Theoretically, there are some common points between me and the US President Biden.The two of us have similar views on the role of the United States and Russia on the global stage, and we both believe in Catholicism.In addition, we have similar opportunities to be selected as the successor of the pope Fang Ji; theoretically, any of the baptists designated by the bishop election of the red clothes may become the pope.Both of us have similar opportunities, although this is just a minor hypothesis.But it is interesting that Biden was 80 years old last year, surpassing the age limit of the Vatican.In fact, the maximum age of the Pope selected by the noble group does not set the upper limit, which depends on the collective wisdom of the "purple people" (compilation: metaphor for Catholic clergy).After all, considering the arduous mission of the Pope, it is not wise to choose an 80 -year -old elderly person, because this may affect the next election results.

In contrast, the United States, the most powerful country in the world, is facing challenges, but to some extent, the complexity is lower than the global pope election -at least from the perspective of the US Democratic Party is the perspective of the US Democratic Party isSo: as long as there is the will of the President, it is an important condition.However, the words and deeds of the President of the United States have received close attention and evaluation in the world, which will disperse his attention to important affairs, such as the complex international issues of Kiev and Taiwan.We should all be clear that the selection of Bidai is equivalent to choosing Vice President Harris.After all, it is hard to imagine that the US President, which is confused by the Ukrainian President Zelegiski and Russian President Putin at the NATO summit, will be younger and healthier in the next few years.The vice president of the election this time is definitely not what Harris himself said, the most insignificant job.

At present, we are in a period when the world order is extremely unstable in the past 30 years.What the West needs is credible leaders.

Poland is more inclined to rely on the distant United States due to its historical status in the European center, instead of blindly pursuing European independence.Although France claims to be self -confident and military independence European core, in the recent political elections, the rise of the rising right -wing and its shocking understanding of Russia's lies has complicated France's political prospects.The Polish must thank France for the two special election systems, let the right wing defeat in the election, and "give up the battlefield" to the extreme left.It can be seen that it is said that France is between two extremes, and it may actually be described lightly.The political ball played by President Macron did not seem to win.

The only advantage is that at least in the current current, the far right cannot lead France to abandon Ukraine. This is good news, but those who voting to support the right wing are inevitably angry.This emotion may exacerbate in the next two years and make a comeback in the next election.Macron's incompetence will exacerbate this feeling of anger.At the same time, the left -wing forces of French politics have been strengthened and failed to alleviate the anger of left -wing voters.In the context of unstable left and right, France's difficulty in leading Europe has increased; and Germany is not like the willingness to lead Europe.Although France continued to support Ukraine's military operations, the entire Europe was gradually getting tired.

For Poland, we know that the future of Ukraine, Russia, and Central Europe depends to a large extent on the US regime change after November 2024.Poland has a special connection with the United States, with a long history and deep connection.For example, Teduh Koschuro is one of the main generals of the George Washington's independence war.During the First World War, President Wilson regarded "restoring Liberty Poland" as one of the main reasons for the United States to participate in the war.The President Reagan defined the clear attitude of the Soviet Union as the evil empire, which led to the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the return of Poland to the Democratic National Group. The Poles set up a monument for him in Warsaw.It is estimated that the United States has as many as 10 million Polish population, and the United States is often welcomed in Poland's polls.As for Russia, it is still regarded as another extreme.

NATO's persistence is the absolute core interests existing in Polish countries, and it is also the international order condition that maintains the security of China and Europe and the development of the past 70 years.Poland is interested in the development of the European Union. It is one of the main supporters of the 27th countries of the European Union, which will not change.However, if it is not a problem of filling the stomach, but basically the basic security becomes the most important consideration. From a national perspective, Poland may firmly support the United States' leadership of the world and investing in European security.

However, after the shooting caused Trump to enter the White House again, my heart was heavy, and there was no expectation. I was worried that he would override the Europeans and Ukraine for us.Order and rules are ignorant, and self -righteous.

Author Piotr Karpinski is Polish

Study Chinese at Warsaw University and Beijing Normal University

Engage in Chinese translation

The original text is Chinese