Putin's recklessness has awakened the return of NATO's full blood, and Russia grows melon, but has truly triggered the so -called NATO on the eastward expansion, and the soldiers are under the city in just over two years.Of course, it is even more unexpected that China ’s support for Russia and several geopolitical conflict disputes have even caused NATO to expand at sea.NATO's new round of east -east expansion will greatly affect and change the pattern and comparison of geopolitics and military forces.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) annual summit just held in Washington, the capital of the United States, the entire process runs through the "three questions": a conference theme, a key issue, and a hot topic.The theme of the conference is that the current Russia invasion of the Ukrainian war with increasingly bloody and cruel Russia.This battle is not only related to the survival of Ukraine, but also with the overall security situation of Europe.NATO, with the highest mission to maintain European security, help Ukraine defeat Russia and win the last victory responsibility. There is no choice.

The key issue is about China.The main purpose of the NATO Summit is known as "defeating Russia and curbing China". It can be seen that NATO's strategic attention has been mainly responding to Russia. China is just a background factor and transforms into a common threat from China and Russia.For a long time, NATO countries have not reached a unified view of whether China is included in the scope of strategic attention.However, from the 2019 NATO London Summit, the summit jointly stated that it first mentioned the security challenges brought by China.

The Declaration of the Washington Summit is the first time that the "decisive promoter" that listed China as the Russian invasion of Ukraine, that is, NATO has reached a new consensus: Without China ’s support to help blood transfusion, Russia has unable to continue the war in Ukraine.Putin will be forced to stop and end the war early.This unprecedented consensus and strong and clear expressions are in sharp contrast to the style of the NATO summit that deliberately dilutes and resort to the minimum common standard language.This shows that China has officially become a strategic opponent in NATO.

Hot issues are this round of NATO summit special attention to the upcoming US presidential election.Before July 13th, the Democratic Party was uncertain because of Biden's age and health concerns, and the consensus was no longer. The Republican and Trump's side could be observed.However, on July 13th, Trump was attempted to be shot at the Pennsylvana campaign conference. This incident had a dramatic impact on the trend of election, which may make Trump and Biden who will successfully pass the party candidate to make nominations and let them make them.The situation re -positioned the formal confrontation between the two.Although NATO is more interesting to be re -elected, but now it must be prepared for Trump's rolls.

On the Ukrainian battlefield, several rounds of offensives that the Russian army tried to launch since the late spring and early summer ended in failure.Putin's current strategy is to strengthen the situation and try to use the areas where Wudong has been occupied as a prerequisite for suspension with Ukraine.Such a darkened robber logic has also received some appeasement forces and unknown response support internationally.Trump expressed his favor to this "cutting land" method.To this end, Trump has also been questioned by American conscience reporters: "If there are rugged bandits to take one in the luxury house in Florida, and use permanently cutting this land as a bargaining chip and condition,Can you promise to accept this? "

The painful lessons of history have been repeatedly proved that it will not be able to change the ground to peace, but it will make the robbers rogue in the ruler, and it is difficult to fill in it.Some people ask, in order to end the Russian and Ukraine War as soon as possible, why not learn from the North Korean armistice model that year, and the two sides first find a middle area to sit down to stop fire negotiations?The major difference is that the 38th line of the ceasefire of both sides of the Han Dynasty was originally the division of the border recognized by the United Nations before the war.The boundary of the recognition shall prevail.

The current so -called Untonton Bas region is completely legal to Ukrainian territory. It has been eaten by Russia since 2014, and the international community was weak at the time.At present, Putin tries to depend on the territory of Ukraine. Instead, it is necessary to force Ukraine to recognize the status quo. In fact, in the process of forcing the Qing Dynasty to sign the Treaty of China and Russia in 1858, the strong words sacrificed by the Sino -Russian Treaty of the Power and Russia were forced to take the pride.same.To this end, the consensus of the mainstream international community, including NATO, must defeat Putin, resolutely maintain the post -war international civilization order, and be independent and complete with the sovereignty of Ukraine.

Unprecedented upgrade to China

Regarding the relationship between NATO and China, the current hostility between the two sides is unprecedentedly upgraded, and the degree of deterioration to almost war is also incredible.For China and Chinese people, NATO was originally a distant strange existence. It is officially called the legacy of the Cold War confrontation, while folk memory stays more in 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo conflict.Essence

But there are clearly cognitive gaps and misunderstandings in the middle.Chinese companies generally attach great importance to the economic and trade relations with the EU. The Chinese government must also develop "independent independence" Sino -Europe relations in politics; ordinary Chinese also like to go to the European Union to travel, study, and even immigrate.The common sense is that the European Union and NATO are basically equivalent to the two sides of the same coin. Of course, NATO also includes the United States and the United Kingdom.Anyone who wants to and support the EU should at least not disgusted NATO.Because when set foot on the land of Europe's freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and modern civilization, it should be understood that the armed forces that defend the land safety and prosperity day and night are NATO.The European Union and NATO are both in one, which complement each other and cannot be divided.

NATO was founded at the beginning of the Cold War, and it has been 75 years ago.It is worth pointing out that although NATO is a military organization, it has not taken the initiative to provoke any war during the Cold War or interfere with the internal affairs of any member country.This also fully shows that NATO, as a basic nature of a security defense group, is the highest mission to defend Europe's prosperity and peace.In contrast, NATO's opponent Huayo (Warsaw Treaty Group), during the Cold War, was a full -scale, frequently served as a dictatorship of dictatorship and Saudiism. In 1991, he was also ruthlessly swept away by the Soviet Group.

Indeed, during the Cold War period, severe military confrontation and threats were once slightly micro, peaceful development, European integration, and economic and trade globalization became the mainstream of the times. NATO became a bit of nothing to do, and even entered the state of "brain death".Since 2014, Putin believes that NATO's brain death has made Russia's organic multiplier, and has continuously attacked the restraint against European neighbors such as Georgia, eastern Ukraine, and Crimean Peninsula until February 2022.

The absurd recklessness of Putin has awakened NATO and promoted its full blood, and Russia grows melon, but has truly triggered the so -called NATO on the eastward expansion of the land.The strategic exit of the Baltic Sea was blocked.Of course, even more unexpectedly, China ’s support for Russia and several geopolitical conflict disputes in the Indo -Pacific region has also caused NATO to expand at the east of the sea and enter the Indian Ocean -Pacific from the Atlantic Ocean., South Korea, Australia and New Zealand regional strategic collaboration relationships.NATO's new round of strategic dual east expansion will greatly affect and change the pattern and comparison of geopolitics and military forces.

In Europe, the Ukraine Battlefield is currently used as the axis. Behind Ukraine is NATO support. Behind Russia is Iran and North Korea's direct military aid, and quasi -military assistance from China.From a strategic perspective, NATO judged that Iran and North Korea supported only a cup of water salary, and China aid to Russia in Russia in terms of raw materials, components, logistical support and military technology, and did not really play "decisiveness" of Russian war machines.Refueling and driving effects.

Russia can't win China and it is difficult to get away

The key to the present is that Russia has been delayed in Ukraine for a long time, and China has also been difficult to get away and was claimed by NATO as the number one threat.Although this clarity is not equal to NATO and the China Conference, it is enough to stimulate the new round of sanctions between the European Union and the United States on China, including the aiming sanctions that may be aimed at bank finance and high -level individuals in China.

For China, this also decisively affects the core interests that claim to be, that is, the smooth resolution of Taiwan issues.At that time, Kim Il Sung, under the encouragement of Stalin, took the lead in starting the Korean War, which also caused Taiwan's issue to become unsolvable.Nowadays, Putin has difficulty in the international order and Ukraine after the war, and China supports the assistance to Russia, sharing Russia's strategic pressure, but the heavy costs paid include all -round sanctions such as economic, trade, technology, and security.And it has been international.

Overall, as long as the Cold War is unchanged, like the United States, the European Union and NATO should still maintain a bilateral relationship with China.But how long this layer of window paper can last without rupture, first of all, it depends on whether the political relations between the United States and China and the European Europe continues to deteriorate, and then depends on when the Russian and Ukraine War can be stopped on the basis of maintaining justice. It also depends on it.The evolution of the internal evolution of the two parties, such as how the result of the US presidential election, the end point or the starting point of China's reform and opening up, and so on.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States