Although the resolution has also mentioned that party committees at all levels should be encouraged to "develop and innovate in combination with actual situations, create fresh experiences that can be replicated and promoted", the main environment is still stressEstablishing, etc.

The resolutions adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China include three major sectors, a total of 15 parts, 60, and more than 300 reforms, and determined that it will be completed before the 80th celebration of the People's Republic of China in 2029.Before the meeting, many people, including Chinese official media, are looking forward to that even if the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Central Committee can open up a new era like the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in 1978, at least it must be like the third 3rd Middle School in 2013.As the plenary session, restart the broad reform reform.However, more people believe that, in view of the severe situation in China and abroad, national security will be the primary consideration, so it is not possible to look forward to a new round of liberalized reform with market -oriented, and the possibility of adjusting economic policies on a large scale is not high.

The decision continued the policy set by the Central Economic Work Conference last year: "We must persist in steady progress, promotion, stability, and break first."The focus of reform is not the difficulties at the moment, but the potential to release long -term growth.The total color is "weakening market, tightening supervision, and security priority."As a result, some people were disappointed and believed that these measures had a small impact on the recent growth, and did not respond to issues such as housing bubbles, local debt, insufficient domestic demand, overcapacity, unemployment rate, and foreign investment.

Comprehensive deepening of the entropy of reform

The main characteristics of

"Xi Reform", one is institutional construction, and the other is comprehensive deepening.The decisions around the "institutional mechanism" entries include: build a high -level socialist market economic system; the economic high -quality development system and mechanism; the development of new quality and mechanisms; improve the development of the service industry system;System and mechanism; talent development system and mechanism; deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation and financial system; urban and rural integration and development system mechanism; new urbanization system mechanism; high -level open -opening system mechanism; foreign investment management system; whole process of people's democratic system system; fair law enforcement and judicial systemMechanism; cultural system mechanism; guarantee and improve the people's livelihood system; ecological civilization system; national security system; people's military leadership management system mechanism and so on.The goal is "By 2035, comprehensively build a high -level socialist market economy system, basically realize the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, and basically realize socialist modernization."

"Comprehensive deepening reforms" seem to go hand in hand in all aspects, and the "four beams and eight pillars" are built."Four comprehensive strategic layout, the overall layout of the five in one" was determined at the 18th National Congress of 2012.This approach seems to come from several generations of people who grew up in the Cultural Revolution.Officially said: "Everything is interconnected, interdependent. Only by observing things with generally connected, comprehensive systems, development and changes, can we grasp the development of things." "Adhering to dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we needTo grasp things from the internal connection of objective things, understand problems, deal with problems, be good at seeing reality through history, seeing the essence through phenomena, grasping the overall and local, current and long -term, macro and micro"Special and general relationships."A series of major relations such as fairness, vitality and order, independence and opening up and opening up to the outside world, and use this to collect "great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream.

In terms of epistemology, this set helps the essence and internal connection of things; but in terms of methodology, it is very difficult to operate.Mao Zedong is a master of dialectics. This set of him used in the war in the war, but during the construction period, he had a disaster like a leap forward and the Cultural Revolution.Construction is about science and empirical. Dialectics often become left and right, and people who make people are unpredictable. They wrap people to go to Yunshan and Misty.

But China's system also has advantages: less skin, can be strenuous, and concentrate their strengths.Of course, it is possible to concentrate on the big things, such as the Great Leap Forward.In contrast, the western peeling session is too long, and there is often no major events after reaching an agreement, because major events have become small things in mutual compromise.At the specific policy level, China's system has not delayed a series of decisions, such as delayed retirement, fiscal reform, relaxation of the land system, new taxation (property tax, property tax, etc.), issuance of national bonds, household registration reform, urban and rural areas in the Third Plenary Session.The two -way flow, further open economy (cancellation of foreign ownership restrictions, etc.), promoting fertility policies, and so on.How the effect is another thing, but it can generally correct errors in time.

Thunder areas of institutional construction

It is not enough to build a system alone.In the past ten years, the construction of all aspects of the system has been fruitful, and it is very fascinating on paper. It seems to be able to solve any problems.The effect of institutional construction must be tested because the actual effect is often different from the original intention.For example, the reform of the party and government system does not eliminate corruption, inaction, lying flat, bureaucracy, formalism, etc. Traceism is the product of a new system.The authority of over -centralized damage system -cadres will only turn around the living power characters without turning around the system of death.Excessive centralization will also reduce the autonomous space of the lower level, resulting in insufficient innovation and vitality.

Although the resolution has also mentioned that party committees at all levels should be encouraged to "develop and innovate in combination with actual situations, create fresh experiences that can be replicated and promoted", the main environment is still stressEstablishing, etc.

No matter how the term system is the CCP's leadership represented by Deng Xiaoping, after receiving the painful lessons of the Cultural Revolution, it was difficult to establish it.The guarantee of the new power and new measures; abolition is a heavy blow to the system construction.Another example is large -scale, high intensity, and poor anti -corruption effects for a long time, which is also the result of excessive concentration of power.There is also the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Eighteenth Central Committee to make play to "the decisive role of the market in the distribution of resources", but what the outside world sees is "the people retreat from the country", it is difficult for private enterprises to compete with state -owned enterprises.Make this one.Under the centralized power, any institutional rules or even laws may be receded behind, abandoning.

The official manuscript of Xinhua News Agency is officially withdrawn and may be interpreted by the dilemma of reform.The reform measures and vision listed by the article are all non -false, and the achievements of achievements are undeniable, especially in terms of environmental protection and promotion of high -quality development.However, neither the large framework of politics or the economy has no fundamental breakthrough.A "resolutely not changed", political reform is recovered from the concept, ideology, power structure, and organizational form.Highlighting ideals and beliefs, strengthening discipline supervision, relying on high standards and strict requirements to maintain the advanced and purity of the party. However, the world's conditions have changed. These original software software is not spiritual, but it has strengthened the original system and retains the soil of corrupt privileges.In terms of economic reform, it is relatively comprehensively accepting the concept, value, organization and operation of a set of capitalist market economy, and also introduce capitalist diseases: insufficient market demand, excess capacity, inflation, debt, industrial chain, unemployment, property market market, market market, market marketThe bubbles of the stock market, financial risks, finance and trade deficit.China is also contaminated with the original sin of capitalist: the continuous poverty in huge wealth.

Both have advantages: the market economy has created modern industrial civilization, completely changing the stagnation of economic and social for thousands of years; China's political system guarantees social stability, decision -making and execution, scientific research, education, medical and health and other social undertakings, etc.Public safety has made a comprehensive progress -although it still does not meet the standards of self -righteous Western countries, the government supports high support.China is currently enjoying the advantages of the two.But both have disadvantages: if the market cannot meet the people's longing for a better life -it is entirely possible from the situation of developed western countries; the large government has corruption, privileges, not freedom, unsafe, lack of human rights -from the Soviet Union's from the Soviet Union -from the Soviet Union'sThe situation and some stubborn diseases in China are completely possible, which may cause the nightmares of the two worlds.

The breakthrough of new socialism

Where is the breakthrough point of reform?Here we need to liberate the mind of brain.PoliticallyBreakout, I am afraid to look for democracy in the rule of law and the whole process.Economically, the Chinese Communist Party has also fell into the Consumer Circle Circle of Capitalism, stimulating consumption is the fall of capitalism.If the people are only satisfied with the consumption of well -off, they are unwilling to consume consumption. For the Chinese who have been in the poor years, they are like the New Year every day, and they are very satisfied.Consumerism is to deny these virtues. By destroying the environment, consumption of resources, and a waste of waste to maintain the production method of capitalism, people will always be desperately rolled around money.

Powerful productivity and capacity are the necessary conditions for the basic set of people's livelihood, but in capitalism, it must pass the market demand generated by employment to play a role.The theoretical superiority of socialism is to keep the basic market in the case of insufficient employment, especially the economic growth in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually disconnected from employment, and there may not be enough work positions with high -speed growth.There are two ways to protect the basic market.

First, housing, medical care, education, pension, unemployment insurance and relief, etc., can provide funding guarantee through conventional taxation.

Worried that the burden on the welfare country is capitalist ideas, which is considered a capital account; socialist countries should calculate more physical accounts, production capacity accounts, and develop a series of institutional mechanisms and policies to revitalize the two instead of the two, not, notCapitalist logic that blindly follows production capacity and profits.This is the deserved meaning of creating a new form of human civilization.

Second, directly grasp the production and supply, directly calculate the physical ledger, and use the slogan of the Mao era, that is, "developing the economy and ensuring supply".

At that time, there was a shortage of economy, and supply was in short supply.Due to the development of AI and intelligent automation, as well as the zero -border cost of more and more industries, no artificial production can be gradually realized, making production and employment completely decoupled, and it is not restricted by the price of funds.Production, remove the profit of profit, this formal Marxist ideal.There was no conditional implementation before, which did not mean that it could never be achieved.No artificial production is mainly used to provide basic revenue of the whole people (UBI), so that everyone has a security guarantee.

Based on the basic disk is competition: high -tech, new products, innovation and entrepreneurship, and the market still plays the traditional role.But there is one point: under the protection of the above basic market, anyone can participate in innovation and entrepreneurship without worry, and truly realize the "mass entrepreneurship, innovation" proposed by former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang in 2015, to prevent talent resources in the employment market.Mismatch and waste.It is important to ensure that the competition disk does not erode the basic disk of weakening people's livelihood, so that the two have their own place and their responsibilities.

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore