A 14 -year -old boy in the local area received a restrictions issued by the internal Security Agency in June and became the youngest young man who has to restrict the restrictions.After the outbreak of the Israeli conflict with Hamas in October last year, it became ideological and radical in contact with the content and news of pro -Hamas on the Internet for a few months.The Black Banner Army launched an attack.

In May this year, Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State and Politics and Minister of State Security, said at the 19th informal meeting of the religious transformation group that since 2015, there have been 12 young people under the age of 20 in Singapore.Self -radicals may face more young people in the future.The words were still in the ear. The Inner Security Bureau released the news about the self -radicals of 14 -year -old boys on Monday (July 15), which fulfilled his concerns. "Future" does not have to wait too long.

Teenagers lack the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, easily use emotionally, plus the growth period of self -exploration and lack of self -confidence and security, and it is easier to encourage them to do anything.Because the ideology is simply controlled, and the social platform is tailored to the push content with algorithms, it has greatly shortened the time to brainwash them.The algorithm of social platforms will recommend similar content to users. In the case of repeated exposure to extremist content, the awareness and viewpoint of extremism will become their personal consciousness.

In addition, people can communicate with like -minded people in social media today. With the interactive elements, they make them more believed that their views are the truth.Social media has become a hotbed that spreads radical ideology, so we need to have more powerful monitoring and intervention strategies to prevent micro -duration.

When social media is not common in 20 years ago, it is not yet common for social media, and to promote extremism in person to teach in person.When the venue that promotes extremeism moves from offline to online, the challenges that hit them become more arduous.Although Singapore has invested a large number of resources to combat the threat of network radicals, as long as there is still extremeist content on the Internet, people may be affected.Therefore, the social media platform and technology companies closely supervise and quickly remove the extremist content that appears on the Internet is very important.

Not only teenagers, but adults will also be brainwashed because of contact with the Internet.A 33 -year -old female civil servant also self -evolved after the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, and was issued by the Inner Security Bureau.As an adult and a civil servant at the same time, she should understand the danger of radicalism, but is still eroded by extreme ideas.Signs show that extreme terrorism in the Middle East is extending the magic palms towards young people and women, using their unwavering characteristics as a tool for terrorist atrocities.By brainwashing on the Internet for their special content, it is becoming more and more common.

The trend of self -aggression is really worrying.In this era of Internet popularization, family members are the first line of defense. Parents are important barriers to curb the breeding of extreme ideology. They must pay close attention to children's online activities and timely guide and correct the deviation.However, if parents do not think of their children's deviation thinking?Just like the parents of the 14 -year -old boy in the incident, although he noticed that the child is increasingly inclined to the concept of racial isolation, he does not think that intervention needs to be required. It shows that parents also agree with their children's thoughts, which involves another greater potential danger.

In the months after the Harbin conflict was upgraded, there were two Singaporeans self -evolution, indicating that foreign extremist speech constituted risks to our national security and society.It affects our social harmony and unity.The identification of radical signs is the key to prevention. The family members of the two cases mentioned above noticed their behavior and perspective changes, but they did not realize the danger.In the face of increasingly severe radical issues, Singapore needs to take comprehensive measures. Government, schools, families, and communities should strengthen cooperation. Through many aspects such as education, psychological counseling, and information supervision, they should jointly prevent the spread of extreme ideas.