U.S. President Biden and its assistants planned to create a confident atmosphere when the 75th anniversary summit was established in Washington on Tuesday night in Washington.

The information they want to pass to Russian President Putin and other potential opponents is that after two years after the Russian and Ukraine War, a larger and stronger Western allies group has appeared. This group has appeared.More committed to opposing aggression.

But with 38 world leaders arrived in Washington from Monday, this confidence seems to be in danger.The uncertainty about whether Biden continued to run for re -election, and the urgent possibility of former President Trump came to power again, even covered him with a shadow even before the summit officially started.

Trump has claimed that NATO is "outdated" and threatened the United States to withdraw from NATO. He also recently stated that he would let Russia "do anything casually" to the members of NATO in his opinion.Recently, as Trump led in polls after the general election debate, the major allies in Europe have begun to discuss what Trump has been elected again to NATO, and whether NATO can not use American weapons, funds and funds andIntelligence collection is the issue of competing with Russia.

On Tuesday night, Biden will welcomes leaders of all countries in the huge Andrew Meron Auditorium, which is huge in the White House.The Treaty of NATO was signed in this auditorium in 1949. It was President Truman who presided over the signing ceremony.Biden was only six years old, and the Cold War just started.

Biden is 81 years old. He may be the most determined NATO advocate in the US government. With the return of the conflict of superpowers, the organization has increased from 12 member states in 1949 to 32 today.However, leaders of various countries will closely observe every move of Biden on Tuesday night, pay attention to every sentence of him, and find the signal that Americans are also paying attention -whether he can persist in the presidential position for four years.

Bynden knew this and said in an interview with George Stannoperos from the Broadcasting Corporation on Friday that he was willing to accept this review."Are there any people who unite NATO like me?" The president asked.He said, "I think it is a good way to judge me.""Come and listen. See what they say."

The leaders of NATO arrived in Washington and acknowledged that NATO is facing the test they did not expect: whether the organization can reliably maintain the unprecedented fragile of its confidence in its most important member states,The momentum formed.

And they know that Putin and China are also watching.

"NATO is never, not now, and in the future, it will never be an established fact," said During a wide range of exchanges with reporters on Sundays on Sunday, he was about to step down as the position of NATO Secretary -General."We have successfully cooperated for 75 years. I believe that we will continue to cooperate in the future. But this is related to political leadership and political commitments."

In the months before the summit, NATO has prepared two -handed possibility for Trump.NATO is setting up a new headquarters to ensure that even if the United States withdraws from NATO under the leadership of Trump, the organization can also provide Ukraine with long -term weapons and military assistance.

But in the conversation with NATO leaders, they can clearly feel that they plan to modernize the army of various countries to prepare for decades of confrontation with Russia, but their military budget has not increased accordingly.

NATO has now more than 20 member states to achieve the goal of using 2%of the total production value of national production. Some countries have fulfilled their commitments after Trump's requests. Other countries areBeginning with Russia's invasion of Ukraine began to achieve promises.The target of this proportion was formulated more than ten years ago. The biggest threat at that time seemed to be terrorism, but many assistants of Biden said that the goal seemed to be far less than the task at hand.

In Europe, Germany has proposed a plan to upgrade its military capabilities to curb the Russian aggression. This reform is promised by German Chancellor Olav Schilderz a few weeks later in Russia.However, the magnificent plan of Sharz has not yet received a budget payment that matches it, and the political issues that have been supported by the public's support have been proven to be so difficult, so that German officials refused to put the price tags on these plans.

Co -chairman of the European Foreign Relations Commission and former Swedish Prime Minister Karl Belt recently wrote that in order to "effectively curb the threat from the Russian regime from increasingly adventurous Russia", European countries "need to (military expenses) budgetDouble.

Nevertheless, the White House officials said on Monday that Biden would not promote the formulation of new military expenditures.

But for Biden and Shulz, the problem is even more urgent to avoid conflicts with the Ukrainian President Zeiski on the question of describing Ukraine how to eventually join NATO.

Last year, when Zelei went to the NATO annual conference in Vilnius, who went to Lithuania, he expressed dissatisfaction with Ukraine's lack of timetable to NATO."There is no timetable on inviting and approval of Ukraine to join NATO. This is unprecedented and ridiculous," he wrote on social media at the time.

After arriving, he was temporarily appeased. NATO promised that Ukraine could not be subject to some of the hardships that other countries had to withstand before joining NATO.

Danjo's member states have negotiated for several months in solving the wording of this problem, and do not allow Ukraine, which is still in a war state to join NATO.

Negotiations have adopted a new method in recent weeks.Diplomats participating in the negotiations said that NATO is expected to eventually join NATO as "irreversible."

Although "irreversible" sounds clear, this statement does not solve the core requirements of Zerrenzki, when it can be incorporated into NATO umbrella.

Although the situation of Zerrenzky is obviously the most urgent, it is far from the only situation.

The purpose of the establishment of NATO at the beginning of the Cold War was to curb the threat of the Soviet Union. After 75 years, although Russia had invaded Ukraine, some current and potential future leaders in NATO members seemed to sympathize with Russia's diplomatic begging.

Hungarian Prime Minister Olban visited Russia a few days ago. When he delivered a public speech with Putin, he did not criticize Russia's invasion or continue to attack civilians.He hinted that he was looking for peaceful negotiations under similar conditions as Russia.

The White House criticized the visit on Monday.The National Security Council spokesman John Kobe said that the interview of the Olban "really does not seem to have effect on the problem of solving the Ukrainian issue." It also added, "Visiting is worrying."

But in order to avoid any public differences on the NATO Summit, Stoltenberg did not criticize Olban, but pointed out that "the NATO allies communicate with Moscow in different levels in different levels."

Nevertheless, he hinted that seeking reconciliation will not bring the ultimate peace when the Ukrainian war in Putin has made progress."We all want peace," Stoltenberg said."It is always a possibility to end the war by losing the war. But this will not bring peace, which will bring occupation, and occupation is not peace."