The first columnist Friedman, a columnist who issued the sound of "Biden Retreat" on the mainstream media, cited the allusion of Washington: Give up, sometimes the best thing of a president for the country,Biden can follow Washington, consolidate his political heritage, and become a political great man in history.

The British election came to an end. The conservative party of the 14th year of ruling gave the regime, but with the crisis of the night before the election, it still kept it with 121 seats to become the decent of the main opposition party.The support rate of the Labor votes returning to the middle route did not increase significantly, but thanks to the conservative party's support rate was eaten by the extremely right -wing party, it won 412 seats in a "lying win" way to re -become a ruling party.

It is impressive that the transfer of the regime between the two parties can be called seamless docking. On the front podium at 10 Tangning Street on the day of the day, the Conservative Prime Minister Sonak made a farewell speech in the afternoon, followed by the Labor Party leaderTalmo delivered a speech on the inauguration of the Prime Minister in the evening, and the two were only a few hours apart.At the first time after the election, when Sunak spoke with a new identity of the opposition party leader, he congratulated Stammer and his family, and reminded all members of the members not to have too much political position to serve the country.The constituency is the cornerstone. It must be lived up to the voters. The greater the honor, the greater the responsibility.Related speeches were approved by all party members of the British Parliament.

All say that "the world's most important political choices are the United Kingdom." Through this election, British political elites and voters Volkswagen once again confirmed this political proverb for the world.Even if the political figures are in a high position, they must maintain the humility of fear and fear. Power comes from the voting support of the people.

If it is said that Britain has staged us a clean political drama, but the United States on the other end of the earth seems to be "dragging a shed."President Biden and former President Trump have once again confronted each other. In addition to the iron ticket groups of the Democratic and Republican Party, more and more intermediate voters will face the dilemma of "non -Trump" and "non -Bynden".With the poor performance of Bayon's first live TV debate, a strong sense of crisis began to appear within the Democratic Party, and the voice of Biden's retreat was urged to retreat.

Hollywood superstar George Clooni published an article in the New York Times recently. As a lifelong Democrat and a fundraising, Clooney wrote sincerely: "(Bynden) In the past four years, he defeated many difficult challenges in the past four years.. But there was a battle that he could not win, that is, to fight for the years.The final decision is not much.

Good medicine is bitter, loyal to the ears, the opposition from the loyal people in the party is precisely the real sober inside the party group.作为个人从政的黄金年龄是50岁至70岁,俗话说人生五十而知天命,无论是从生活、职业阅历以及对社会各阶层的理解,此年龄段都达到了人生智慧的顶峰,体力与Energy is enough to support frequent political schedule.

The age of the two US presidential candidates is Google's hot search: Trump is 78 years old this year, and there are several criminal felony charges.Biden's frequent errors, weird and uncoordinated body language were enlarged infinitely, becoming an endless attack material for competitors.Following the epic disaster of the TV debate, the recent mistakes were called "President Putin" at the NATO summit at the NATO summit.

Bynden's latest statement still insisted on not refunding, and tried to prove that he was the only person who could win with a halo that defeated Trump four years ago.However, the onlookers are clear, and the primary consideration of voters is always the personal lives of the people's livelihood, and the consideration of diplomacy and military security is second.The current support rate of Biden and Trump is basically the same, but as the middle voters of the king, they have begun to question whether Biden can still be competent for more than four years.If the party's "non -special" iron ticket group eventually chose "tears without voting", then under the current election system in the United States, Bayeng would likely lose the presidential election, and the Democratic Party won the ginseng ginseng.The balance of the two hospitals.

In 1783, George Washington took the initiative to resign from the highest position of the military commander; 14 years later, as the first Washington, the first president of the United States, once again took the initiative to give up the opportunity to become a lifelong president, because he always believed that only the people had the people.Only the sovereignty of the country.The first columnist Thomas Friedman, who issued the sound of "Biden Retreat" in the mainstream media, quoted Washington's allusions to explain: Abandoned, sometimes the best thing of a president for the country, byeDeng can follow Washington, consolidate his political heritage, and become a historically political man.As the first person in the world's first powerful country today, can Biden show the world to the world that he knows and retreat?

I still remember that at the National Day Mass Conference in 2016, the then Prime Minister Li Xianlong was dizzy and stood unstable in the middle of the speech, which caused the speech to interrupt for more than an hour.Since then, Li Xianlong, 64 years old, has firmly announced that "70 -year -old Prime Minister should not have in Singapore" and earnestly implement the handover plan.Even if the related arrangements had to be postponed because of the three years of the epidemic, and even a successful candidate, Li Xianlong always held the concept of government power from the national, and always had no sense of crisis of the ruling party.Transfer.Although Singapore is small, it is worth proud of all Chinese people that this land of Lion City has born generations of outstanding politicians.God bless Singapore.

The author is the president of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group