Former US President Trump was shot when he participated in the election rally.The news came out and was out of the world.Although the American shooting frequently, the last time the president or the former president was assassinated, dating back to the Rigen era in 1981.The details of the assassination incident still remain to be investigated, but exposed the deep problems of the US election system, and also gave us the opportunity to reflect on.

As far as the social system that human beings have tried, the United States is still model significance.According to the simplest perception, we can also know that the United States is still very attractive to immigrants from various countries.How to advocate the institutional superiority of a country, as long as you look at the direction of national immigrants, you can know the judgment of the intellectual elites and commercial elites voting with your feet.The United States not only has an open and innovative environment, but is enough to attract world high -end talents and investment, but also promotes the rapid integration of new immigrants in protecting private property and other systems, making the US economy has a source of living water.The United States also has the world's top universities and scientific research institutions, which is enough to provide high -quality and attractive academic resources and exchange platforms for the best students in various countries.Therefore, in recent years, the United States has shown extremely powerful economic vitality and innovation capabilities. Not only has the stock market hit a new high, many important breakthroughs in high -tech fields such as SpaceX, AI, and GPU have also come from the American and scientific communities.As long as the United States still provides strong attraction in these fields, it is destined to be the world's most powerful country.

However, the deep problems of the United States are also obvious. Trump's assassination is only another upgrade of political violence in the United States. It also highlights the instability and tension of the American internal politics, and seriously threatens the freedom and fairness of the election system.Especially the two candidates full of contradictions and problems, the poor performance during the first TV debate, coupled with the popularity of social media, has greatly spread the spread of false information.In an era of infinitely unprofessional screening information, the public seeing that the camps of the two candidates have discredited and attacked each other on the Internet, it is enough to make people feel unprecedentedly disappointed in the election system.

The assassination of Trump especially reflects the major crisis of US political polarization.The differences between the two parties between the United States have never been so deep as a gully. The hostility and distrust between supporters of both sides have reached a new height. Even after the election, the elected candidates refused to accept the results of the election and further tear the deep political wounds.After the last election, Trump played a less glorious role.

There are many reasons for the polarization of US politics, which include the party's parties, which leads to the deep ingrains of prejudice and misunderstanding.Especially since the 1980s, more and more ideological American politicians have begun to run for public office, and voters and society have also been affected by them. The most representative of which is the political "amateur" Trump.In addition, the American political system, media, campaign activities, etc. can also easily cause the emotionalization of Americans and cause indirect harm to American democracy. In recent years, social media has worsened.

This political polarization is the poison of the election system, which has increased the opposite of the United States.According to the Political Polarization in the American Public in the US public, the differences between the two parties between the United States have reached a new high of the past few decades.In recent years, the situation has not been improved.According to a study by the University of California, the University of California, the University of California, what is the real price of polarization in the United States?Americans even bring this serious political differences into families, workplace, schools, and even religious institutions.Therefore, political violence, decreased judicial and legislative efficiency, and decreased public trust are the inevitable results of this polarized politics.

Looking back, how is it a better election system?Due to space, I can only briefly review the thoughts of John Stuart Mill.He not only resolutely opposes autocracy, but also alert to the disadvantages of the election system.In his opinion, the core of the election system is the election.However, once elected, politicians have obliged to choose a more reasonable policy, rather than the wayward and easy -to -change claims of the general public for the voting.

In his opinion, the original form of democracy is direct democracy, but only small -scale and centralized city -states are applicable.The modern society is wide and thick, and only democracy can be used.The combination of the agency and democracy combined with the advantages of direct democracy allows citizens to participate in political affairs through elections to ensure the effective operation of democracy and the realization of citizen rights.However, he also believes that this has a tendency to please the public of the Proor. Therefore, it is advocating the combination of virtuous politics and democracy. In fact, it is to find a basis for the "elite rule" for the "elite rule".The status quo of the United States has generally verified Mier's concerns.If he is fortunate to live in Singapore today, he may be pleased with the reality of his theory.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher