives of UMNO's three arms. It is also an oath of the party chairman's cousin. Therefore, the UMNO chairman attaches great importance to it.However, at such a critical moment, Malaysia politics actually rumored that Umno grassroots were dissatisfied with Ahmad Zahi. There were two reasons. First, the support rate of Malaysia after Umno and the Pakatan Harapan did not improve;Second, Ahmad Zahi's attitude towards Anwar was docile and lost the hard gas when the unity of the government was initially built.

This dissatisfaction in UMNO is actually very similar to the current retirement emotion in MCA grassroots.Although the dissatisfaction of the MCA's grassroots may not attach great importance to Ahmad Zahi, he never dares to ignore the mood of Umno grassroots.Therefore, MCA released the news that to withdraw from the BN at the moment. It is to try to create the UMNO grassroots at the party through the scene of "Barisan Nasional will fall apart" and "only rely on the Democratic Party in the future" and "in the future.Ahmad Zahi was pressed in the congress to withdraw the decision of the next election with the Pakatan Harapan.

Of course, I believe that the grassroots MCA also fully understand that MCA is a political party composed of Chinese people. It is very difficult to gain a foothold in this political environment mainly Malay.It is difficult to climb the sky, so I believe they are unlikely to leave the BN.What's more, MCA has sponsored the performance of the Chinese school righteous performance in the recently troubled beer company, which means that MCA is currently relatively favorable in the politics. In this caseAdvantage.Therefore, the call of MCA's exit of Barisan Nasional is actually just a shot that the party intended to strengthen its position and pressure UMNO.

The author is a commentator at Malaysia and Assistant Professor of Politics and News of Raman University