Northeast and Southeast Asia's recent two major diplomatic activities reflect the two different development trends.The United States, Japan, and South Korea's three nations signed a memorandum of "Security Cooperation Framework" in Tokyo on July 28, showing the importance of safety issues.The Asian Foreign Minister's Meeting issued a joint bulletin on July 27, emphasizing the integration of economic cooperation, reducing the gap between development and infrastructure connectivity, and highlighting economic cooperation.Regional economic cooperation requires a peaceful and stable environment, but the confrontation between the United States and China and even the developed countries in the West and China are increasingly tense. It is manifested in the international game in this region. It is not only not conducive to economic and trade cooperation, but may even subvert regional peace, which leads to unimaginable consequences.Essence

As the most important country in East Asia and the world's second largest economy, China is undoubtedly the core key to East Asia's "safe or development" dilemma.Although the US -Japan -Korea Defense Mission has no specific name, they emphasized that in the joint statement that they strongly opposed the attempts to unilaterally change the status quo in the Pacific Sea of ​​India, Xiangzhuang dances is very clear.The "Second Canadian Meeting" held on the same day of Japan and the United States Foreign Minister and the Defense Minister not only strengthened the Japanese and US military commands, expanded deterrence, but also publicized the "Peigong" identity.Strategic Challenge ".In addition to military cooperation, the United States, Japan and South Korea also rejected China in economy.On June 26, the Three Kingdoms Business Ministers held in Washington agreed to strengthen security and toughness in the fields of semiconductors, clean energy, key minerals, network security and artificial intelligence.

On the other hand, Southeast Asian countries have established increasingly close economic and trade relations with China.The economic integration of Asian'an is inseparable from economic and trade cooperation with China, including the Mekong sub -regional cooperation mechanism, and the accumulated influence of China's sustainable large -scale infrastructure investment in Southeast Asian countries.Therefore, in the face of the overflowing impact of confrontation between the United States and China, Asianan repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to establish an open and inclusive strategic structure, focus on economic construction, and avoid the peace and stability of the regional conflict to destroy international conflicts.But this wish is facing increasing resistance.Following the United States, Japan and South Korea's sword referring to China, the United States, together with Japan, Australia, and India, a four -party security dialogue held a foreign minister meeting in Tokyo on July 29, and jointly stated that "I feel deeply worried about the situation in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and reiterates the strong strong situation.Opping any unilateral action to try to change the status quo through force or coercion. "

The attention of security issues seems to have surpassed the efforts of economic cooperation, especially when China -Western relations are becoming increasingly opposed.In addition to the North Korean nuclear threats, the sovereignty disputes of the China -Japan East China Sea, the stalemate of the Taiwan Strait, and the conflict between China and the China China Sea are easily derailed.The US military preparation in East Asia is more ominous.The US -Japan "two plus and two meetings" decided to reorganize the US military in Japan into the United Force Command, which was commanded by the Indian Pacific Command.It will cooperate with the Joint Combat Command established with the Japanese Self -Defense Force in this year to respond to the security crisis in Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula.It is not difficult to imagine that the next move is to incorporate the US and the Korean army in South Korea.

Faced with these disturbing development, it is no wonder that Foreign Minister Venwen emphasized that after the meeting of the Asian Foreign Minister's meeting, the current challenge of Asian'an is to show that the region does not want to repeat the mistakes of Europe and Gaza, and the split line occurs.Security barriers to conflict with great powers.As an organization that coordinates the relationship between member states and regions and even the major countries, Asians have always emphasized their central status in order to maintain the dominant ability of regional peaceful development.Therefore, maintaining an impartial position between the games of the great power has become the best choice of Asia's fine security.However, the deterioration of the international opposite situation has squeezed the space of Asia's Diplomacy; the degree of unity within Asia in Asia also occurred in disadvantages.

A major challenge faced by the status of the Yaiman Center is Myanmar, where the civil war has expanded, and is gradually sliding to the abyss of the failure of the country.The Myanmar Military Government seems to be out of control in the conflict with domestic democratic armed forces and the conflict of various nations and local armed forces.This will probably drag the international image of Asia's carefulness.How to help solve the set is a major problem that plagues Ya'an.In addition, some member states have different relationships with China and may also weaken internal unity.Compared with the Philippines in the South China Sea, the dependence of Cambodia and Laos' dependence on Chinese investment in Cambodia will inevitably affect the consensus of Asia Gyeong's condensing and stable China.

At the international level, in November this year's U.S. presidential election process, two consecutive major changes have occurred. For example, the former President Trump was shot shot. President Biden suddenly announced his retirement to the world and invest in global geopolitics.Multi -variables are particularly easy to cause misjudgment from American opponents and allies.For example, the judgment of Harris and Trump's victory will definitely affect Israel's next plan in Gaza; Lebanon Albon suddenly attacked Israel on July 26, and killed 12 young people and children, causing Israel to attack southern Lebanon in southern LebanonThe situation is retaliated, and the situation is constantly upgrading. In the end, Iran is probably involved in Iran. Once the war in the Middle East expands, it will inevitably disperse the US military auxiliary capabilities.This series of linkage relationships continue to attract attention, making many people worry.The recent strengthening of military deployment in Asia in the United States has also shown that the judgment of regional peace has become pessimistic.