Mr. Qin Hui, a historian, pointed out in the different aspects of the history of the Republic of China that although there are many unsatisfactory things in the Republic of China, "in the two World War, China has conducted the correct 'station team',Become one of the victors, this is the huge success of the diplomacy of the Republic of China, which is of great significance to 'standing up'.

In other words, in the era of unpredictable international politics, China chose to stand on the right side twice.As Qin Hui discussed, although the gains of the stations in the World War II could not be compared with World War II (at the time in China only sent Chinese workers, the efforts were far less than World War II), after all, they were standing on the victory side, so the gains were great: first, the justice of World War I, the Justice of World War I,Although sex is not as good as World War II, from the utilitarian utilitarian of international politics, this has brought many benefits to China after the war, otherwise the international situation will be more disadvantaged to China.As long as you think about how much the Ottoman Turkey, who is also the boss empire, is very clear because of the "standing wrong team" in the World War I.

Secondly, China ’s opportunity to declare war has abolished all old treaties against Germany in one fell swoop. Not only did it terminate the development of Germany's expansion in China, it also opened a precedent for abolition of diplomacy.In the end, although China refused to sign the contract because Paris and the rights and interests of the victims of China did not respect China, they still started to intervene in international affairs as an opportunity to defeat the country and take the opportunity to participate in the Battle and Paris.Active activities and achieved a series of results.Compared with China's international isolation state in the late Qing Dynasty.

Compared with World War I, China is both the winner and the justice in the second war of the anti -Fascis.It is precisely because China stands correctly during World War II that it can directly become one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (commonly known as the "Five Strong"). This is what many countries have dreamed of many years.Developed Germany, Japan and other countries, India with large population countries, and Turkey, which also reborn from the boss Empire, have no chance of the United Nations.So far, the most important iconic incident of "standing up in China".

Remember that someone said in the historical significance of the Revolution of 1911: Mr. Sun Yat -sen's Three People's Principles in China means three stages: the Chinese people stood up in the Mao Zedong era and realized nationalism; the Chinese people became rich in the reform era; the Chinese people became rich in the era of reform.The realization of people's livelihood; the task in the future is to further solve the problem of civil rights.In fact, no matter how the civil rights issue is for the time being, is the nationalism and people's livelihood we have realized.

Each era has its time responsibility that cannot be avoided.Each generation of Chinese has to stand on the right side of historical choices, and must be responsible for the responsibility of the history.Only in this way can we continue to realize nationalism and people's livelihood, and we can start solving civil rights.

Multi -countries began to turn to Ukraine

Nowadays, the Russian and Ukraine War has continued for nearly three years, and the war is approaching, and the killing of the two sides has long been heated.On the one hand, Russia has almost fallen into a desperate state of bombs and lonely people. On the other hand, the entire West represented by the United States has stood firmly on the Ukrainian side, and does not hesitate to defeat Russia at all costs.Hungary has begun to turn to Ukraine.In January of this year, the Slovakian Prime Minister Photo turned his previous anti -Urpical attitude during his visit to Ukraine and promised to support Kiev.

According to the British Financial Times, on June 21, since Russia's full invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Serbia has passed a third party to export about 800 million euros to Ukraine (although it always supports Russia on the surface, and refuses to joinWestern sanctions on Russia).In the reporter, Serbian President Wugci said: "(Export ammunition) is very important for our economic recovery, and it is important to us. We cannot export to Ukraine or Russia ... but we have Americans, SpainThe Czechs and others signed a lot of contracts. How did they eventually use these ammunitions and Serbia? "What ... I have to take care of my people, that's all. We have friends in Kiev and Moscow, and they are all our Slavic brothers. "It has retained flights between the two countries, but after all, he hopes that his country can become a member of the EU. To this end, he must act with caution and keep a certain distance from Putin.

Previously prevented or postponed the European Union to help Ukraine and Hungary in Russia, and recently started to turn.Hungarian Prime Minister Olban visited Kiev on July 2 and made a new ceasefire proposal.If you count the ceasefire agreement proposed by Turkish President Erdogan before, it can be seen that the battle has been helpless, Russia, which has been fixed in the defeat, and Ukraine, which is expected to be relieved from the war, the time to promote the final peace talks is coming.

Standing at the crossroads of this historical choice, China will continue to stand at the right party of history, and it will inevitably make a decision in line with national interests.In fact, compared to these active medals, China undoubtedly has an unparalleled talk advantage. As long as Ukraine can accept it, China should do its best to persuade Russia to accept the worst and peaceful conditions.From the perspective of the current Russian and Ukraine War, if Russia can immediately withdraw from the four states of Wudong and the Crimea region, the international custody will return to Ukraine after five to ten years.It is still possible to obtain Ukraine to guarantee that the NATO will not be added, and the main conditions for the war criminals will not sue Russia's military and political officers, as well as the relatively favorable conditions such as the relief of Western sanctions with conditions and deadlines.I think this is the best and the last chance in Russia.If the F16 is fighting for a full end, and the West rushing to vigorously aid Ukraine in front of Trump, the situation will be even more unfavorable to the situation after Ukraine launched a comprehensive counterattack of summer and autumn.

If China can promote peace talks when Russia's death is critical, it will win a huge international reputation, gain a great sense of Europe, and comprehensively improve and alleviate the tension between China and the West, thereby ensuring that China is huge and good.The development and export trade and technology development of Guan Min Sheng and the National Games.

In short, in the current international turbulence, the correct standing team is particularly important. It can be said that the national movement of the next decades depends on this.What is the correct "standing team"?As Qin Hui said, as long as "as much as possible to maintain the cost of the minimum state of rights and interests, choose to stand on the side of the most likely winner in utilitarian and the most civilized campus on the utilitarian.Become a victory in China. "He firmly believes that China can continue to stand on the side of victory in this international change.

The author is Beijing scholar