Source: China News Agency

Since the athlete Zhang Jialang won the first Olympic gold medal since the return of Hong Kong at the Tokyo Olympic Games, this niche movement (Hong Kong is called "Sword Strike") has gradually entered the vision of Hong Kong citizens to set off a wave of learning fencing.The boom.At this Paris Olympics, Jiang Yan and Zhang Jialang have accepted a gold medal in the Hong Kong team of the Chinese Hong Kong team on the fencing project.

Looking back at history, the development of fencing sports in Hong Kong has germinated after World War II. At that time, international students who returned to introduce this movement into Hong Kong.In the 1960s, the fencing movement began to root in Hong Kong campus and develop steadily, but at that time, the Hong Kong fencing movement was still amateur.In the 21st century, Hong Kong began to have special training institutions.Zhang Jialang's first winning championship made the Hong Kong fencing training institution sprung up like a rain.As of now, 46 fencing training institutions belonging to the Hong Kong Sword Fighting Association have reached 46.

"After the last Olympics Zhang Jialang won the gold, our institutions had hundreds of more people to learn fencing, and the number of people rose two or three times."New News Agency reporters said that in Hong Kong society, many things are required for star effects, as well as sports.Many citizens are interested in the fencing after watching the live broadcast of the bloody competition, so as to slowly understand the rules and try further.

As he said, the reporter will check several Hong Kong fencing training institutions for several days, and found that the number of registrations or queries received in this Olympic Games has increased from the Olympic Games.The fun of fencing.To this end, many training institutions may open classes, or add coaches to meet the needs of rapid growth.

"Zhang Jialang is a native of Hong Kong. Many children will think that Zhang Jialang can win gold. It means that he also has this possibility that he can become the next Zhang Jialang."In 2002, he founded the Hong Kong Sword Strike School for the fencing athletes, hoping to promote the previous unpopular movement of fencing.

Today, the fencing movement has gradually matured in Hong Kong.Jiang Weimeng, coach of the Enlightenment of Jiang Yan, said that the reason why fencing is popular in Hong Kong. In addition to Hong Kong athletes achieve excellent results in international competitions and break the dominant position of European athletes for the project, it is also due to the accumulation of investment over the years.The quantitative change "completes the" qualitative change ".

Of course, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has promoted the elite, prosperalization, and popularization of sports development for many years. In recent years, it has joined industrialization and professionalization as the direction of development.The success will also prompt the SAR government to invest more resources to support the development of sports.In the 2023 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive's Policy Report, it is mentioned that the SAR Government will continue to provide a number of recreational facilities, including a gymnasium with fencing training and competition equipment.

"I am glad to see that the resources that the SAR Government has been put in recent years has gradually achieved results." Zheng Yongshun, vice chairman of the Hong Kong Large Sports Activity Commission and a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said that he hopes that the SAR government will put more after the Olympic Games.Resources allow the "Wuhua" work to develop balanced.He also suggested that the fencing movement can be regarded as the Hong Kong brand sports project, accelerating the planning and building a special fencing venue, and supporting the popularization of fencing, professionalization, and eventual affairs.