A fingertips, the child grows from the baby to 13 years old.From hugging, I will not be used to the role of my mother, and I always feel that being a mother is a difficult class.

Children in a small class in kindergarten, we usually turn off for half an hour when we sleep at night.Once the child insisted on continuing to open, the child's father was very running that day, a little cold at night, and I turned the air -conditioned.The child has been crying.It was very tired to coax until 12:30, and he was still full of energy.I told him softly that this mother had to hit you again. It was the worst solution to hitting you, but I couldn't let my dad accompany you not to rest. Dad had to get up early to work.He couldn't hear it, and I hit him a few times.The child finally stopped, lying on his mother and sobbing into a dream.I touched him in the middle of the night and found that the clothes were sweaty. Then I knew that he had always driving the air -conditioning because it really felt very hot, not unreasonable, and he was just too young but did not know how to express himself.The next day I solemnly apologized to him. He didn't understand what he was called, and he would not say that it was okay, but he understood that his mother cared about him and circled his mother's neck with a small hand, and buried his face in his mother's neck and coquettish.

Children go to the kindergarten class. When you see a small train in the mall, you can sit. As soon as you drive the train, there will be a bonding sound, which is very attractive to the child.We feel that it is not cost -effective to sit at 6 yuan for a minute. Tell him to buy a new toy and play for a long time.He shook his head like a wave drum.We put on the old set of parents and insisted on taking him to buy new toys without taking a small train.After many years, no one remembers what toys we bought for him. I just remember that as a parent deprived him of the right to choose, making him feel disappointed.Later, he started to go to elementary school, and he had to face all kinds of pressure. When he grew up, he would not take a small train. In that minute, he couldn't find the carefree happiness.

During the third grade of elementary school, the child saw a father scolding his son in the mall.The child said that the mother used to be the same.I said no.He insisted.After a while, I slowly picked up from the corner of memories.At that time, he ran crazy in the mall. The mall was selling maternal and infant supplies. It was a pregnant woman everywhere. I was afraid that he would hit a pregnant woman to cause tragedy.After reminding him a few times, he criticized him severely.I exhaled and squatted down to let my eyes lower than the child. Holding his hand, he told him: "Mom did not do it well at the time, but the mother had a good voice reminding you that you did n’t listen several times. Mom was afraid of it. Mom was afraid of it.Only the tragedy will come out. In the future, the mother pays more attention to the occasion, and you have to restrain your behavior.I told my children that in the future, I have to tell my mother as soon as possible for a uncomfortable thing that I can't hold it in my heart for several years.The child nodded and laughed.

In the fifth grade, the head teacher called and said that the child made a mistake in school.In the afternoon, he came back from school, and his eyes were red and lowered to look at me.Usually, people call their mother before the corridor opens the door, and can't wait to talk about what happened in school today.Today, it is just the opposite, just silent, like a windless sea plane.I was sitting side by side with him watching the tree outside the window. Rou Rou talked about what the consequences I had made when I was a kid. What kind of consequences had?The child listened to lying on my leg and cried.He said that it was troubled at school today. I said that my mother knew, but you were not too bad than your mother's trouble when he was a child. Mom knew that you would never do this in the future.The child nodded with a strong place, holding his mother tighter.

No need to talk and scold, let the matter soften, he has learned lessons.If I scolded loudly, saying the classic "How many times have I told you, why can't you always hear it!" Instead, a Chuhe and Han realm were drawn on the ground, and he put him alone on the opposite side.When he feels that even the closest mother puts him on a trial platform, when he feels that he feels insecure and is not understood, he will make a sharp edge, want to refute and want to shirk responsibility to protect himself.Education effect will be poor.

Children in the sixth grade, one day saying that they want to play badminton.It was raining at the time, and I couldn't go to the open space near home as usual.Parents may say, "Don't go out in heavy rain, a lot of prestigious school test papers have not been done yet. Primary Liu this year is critical, how can you just want to play all day?" So that the child will feel happy, there are more times, there are more times, there are more times, there are more times, there are more times.Will become enthusiastic about everything.So, I took him down and hit the rain downstairs.The space is not large, and from time to time, the wind blows the rain. The ball does not play well, but the child is very happy.When he returned home, he suddenly said that my mother thank you for taking me to play, and I will be a prestigious school test paper.Because his mother didn't let him down, he felt that he couldn't let his mother disappoint.

The child is in the middle of this year. The grandmother comes to live in a small one. Every day, the child is entangled with her grandmother to accompany him to play table tennis.Grandma laughed into a flower.

I am very puzzled because I know that the child's ball has played well.I secretly asked him, do you really lose to your grandmother?He said, of course, not to win.Grandma finally came to make her elderly people happy.Then why don't you just do not play with your grandmother, you don't need to give up.The child said, I want my grandmother to know that she is needed, and my grandmother will be satisfied and will not be lonely.

I told my child's bedtime every night, not the left ear comes in the right ear. It turned out that the goodness of the child's nature had taken root.A few years ago, the pouting mother criticized his child in the mall and grew up, knowing that he loves elders, knows that life does not have to be strong everywhere, knowing what to give the other party.In the future, children will continue to grow and grow up quickly every day. They will have their own opinions on everything, and they will be unknown to the unknown world.This "ball that does not play for winning" makes me believe that he has the ability to overcome all kinds of dilemma.May I experience it with him, getting widening and growing.

The author is a local part -time actor