White in the United States must be both, and hate the outside world. He is not strong in his own work ability, and has not enough thinking to understand the weakness of the real world.

The United States in the past few weeks can be described as a dramatic shock in a century.Trump ghosts escaped the life and death, and once again became a supporter idol with superhero spirit, that is, he did not support his viewers like the author, and could not help but condemn the irrational political violence.EssenceIn the debate, the old -fashioned Biden was even more deadly.After all, the only strong power of the world in the world, in an environment of turbulence and internal division, the people's hearts need a strong man to lead, not to mention that this strong man appears with the attitude of victims.

What's more noteworthy is that the campaign combination of Trump and Wans not only achieves the balance of new and old combinations in age, but also directly responded to the majority of inland areas and the people in the United States.Become a demand for the victim of the globalization, and Wanz just "from the middle of the masses."All of this, as well as the prospect of leading the US internal affairs and diplomacy, make people who have to face even if they do not like and disagree.

As an autobiographical autobiographical work that causes strong response, the authors of the countryside, and a bitter child from a bad family, a deep understanding of the fate of the people of the white people at the bottom of the peopleIn the rust belt thinking method.

This kind of thinking is characterized by: First, it is believed that white people should enjoy unsolved privileges and always live the American dream in the middle of the last century. The white man relies on a stable and good job to support the whole family and has a room.There are two or three children's perfect lives in a car and dogs; second, once this ideal life is descended by the mid -20th century, the globalization of the US capital lead and the US government's wave of globalization is destroyed.Self -abandonment in life (Du Weiming in the book of Confucianism, he has long revealed that the "middle class gestation" in American culture depends on the money dimension. Once frozen is in adversity, the spiritual collapse is revealed).The essence of it is a big capital consortium that does not dare to facing the problem in moral courage.It should be noted that the United States is an out -of -the -box capital country. Even the citizenship test must take a serious test of your American basic economic system called capitalism.Torture, I dare not come out at the atmosphere. How can there be a noise around the ground for a while, and I can eat the bento and even get cash compensation on the spot (I have received 200 yuan in China Southern Airlines).

Analysis of the Big Research 1 Analysis of American Contemporary Culture contradictions

The globalization led by the United States has caused capital, technology, and employment opportunities to move out. Even if import and export imbalances, a considerable part of imports are caused by American companies outsourcing.In fact, this simple principle does not wait for today's Chinese economists to repeat and bitterly interpret the nature of the "deficit" as a new phenomenon. In fact, American products have returned to the United States in the form of "origin China" abroad.Essence

In 1987, the English reflection of the Chinese Political and Economic Theorist Daqian Yichi in 1987 (Beyond National Borders: Reflections on Japan and the World) has long revealed the essence of Japan -US trade imbalance."American product products appear in Japan", which clearly analyzes the strange appearance of Japan's election politics in the United States, and is often used as a scapegoat -sisted sheep that is lost in the United States.: When American consumers make personal decisions, they want to buy the best and cheapest products without the origin of the origin, but when they mention "work and their own country", they have become "Americans".In other words, the inner logic contradictions of the Americans "both need", and the opportunityism in the bones: it must take advantage of cheap products and their own high salaries.And want to look patriotic again.

Daqian Yiyi even analyzes the national characteristics and management models of the United States without dedication, that is, because there are a lot of educational and intellectual standards, and they are not really dedicated, Americans are good at printing all instructions into details into details.Handbook.Here, the American management model was praised on the surface, but in fact, it was scoffed at the real quality of ordinary Americans.

As far as the Chinese people are plagued by the Chinese people, why the residents of the United States rust belt are angry with China to snatch the opportunity of work opportunities in China, and the APerade Yichi also answered in the context of trade in Japan and the United States.Know how successful American companies have become the "insiders" of the Japanese economy.

The reason why the author is tirelessly quotes an old book, just to show that there is really no new thing in the sun.The grievances of the US -China trade war and the American rust belt workers have only been imbalanced in the United States and Japan a few decades ago, and Japan's complaints caused by American unemployment.In the past few decades, the drama has not changed. White Americans have to have both, and hate outside if they are not good. They are not strong in their working skills. They have not enough thinking to understand the weakness of the real world.The analysis of the research is vividly analyzed, and it has not grown at all in decades.

In this case, a child who has a messy family in ASCO is like Wan Si, if it is still firmly in the economic and social crisis of the United States, attributed to the imbalance between China and the United States, which leads to a manufacturing position in the United States.Loss, then no matter what a famous school degree he studied, the level of thinking still did not surpass the 1970s at all, and he was regarded as a general American who was regarded as a victim of the U.S. -Japan trade imbalances.

In fact, after several years of trade war, the proportion of goods native to China in the daily life of Americans has dropped greatly.Countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia.Whether U.S. politicians and people in the future will support the trade war against Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh along the same logic, and blame these countries to "seize work opportunities"?

China began to affect the shopping and lifestyle of Americans

If the special combination of the special combination and dominate the US -China relations, according to the logic of the "rust belt red neck" that has long been outdated above, it is nothing more than sacrificing the illusory slogan such as "manufacturing back to the United States" and continuing to decoup up with China's trade.EssenceHowever, after a few years of games, we can see that China's existence in the US market has already swept the American social media such as TIKTOK and the Internet retail giants that have begun to compete with the United States.And a large number of new formats such as Chinese manufacturers who sell their own brand small products in Amazon.An important new phenomenon is that China is no longer a foundry for American brands. Instead, it is a brand -new brand that originated from the local area and has expanded to the United States, and even began to affect Americans' shopping models and lifestyles.

A American -American karate coach I know was deeply obsessed with shopping on Temu, and from then on, I left Amazon.As a professional practitioner of karate and Chinese martial arts, he is even more clear than the author's family.These phenomena and trends that can be regarded as the highlights of China's soft power are probably no longer a Wans' childhood experience and error attribution can be summarized and explained.A student of the author's semester last semester. In addition to resenting the Chinese to "steal work", he was not even completed, and was finally sentenced to failed.

If you take into account the Chinese culture circle, in recent years, how does mainland China and Taiwan create the abandoned industrial bases creatively transformed into cultural and creative parks, business spaces, nostalgic museums, and physical fitness after experiencing the pain of industrial transformation and iteration.The education competition base, while the American rust workers can only let the factory be vacant, indulge the negative decadence, alcohol and drug abuse, coupled with hatred and fear of the external world, we have all reasons to believe that there are some differences as Du Weiming pointed out, planting planting, plantingThe deepest culture of China and the United States.

The American -style elite, super genius, and giant company -led capitalism can really create better success soils for very few talents such as Musk, but it cannot solve a large number of abandoned abandoned, education, wisdom, and intellectualThe attitude of work is lacking, and the underlying problem of white people living in despair and hatred will be created more serious and intellectual.The "sad song" in the Organization cannot be resolved by the so -called "cracking out outsourcing" prescription.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States