Former US President Trump was attacked by a gunman at a campaign in Pennsylvania last Saturday local time on Saturday.The supporters who participated in the mass meeting at the scene were killed and killed on the spot.After the incident, the United States and the opposition condemned violence, and public opinion was shocked.This is the assassination of President Reagan after the assassination of 1981, and again many years apart the assassination incident of presidential characters. Public opinion generally emphasizes that democratic states should not be able to accommodate political violence.

The international community also expresses serious concerns about incidents.Regarding the increasingly severe United States that has become increasingly serious in political opposition and society in recent years, the incidents of important political figures have been reminiscent of hate politics of the party and ideology to peak.Trump, which is regarded by the mainstream media of the United States as a remark, and the mainstream media of the general party, may be responsible for the polarization of the American society's opposition.

Any politicians in any democratic society must be aware of their social influence, and words and deeds must be cautious and responsible to avoid becoming the basis of the public's wayward words and deeds, especially the remarks that involve inciting hatred, violence and public destruction.Self -alert.But looking at a worrying trend in the world, it is such remarks of politicians, but can resonate with some voters.A number of political figures and heavyweight supporters in the United States have often deliberately or unintentionally released words involving violence in the past few years.It doesn't matter.

Trump's assassination incident is obviously not a conspiracy to perform.On the occasion of the incident, he did not forget to scream and shouted fighting with blood, and instantly became the focus of the world.Compared with the abnormal image of the current President Biden's previous debate, and the "Draglon Drag" situation where the Democratic Party fell into a general, Trump's image of a tough guy strongly prominent in this shooting event will inevitably make himThe campaign is further invincible.American grassroots culture has always been the characteristics of hero worship. The image inside and outside the Reagan screen has helped a lot of political roads.Entrepreneur Musk and other celebrities who did not have clearly expressed their statements soon publicly expressed support for Trump, and it is more likely to further promote the Republican party's overall election.After the Difficulties in Rigan's assassination in 1981, in the 1984 election, in addition to the first state of Minnesota, Reagan included the election votes of the 49 states in the United States.Reagan's momentum helped the Republican increase in 16 seats in the House of Representatives, but failed to change the House of Representatives under the Democratic Party for a long time.

From the assassination of Lincoln in 1865 to Reagan, he was injured. During this period, he also had seven presidents and presidential candidates in the United States. The most sensational thing was the death of Kennedy in 1963.During the turbulence, the black people's power leader Martin Luther Kim was shot and killed.The problem of flooding in the American society has long been encouraging the occurrence of shootings, but the gun groups have huge influence in both parties and have become deep -rooted law and order lesions.However, from society to politics, the United States has been fighting ideological positions and supporting the masses in terms of policies and public opinion for decades, and has gradually weakened the consensus between the core values ​​and unity of the United States.In recent years, from the black Freud murder case, it has triggered a nationwide black riots to attack Congress Mountain, which has highlighted the generalization of social issues, and the sinking and exaggerated sinking in politics.Perhaps these are the source of political violence than the flood of guns.

In this atmosphere, if Trump successfully entered the White House, it is likely that his personality will not try to bridge the cracks of American society, but will it further intensify the American society that has been torn in the next few years and political violence.Whether it will become more frequent or even "South America" ​​in a polarized political environment.The Democratic and former President Obama took the lead in expressing their statements after the incident, saying that American democracy was not allowed to allow political violence. Instead, it should reiterate the attitude and respect for politics in this incident.If both political high -level political high -level can show democratic literacy with action, or help the United States continue to be high in democracy in 248 years.

Another reason for US political tearing is that the mainstream media have obviously biased the Democratic Party and the left -wing community for many years, which is also the reason why the Trump camp has charged for a long time.In addition to losing credibility in politics, mainstream media has gradually lost neutral and credible public opinion fields in addition to losing credibility.Under all the values, people believe in all the believers, and those who do not believe it are constant, and extreme politics is getting more and more.This must be vigilant by all the country's future democratic countries.