Source: Bloomberg

Although the United States and Europe have criticized China to help the war machines in Moscow, the positioning of Chinese President Xi Jinping on its own peaceful creator to end the Russian and Ukraine War.

Moscow and Kyiv are facing pressure to end the war at home and abroad.Chinese officials received a senior Ukraine official last week. This is the first time since the outbreak of the conflict.Both parts of Ukraine have issued signals that they are willing to negotiate.

Special envoy Li Hui was sent to Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia on Sunday to "accumulate conditions for restarting peace talks."None of these countries have followed the United States to impose sanctions on Russia.

If Trump won the November election, the most important allies in Ukraine and other European countries in the United States may have a significant shift in foreign policy. Trump has said that if he win the election, it will end in Ukraine within 24 hours.In the war, his campaign partner James Wans has been criticizing the United States to support Kiev.

Alexander Gabuev, director of the Cunki Russian Eurasian Center, said China has not changed its position, but saw a window to make itself a stronger participant.He predicts that related peace talks may be carried out this year.

Gabuev said, "China is preparing for a few rounds of talks in the future, and U.S. President Joe Bayeng, who is about to step down, may also want to reach an agreement to add a sum to its own foreign policy heritage. Beijing also wants to share some results.Showing the constructive role played by the war and won the international reputation as a result. "

The Ukrainian government has previously announced that it is open to Putin's attending the second round of Peace Summit, which is one of the conditions for China to attend the summit.Although China claims to be a potential mediation person in Russia and Ukraine's relations, the support provided by Russia to Russia in Beijing has made the outside world doubt that it is "neutral" it claims.

According to Bloomberg news earlier, Italian Prime Minister Meloni believes that if Trump withdrew the United States' support for Ukraine, Xi Jinping will become an important interest -related person who affects the situation in Russia.The extremely right -wing leader visited China this week to establish a closer connection with Xi Jinping.

Zelei once emphasized in an interview with Bloomberg News that China and the United States can become a "potential mediation person" in peaceful negotiations.Although the United States and Europe threatened to impose sanctions on Chinese banks on Russia issues, Ukraine still maintains contact with China.

When Kulbaba visited China, China led several hostinal matters in Palestine to sign an agreement to establish a temporary reconciliation government.Although the agreement that this is known by the Chinese declaration lacks details about how serious opponents such as Hamas and Fatheh will cooperate, it marks the rise in Beijing's overseas influence.

Wang Yili, a professor of international relations of Renmin University of China, said that China will play a more important role in peaceful negotiations, creating peace and dialogue, not only in the Middle East and Ukraine, but even globally.

Wang Yili added that this is because the "Global Southern" countries increasingly trust that China does not interfere with the internal affairs.Wang Yili said that Ukraine will treat China's support for any peace plan as a sign of Russia.

However, Kulba did not go to Beijing last week, but just talks in Guangzhou, which also highlights China's cautious attitude on the Ukrainian issue.Later, he also went to Hong Kong to warn the Hong Kong government leaders not to help Russia evade US sanctions.

Europe may want to obtain a guarantee that Russia will not further expand through Ukraine solutions.People are increasingly worried that Putin may expand his ambitions to the Baltic countries, thereby a greater conflict with the outbreak of NATO.

Ja Ian Chong, an associate professor of political science at the National University of Singapore, said that it is unclear whether the Chinese government is willing or capable of making Russia a commitment to restraint.

Chong added, "On the surface, the Chinese government is using Ukraine to achieve its own purposes, rather than taking any actual steps for peace."