Fortunately, I was invited to participate in this year's Tourism Awards Ceremony on June 28. The main reasons were: witnessing my lifelong good teacher Li Zhangxiu, awarded the "Tourism Lifetime Achievement Award" and participated in the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Singapore Tourism AdministrationEssence

I was born in 1964.At that time, Singapore was still a member of the Malaysian Federation, a very turbulent year.That year, that year, the founding of the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao decisively established the Singapore Tourism Promotion Agency (editor: Singapore Tourism Bureau's predecessor). It can be seen that his precise insight into the future and trying through the tourism industry to open Singapore's international popularity.After 60 years, we can say that it is benefited from his tendons, making Singapore a dazzling little red dot.

I was responsible for the relocation of Merlion in the Tourism Bureau at that time. Fortunately, referring to the old archives, I learned that in 1967, Lee Kuan Yew proposed the vision of the garden city, and once made a statement, "We cannot change the weather, but we canPlanting trees.It is conceivable that at that time, Singapore, which was just independent, was in the early days of the industry, and the development projects were urgently needed for national limited resources to solve at least four major people's livelihood challenges: housing, education, hygiene, and employment.Tree planting seems the least economic value and the most wasteful of valuable resources.

Singapore is a tropical country in the equator. Hot weather is a reality that Chinese people must accept.But greening is the vision of Lee Kuan Yew's persistence. After tireless efforts to eliminate all difficulties, it has grown 2 million trees for this city, making Singapore a leader in the world under the new movement of environmentally friendly green earth;The city's "brand has also become the international image of Singapore.

In fact, in addition to the vision of the garden city, Li Guangyao's cleanup of the Singapore River initiated in 1977 is also a 10 -year plan. It is a total of 170 million yuan to have a total of 170 million yuan, only to have the current appearance of the Singapore River.Another F1 night car launched in 2015, in addition to trying to use the cool weather at night, the real consideration is to cooperate with the golden broadcast period of the European and North American markets on the other end of the earth.

As Premier Huang Xuncai said at the Tourism Awards ceremony, to attract passengers to visit, the story of Singapore should be better telling.

Due to the rise in prices, Singapore's leisure price is no longer compared with neighboring countries.We must put forward measures to continue to create new willingness and longing for international passengers to avoid the impression of preconceived to future passengers: a expensive and hot tourist destination.

Therefore, instead of waiting for it, I suggest that the official considers the macro -developed night economy and night travel.

Due to the importance of the European and American markets, I know that a group of professional managers have been working at night and connect with the European and American markets.If Singapore can open up all kinds of night activities in various fields, not only travel, I believe that other business areas can also benefit, Singapore can also justify the 24 -hour international city of 24 hours.

The concept of

Night economy is not novel. As early as 1994, Singapore was the first to develop the world's first night zoo.In the early days of tourism development, I never forgot the real economic benefits brought by the night tourism. Every night market, concerts, late -night shopping, catering, etc., all focused on providing people and passengers with a cooler night experience.The ox cart, water night market and food street, which used to be beautiful, is now not as good as ever.The Tourism Bureau launched in 2006 The "Weds Late Night Shopping" plan in 2006 is also cut off because of business considerations.Indeed, compared with the past Singapore, Singapore is already a developed tropical country with reduced local characteristics and expensive consumption.

Although the number of vision passengers in Singapore has almost returned to expand, the night activities of Singapore have actually greatly converged with the past.In addition to ordinary nightclubs and small parts of catering, most of the daily habits of Chinese people are already at 6 o'clock in the evening, dinner at 7 o'clock in the evening, fitness at 8 o'clock, watching the news at 9 o'clock, and sleeping at 10 o'clock.

Due to the climate, night activities are relatively lacking, so night economy will be a macro vision.If we really look at the economic development at night, I suggest that the relevant departments carefully explore the feasibility. The first task is to be clearly recognized by the decision makers at the political level.Secondly, relevant support in various government departments, especially in regional planning, industrial development, transportation support, financing and budget support.

For example: The noise brought by the dislike of the Chinese people now affect tranquility near their home and tend to complain. Therefore, when choosing in the region, it is necessary to avoid residential areas.Regional options will be a big challenge.We can consider starting from the existing tourist areas such as the Uridar Road and the Singapore River, to prioritize the priority to solve the factors that people may oppose noise.Another advantage of these existing passengers gathering areas is that the existing source source will accelerate the development of the night economy.

Public transportation is the main factor to boost the night economy.It is expensive and unrealistic to require Chinese people to rely on private transportation such as private cars or Dushi to participate in night activities.If you have this determination, the Land Transport Authority can consider gradual progress, start with a limited area and timetable to extend the bus service time, further encourage Chinese people to move more at night, and then promote night economic activities.

Consider the use of public space in appropriate amount, such as closing the road of cars on Urcel Road.Avoid blindly commercialization, consider making creative people contribute time, and operate snacks or stalls on the road at night.The night tour of many Asian cities has also emerged because of the wishes and creativity of the people.

The author is a tourism consultant