People like to use examples of cars and electric lights to prove the significance of technology replacement.However, the automotive industry and the electrical industry brings far more than the employment and wealth that far exceeds the carriage and candle industry.Is the radish running the same?... The driver's position is replaced. Will there be some emerging positions in the society to make them transfer?Unfortunately, I haven't seen it.

Recently, the topics related to driving driverless driving have attracted widespread attention from China and even the world.Radish running is an unmanned taxi carried by Baidu's Baidu Apollo's sixth -generation intelligent system solution.Users can call a car through the "radish fast run" application (APP). After the vehicle is reached, enter the four -digit authentication of the mobile phone number of the ride on the right rear window to open the door and directly send the passengers to the destination.Overall use is more convenient.

Unmanned attempts have long been there. There are Tesla's FSDs in the United States, and China also has several domestic giants fighting hard in this field.Which city in the world dares to be the first in the world, the first commercial market for driving driving to driver?The answer is Wuhan, China.Due to personal reasons, it has been in Wuhan for a long time in the past few years.More than three years ago, I frequently saw radish running on the streets. Sometimes there were drivers inside, and sometimes it was really a driverless mode.At the beginning, it is not very spiritual, and from time to time, there will be some silly mistakes.Wuhan citizens gave the car nickname, called "苕 radish", and "苕" meant stupid in dialects.However, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and Baidu's scientific and technological talents are undoubted.finally.Radish running in August 2022 and officially put into commercial operations in Wuhan.Wuhan also officially became the world's first city.

Radish running at the beginning was not much to enter the vehicle, and the attention was not too high.But since this year, it is obvious that Baidu has been working hard.It is said that the radish car in Wuhan has reached 1,500 vehicles in June this year.The corresponding market promotion is also in full swing. In June alone, the amount of radish running for radish in Wuhan alone exceeded 3 million. At present, it is about 4 yuan per 6 kilometers, which is much cheaper than traditional taxis.

The successful test water of radish running quickly brings a business feast directly.Baidu claims that radishes can soon achieve profitable running in Wuhan, and they have already conducted trial operation in more than a dozen cities in China, and they can be rolled out on a large scale.The capital market also gave a very active response. Baidu's stock suddenly moved all the way. On a certain trading day in July, it directly increased by more than 10%.Not only on Baidu, the entire driverless sector in China has risen with the water, and several companies directly have daily limit.In the United States on the other side of the ocean, this field is also upsurge. Tesla, as the leader, relying on its own FSD autonomous driving solution and high expectations of business prospects, the stock has recently risen by more than 40%.

According to the user experience, the radish running is cool. When you see the car you call slowly, there is no one inside, and many people will have an illusion.But it really cut into the public's life, so many people are hotly discussed that whether individuals can also have a radish running, pick up and get off work in the morning and evening, let it be on the road to make money on the road, no electricity, no electricity, no electricity, no electricity.I went to charge myself and dirty myself to wash my car. I do n’t need to stop for 24 hours. The parking fee is saved. Is n’t it beautiful?

Small story reflects the helplessness after the technical breakthrough

From a technical perspective (my professional), radish running depends on pure visual solutions. The strong support of the Chinese government allows Baidu to get a large number of real self -driving picture data for model training.Baidu and even Bitsla have advantages (currently leading about two years).With the accumulation of training data, the parameters of the model can be continuously optimized.In the end, simply speaking, radish running can be equivalent to an old driver with decades of experience, and it does not know tiredness and can drive for 24 hours a day; it has a high sense of safety and will strictly abide by various traffic regulations. See it to see it.Knowing what is the best response strategy in various circumstances; it is honest and simple, and will not go around to cheat money or hit customers.Radish running will not be absolutely safe, but its accident rate can be easily lower than the average accident rate of taxi drivers.Data from Wuhan, 3 million orders in June, the accident rate is zero.

The progress of human technology is unstoppable, just like the electric lamp replaced the candle, the car replaces the carriage, and the taxi driver is replaced by driverless driving. It may be just a matter of time.However, when we are really in the change of this era and really contacting ordinary workers, after the excitement of technical breakthroughs, there may be a sense of helplessness of cold ice.

I often take a taxi or online car to and from the Optics Valley and Airport in Wuhan. The journey is 60 kilometers and the time is about an hour.Many hours of this one, so that I can talk to many taxis drivers at close range.The driver of Wuhan drove for 10 hours or more than 12 hours a day. It only takes two days a month. The earning income and the average social income of the earnings will even be lower or even lower.Most of them are straightforward, and they do n’t speak around. They ca n’t speak politely.Everyone has everyone's story, impressed, I am willing to write four.

A mother with a friendly and high degree of culture. Her only son is studying in Wuhan. In order to see her son more time, she also chooses to open a car to deal with the living expenses in Wuhan.The second is an engineer. There is a son who makes him proud of him. He has good quality and studies. He studied in the best middle school in Wuhan. He has a variety of tutoring and extracurricular activities in his son.For his son, the dad drove four hours after work every day after get off work.The third is a rural guy in a foreign country and a veteran. When he thought of hard work, he chose to drive a taxi as the first job in this city.The fourth place is a bit tragedy. From the northern provinces far away from Wuhan, unfortunately, the three children have two serious health problems. His own small business is getting more and more losing in the current economic situation.Open it for a long time every day. When you are tired at night, take out the quilt from the trunk, rest in the car, and continue to drive, just to raise some medical expenses.

Technical progress really affects the interest distribution mechanism

Scientific and technological progress should be to bring people better life, or at least conducive to the overall development of society.However, radish running brings a cold reality. The volume of 1,500 vehicles is small compared to the overall taxi of Wuhan, but this is not a large amount.Driver's income.The current reports are that the driver's income has fallen from RMB 400 (about 74 yuan) to 300 yuan or even less from the most impacted areas.This is easy to understand. The radish runs 3 million more, which is the reduction of 3 million orders that the driver master decreases.

People like to raise cars and electric lights to prove the significance of technology replacement.However, the automotive industry and the electrical industry brings far more than the employment and wealth that far exceeds the carriage and candle industry.Is the radish running the same?Behind the banquet of capital and the business success of the boss is countless mentioned above. The mother -in -law's mother, the father of Wangzi Jackie Chan, the guy of the whole heart, and the warriors fighting with fate.These people can only tremble under the squeeze of capital and technology.Can they get a scoop in this feast?Or the driver's position is replaced, will there be some emerging positions in the society who come out to transfer them?Unfortunately, I haven't seen it.

Radish running in the current social change led by AI technology may only be regarded as a small water droplet, but it really reflects digital gaps, unfair technical dividends, and ethical risks of AI breakthroughs.The technological progress itself may only be neutral at the moment. The real impact depends on the interest distribution mechanism and the care of the impact on the impactful disadvantaged people.It is hoped that humans will have enough wisdom to truly control the AI ​​beast through effective policies and social measures.

The author is a Singaporean who works in Shanghai