Although Pierre de Coubertin, the father of contemporary Olympic Games, believes that sports can surpass politics and return the Olympic Games to bring peace to the world, but the over -ended Olympic rejuvenation movements are affected by politics, including his death, including his deathPrevious, the Berlin Olympic Games held in Nazi Germany in 1936.After 1976, the Olympic Games turned to active commercialization.According to the 2021 financial report of the International Olympic Committee, 60 % of the income came from the broadcast rights, and 30 % was sponsorship of the corporate.

Why hold the Olympic Games?Author Jules Boykoff is currently Professor of Pacific University Oregon, and once represented the United States to play youth football under the age of 23.Although the International Olympic Committee often preach "Athlete First", Boykov does not think so.He believes that although the Olympic Games is still welcomed by the world, it is paradoxically disgusted with the host city residents.

Boykov believes that behind the Olympic scenery, there are several major problems that are worrying, and most of the local leaders will try to cover up these problems.

Inside the court, more and more athletes have publicly talked about physical and mental problems and oppose sexual harassment; outside the court, the Olympic Games brings democratic participation problems and opportunities for corruption. Planning venues will destroy the environment, displacement, and community gentry) The wealthy people who moved in replaced the original residents, and the surveillance upgrade of scientific and technological monitoring.Moreover, many western cities are facing public pressure and expenditure issues. For example, Boston and Hamburg, Germany, have rejected the bidding Olympic Games, so that fewer and fewer cities are willing to host the Olympic Games.

Boykov puts forward solutions on the above problems: First, we must promote human rights and moral standards in accordance with the Olympic Charter, and the host and host cities are strictly implemented in accordance with human rights standards., Principles of drug inspection, fair treatment, etc.; 3. Incorporate democracy into the Olympic policy, such as democratic hiring members and citizens to participate in the application or terminate the host Olympic Games.Therefore, Boykov emphasized that it is necessary to respect human rights, truly give priority to athletes, and organize the Olympic Games. Such a three -pronged approach reform of the International Olympic Committee tried to solve the above six on -site issues mentioned above.

The Olympic Games will be led by the Parisians in the future?

In macro, the Modern Olympic Games, as a huge cultural effect and economic force, rose in the last century, while the Olympic Committee's operation was sponsored by television broadcasting and corporate sponsorship.Although no matter the previous international Olympic Committee chairman, Samaranqi, or the current chairman Bach, he tried to reform within his tenure, but it did not seem to have significantly changed this trend.

However, under the current structure, reforms need to be from itself.The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, has authoritative authority. It has the Olary Club (NOC) that belongs to various countries.The disadvantages of hosting the Olympic Games have attracted strong criticism. Among the host countries, such as Brazil in 2016 and Japan in 2021, the anti -Olympic demonstrations have been repeatedly occurred. The International Anti -Olympic Conference was held at the University of Paris in 2022.

In other words, the appointment of the International Olympic Committee has been subject to international politics, and the finances are subject to the business community. At the same time, the connection between multinational citizens who oppose the Olympic Games is becoming more and more active. These all make the International Olympic Committee's abdomen, and the contradiction seems to continue.

The idealist of human rights value, such as Boykov, is not likely to be able to take power in the Olympic Committee, but whether it can attract the support of the fellow, or this voice will only continue to be reduced in media public opinion to foil.IntersectionThe organizer of the International Anti -Olympic Conference, named SACCAGE 2024, is a joint operation of residents and organizations affected by the Paris Olympics.Such actors are relatively concerned about the impact of the international event on local, such as prices, transportation, workers and demolition.In the end, will they have the spirit of innovation like the same Parisians, bringing different but different ways of modern Olympic spirit and sports competitions that belong to the 21st century?After this Olympic Games, in addition to green environmental protection, purple powder and taste fashion, whether there is a substantial improvement, everyone still has to wait and see.After all, the road to sports reform is still far away.

The author is a doctoral student at the Department of Sociology, Nanyang University of Technology