At the moment of assassination, Trump experienced the test of life and death.In the face of blood, he stood resolutely and shouted his arms. This reactor and tenacity, even the performance of the performance, reached the realm of pure fire.

In this era of storms, the international situation is like a game of chess, and every step is full of unpredictable variables.From the swords of the Russian and Ukraine border to the war between Baza, every line of text on the news headline reflects the world's tension and opposition.In this turbulent context, the political stage of the United States is staged an exciting power competition. Among them, Trump -the former president who coexists in controversy and light has once again become the most striking under the light light lamp.The role, especially after he had just been assassinated, seemed to be given richer and complex colors.

Trump, a politician who is rated as a "lunatic" by the opponent, has extraordinary political acuity.He always puts the first place in the interests of the United States with a nearly provocative attitude, even if it means sacrificing the well -being of other countries.The start of the Sino -US trade war is a subversion attempt for international rules.Regardless of the ending, Trump described a tough and difficult to ignore the image of the US president on the global political territory, showing his edge as a hospitality in troubled times.

The occurrence of

assassination incident undoubtedly adds a strong stroke to the road of Trump's campaign.With a 78 -year -old white hair, in the bloody face, his persistent and unyielding figure spread all over the world in an instant, like heroes in American movies, winning the sympathy and awe of Americans.Trump, who was repeatedly attacked in political struggle, seemed to confirm his complaints this time -the US political system's hostility to him.People who have sympathized with persecution, especially Trump have been judged by judicial

.This dramatic turning point not only enhances his story (a persecution but tough and unyielding strong, the story is full), but also placed the opponent on the cusp of public opinion, and was labeled by brutal and violent.

In the troubled times, the public often eager for a strong soul helmsman to stabilize the situation and point out the direction.With its unique personal charm and decisive decision -making style, Trump attracted a large number of loyal fans.Although his policies and remarks in his last term often triggered controversy, this majestic characteristics are particularly prominent in the turbulent situation.American voters may not fully agree with each of his views, but in the face of intricate world situations, they are more willing to trust such as a seemingly firm and fearless leader.

At the moment of assassination, Trump experienced the test of life and death.In the face of blood, he stood resolutely and shouted his arms. This reactor and tenacity, even the performance of the performance, reached the realm of pure fire.This is not only a praise for his personal courage, but also the embodiment of the respect and fear of vitality instinct.At the critical moment, Trump's courage and determination undoubtedly added a strong stroke to his image.

Calling the strong in troubled times, the public's awe of vitality and the instinctual dependence on leaders make them unconsciously hand over the reins of fate to those who show their determination and action.In the era of social media, people expressed themselves, pointing to Jiangshan, and on the other hand, they looked forward to someone standing on the front line, dealing with complicated information, suffering huge pressure, and resolving endless disputes.In this way, leaders of various countries have either become scapegoats, frequently change, or control the internal and prestigious people who have accumulated over time with their charm personality, generosity, and amnesia.At this time, Trump is undoubtedly the one who is most suitable for playing the role of leaders.

The image of Trump's heroine injects unprecedented variables into the US election in 2024.Regardless of how the wheels of history rotate, the footprint of each great leader will be deeply imprinted in the long river.Trump, a chaos, will be loaded into the history of the United States and the world in its unique way no matter what the final ending.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University