Biden, who has receded the election, still has six months of office, but whether it can be fulfilled, there is also a variable, because the Republicans have smelled the bloody smell and are pressured him to resign immediately.In front of Lao Qiao, it is cruel political reality.

Under the tremendous pressure of Golden Lord, the Great Lao and public opinion in the party, the 81 -year -old US president Biden Bynden had to make a decision to refund, so it was not a decent exit to leave the game.Not to mention the way to make the younger generation.But this is a rare thing in the history of the United States, and it also allows us to see the reality of many American presidential elections away from the ideal of the original democracy.

The general view is that on the evening of June 27, the TV debate with Trump performed poorly and became the last straw that crushed Biden.Whether Biden has suffered from Alzheimer's performance, his performance in the eyes fully exposed his old and dull.Therefore, no matter how unconvinced Biden himself, Biden himself did not recognize the old, but the polls were very politely explained that the gap between him and Trump was getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the various forces that support the Democratic Party have to face reality. Although Yi Shuai is a taboo before the battle, if it is supported, the Democratic Party will face heavy losses, including losing the Senate may just lose the Senate.The dominant power of one vote.Therefore, the Golden Lord, the Da Lao and the Media, such as the New York Times, have repeatedly dismissed.

The New York Times rarely published the editorial committee's editorial the next day at the debate, calling on Bayeng to withdraw from the election. Another Democratic party in November President Trump, who challenged the presidential election in November.The debate will be arranged by Biden's initiative. Therefore, the editorial said that the debate proves that Biden "has not failed to give himself"; the greatest public service that Biden can now provide is to declare that he will no longer continue to run for re -election.

At this point, Biden still insists on choosing.But the next greater pressure came, the Democratic Party campaign fundraising team found that the source of the campaign donation suddenly died.This shows that the Democratic Party's gold owner is also annoyed. They obviously reached the conclusion that Biden was hopeless.There is no force for the forced palace to be more powerful than this, because there is no money to run in the United States, and it is necessary to spend tens of millions of yuan of advertising costs on TV for campaign and publicity on TV.

It has been reported that from Lincoln to Trump, the cost of US presidential elections has increased by 250 times after the inflation rate.In 2016, Trump's election of Hillary, some reported that it cost about $ 1.2 billion (about S $ 1.6 billion), while others were calculated to be as high as $ 2.4 billion or higher.In fact, no one really knows what the two -party campaign expenses are.It can be known that the cost is increasing day by day.So some people say that US politics has become politics.

The Supreme Court of the United States made a historic judgment in 2010, arguing that political donations belong to the category of freedom of speech, which has lifted the restrictions on political donations, and also led to rich people and various vested interest groups to political influence on politics.Increase also led to the rise of the so -called "Dark Money".This is a great reality of the US elections today.If you want to run, you can't.Trump is a tycoon and has a certain financial resources, but Democrats are not.Once the gold owner is closed, the candidate may not be able to go on because of the lack of funds, and may even bear the debt after the election.

Bayon's behavior and speech in many public occasions has repeatedly explained that he is a candle in the wind, and it has increasingly strengthened people's views on him for four years.But he has been nominated by the Democratic Party, and he must adhere to the end.To be honest, in the past few years, Biden's performance did not let his gold master and the power behind (that is, the "deep country" referred to by Trump, Deep State, and the translation of the deep government and the dark forces).Although he may be ambitious, he is not forgiving.After the TV debate was defeated, unfortunately came one after another.On July 14, Trump suddenly shot during a lecture on an outdoor element in Pennsylvania, and suddenly raised his momentum.Biden can only sigh: God destroys me too!Seeing that the general trend has gone, what Jinzhu considers is how to reduce damage, not to retain the face of an old politician with a lot of energy.

Bynden announced the withdrawal, and was changed by the vice president Harris (she had a Chinese name He Jinli).US media reported that the first week after Harris took over, it raised a $ 200 million campaign.The polls of the Democratic Party have also been released one after another, saying that Harris has shortened or even surpassed Trump's support.Is this true, many people are reserved.There is another unknown, which is Harris's vice -element who has not yet exposed the stage.Who will this person?What will affect the election?It is currently unknown.

The American society is severely divided. The Republican Democratic parties represent different social groups. They have their own support sectors, but they are indispensable for the funding of the Golden Lord.Trump has selected a young dark horsewan as a campaign partner this time. Although this person has only two years, he has received some new golden owners such as Silicon Valley tycoon Peter Thiel and Tesla.The support of the boss Musk.These gold owners obviously see that he has the opportunity to inherit the political cause of Trump, so he puts long -term fishing fish.Wans was a critic of Trump and described Laote as Hitler in the United States.But later, I saw that Trump's back market looked at it, and he turned to the rudder with the wind, invested in supporting camps, and became a young version of Trump.

In addition to the individual or family gold owner with a great fortune, the United States has more political influence is several huge industry groups, including petroleum, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, firearms, arms, etc. The Republican Party has also introduced conservative religious forces.Among them, the well -known military -industrial complex has certain control or restraint capabilities for the US military, defense and diplomacy.These large groups must try to protect their own interests anyway, and it is difficult for general politicians to get rid of their influence.Bayeng came to power, and people thought he would make a difference at first, but he did not expect that he was practiced by Trump.During his tenure as Vice President, he established a good relationship with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Unfortunately, he did not make good use of this relationship (or it should be said to be involuntary).Opportunity.

Bynden's decision to run for re -election has aimed at Trump, describing Trump as a threat of American democracy.In the speech published a few days after the announcement, he did not forget: "Nothing can stop us from saving democracy, including personal ambitions." Political figures in the United States have to hang democracy on their mouths.What is truly political is the deep political forces behind them. Even if there is any personal ambitions, the basic political status quo cannot be changed in the end.For an old man who has been trembling, there is nothing ambitious.Biden, who receded the election, still has six months of office, but whether it can be Manchu can also have variables, because Republicans have smelled blood and are putting pressure on him to resign immediately.In front of Lao Qiao, it is cruel political reality.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress