On August 17, Indonesia will usher in an independent day.President Zoko originally planned to issue a decree on this day to formally relocate the Indonesian capital from Jakarta to Nushan Dala, East Kaliman.However, due to the backward engineering progress, the dates of the relocation have to be delayed, and it is still unknown whether it will be relocated this year.The new is a key project in Zako, and its success or failure also determines the evaluation of Zoko's political heritage to a certain extent.When the Indonesian regime is handed over, where the new capital project goes, and how the people think of the moving capital have tested the political wisdom of the old and new leadership of Indonesia.

On July 28, Indonesian President Zoko spent the first time in Nushan Dala for the first time in the new capital.Although he revealed that he did not sleep well the next day, he had to sleep well, and he had to spend the night.

The president who is about to step down in October has announced about half a year ago, and has been working in the new capital since July.In the next few months, the new capital project frequently came out, and the stagnation of housing building progress was forced to postpone the relocation plan of civil servants.In July, the heavy rain in East Garimadan forced Zoko to postpone the plan to move to the new capital office.

The delays again and again make investors discouraged, and everyone can't help asking: This carries the hope of nationals and symbolizes the project that Indonesia opened a new chapter in prosperity. Is it far away from the goal than imagined?

Zoko spent the night in the new capital, and the symbolic meaning of this independent day celebration ceremony this year's independent day celebration ceremony is self -evident.

Siwage Dharma Negara, a senior researcher at the Erosov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute, and the Director of Indonesia, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Zoko intends to show that he is serious and committed to fulfilling his performance.Make a promise of the capital."Zoko must release a strong political signal, show that the new capital project is still ongoing, and it will continue after he steps down."

However, Yanuar Nugroho, a senior visiting researcher from the Erv Isa East South Asian Research Institute, criticized that the form of the form of inspecting Nushan Dala at the end of July was greater than the substantial significance.

Yanu Alle said: "The accompanying is the Internet celebrity who runs the 'party' over there. He did not bring investors and people who seriously considers investing in the capital and trying to convince them. It may help to do so.Mobilizing the masses to support it, but it does not help investors much ... will not speed up the development of the new capital on the new capital, or let it realize the function of the capital faster

According to the plan, the whole city of Nushan Dala will be completed by 2045, which is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Indonesia.The entire project will cost US $ 33 billion (about S $ 43.7 billion), of which five of them come from the national budget, and the rest will fund private enterprises through public private cooperation.

Among the Indonesian people interviewed, nearly two-thirds of the new are dissatisfied with new progress, and more than 80 % are not optimistic about Indonesia to gradually move their capital as planned this year.(Agence France -Presse)

Sivag said that in recent engineering delays, it is said that the delay in large infrastructure projects like Nushan Dala is quite normal.As for whether this will affect investor confidence, he believes that investors will continue to wait and see, "until the new government shows the political determination to continue to develop Nushan Dala."

Fund Co., Ltd. is urgent to slow down Plabovo or take the new capital back

Nugoshan Dala's fate is in the hands of President Plabovo.Although he promised to continue Zoko's policy during the campaign, other key measures in his campaign program, including providing free nutrition meals for children across the country, are equally considerable.

Indonesian think tank Para Syndicate Researcher Virdika Rizky Utama pointed out that Plabowo sets the goal of 8 % of its annual economic growth rate. To implement this goal while taking into account this goal, a huge social policy means these meansThe policy will "fight for funds and pay attention" with the capital project.

Ferdica said in an interview: "The Nushan Dala project may not be regarded as a matter of tightening the project ... The Plabovo government must allocate resources from a strategic perspective to stimulate economic growth.Projects and infrastructure that bring economic benefits immediately, as well as social policies.

However, political observer interviewed generally believes that Plabovo is not completely new.Ferdica pointed out that the new capital project has a strong symbolic significance. If it is abandoned or changed, it will be regarded as the lack of continuity and determination in the development of the country."Plaboor will also face the pressure of many stakeholders from business, political allies, and international partners. Continuing the new metropolitan project, it will show Indonesia's stability and long -term planning, which will help attract foreign capital and boost national morale"

Edbert Gani, a researcher at the Indonesian Strategy and International Research Center, also said that completely giving up the new capital may cause unnecessary contradictions between Plaboor and Zako and Zako supporters.Therefore, he believes that in order to take into account the new capital project and the policies he wants to implement, Plaboor will adjust the national budget.

Sivag predicted that Plabovo will continue to build a new capital, but it may reduce the country's investment in Xindu in order to make a financial space for promoting its own policy."Due to the lack of foreign investment, the state finance is limited. The most likely situation is to continue to develop a new capital at a slower speed. The new government can also consider re -planning and adjusting existing plans to reduce financing burden." Zoko did not hesitate to tear his face with the Democratic Party he had originally belonged to, and taught the eldest son Gibland as the deputy of Plaboor in the presidential election held earlier this year.This is considered to ensure that the new government will continue his policy and continue to develop Nushan Dala.Giblan, who is about to become Vice President, can indeed become a channel for Zoko to learn about the new decision -making trend, but he may have limited influence on policy direction.

Ferdica said: "Giblan's current position cannot give him enough forces to influence national policies, especially in the project with controversial and high bets."

Yinu Alle, who had served as the deputy chief of the staff of Zako from 2015 to 2019, believes that the possibility of the Nushan Dala project has not been completely eliminated.Although the Indonesian Parliament has legislated to force the new government to not give up the capital, Yinuhr also believes that Plabowo is more likely to slow down the pace of new capital construction, but he pointed out that if Plabowo's ruling alliance is occupied in the parliament, and it is enough to have enough power in the parliament, and it is enough to have sufficient power and and and of.The proposal terminates the Nushan Dala project, and the new plan may still stop.

The success or failure of the new metropolis does not affect Zako's political heritage

Although the progress of the new capital is not as expected, Zoko's prestige is unlikely to be affected.It is even more indispensable that he has established his position as "the first president to move the capital to the actual action".

Indonesian President Zoko inspected the president's office building in Nushan Dala on July 29.(Agence France -Presse)

The founding President of Indonesia, Sakano, proposed to relocate the capital from Jakarta to China Gariman Province as early as the 1950s. The following presidents also moved the capital to the agenda, but no specific progress has been made.Until Zoko's 2019 victory in re -election, he again proposed to relocate and formulate specific plans.

Sivag analyzed that Zoko was still popular, and the public would remember that he was the president of the move to move the capital."If Nushan Dala succeeds, the public will see it as Zako's long -lasting heritage. If it is delayed, the public will understand that this project is too large and cannot be done by a president."

Since it is a long -term project, Zokoten does not have to be eager to let Singapore put into operation during his tenure.At an analysis of Yanuhr, Zoko was worried that Nushan Dala stepped forward President Youdoro to vigorously promote the rear of the construction of Hambalang Sports Center in West Java.That year, the project with a cost of 2500 billion Indonesian Shields (about $ 200.83 million) was later shelved due to a corruption scandal.

Yanu Alle said that Zoko's strategy is to build a new capital as much as possible, so that the next president has no room for ending or shelving plans."People will use Zok Ke to be the only president who takes substantial steps to move the capital. However, the moving capital plan will not be completed in the short term."

Ferdica pointed out that Zoko's political heritage will not depend on the Nushan Dala project alone.During his tenure, Zoko vigorously promoted the construction of infrastructure such as highways, airports, and seaports, greatly improved domestic Unicom and economic integration, and brought benefits to the Indonesian people.

According to Bloomberg, in the 10 years of Zoko's governing, Indonesia's investment in infrastructure construction accounts for 5%to 7%of the GDP, much higher than the 1%of the Group's group economy in 2022.During this period, Indonesia built 16 airports, 18 ports, 36 dams, and toll roads over 2,000 kilometers long.Although some people criticized Zoko to ignore market demand and excessively bonds to carry out the false "white elephant" project, Zoko insisted that infrastructure is important to promote long -term economic growth, and such projects need time to return.

Ferdica said: "Although Nushan Dala's project delays have attracted criticism, overall, as long as the public thinks that he has improved the country's infrastructure and the quality of life of the people, they will still have the achievements of Zoko's political achievements.Have a positive evaluation "

Lianhe Zaobao Questionnaire Survey: Three -thirds and two people are dissatisfied with the progress of the new capital

Among the Indonesian people interviewed, nearly two -thirds of the new are not satisfied. More than 80 % of them are not optimistic about Indonesia to gradually move their capital as planned to start this year.

Lianhe Zaobao conducted a questionnaire survey on the Indonesian people's views on the relocation from August 6th to 8th. A total of 58 people interviewed.Among them, about half of those 41 to 55, about 40 % of those 21 to 40 years old, they are mostly white -collar workers.

Most of the respondents come from provinces and cities on Java Island, accounting for about 90 %; the rest are from North Susmennara and Papua.

A plan from the move from Jakarta to Kalimantan, approximately half of the consent (48 %) and the respondents who do not agree (52 %).

Of the respondents who agreed to move the capital, 96 % believed that it was necessary to change the economic model. It was no longer able to excessively use the Java Island as the center, so it supported the movement of the capital.

People: The fiscal budget is unrealisticly worried that it will aggravate the burden on the bond of the offspring

Audika, a young office worker living in Bandung, said in an interview that Jakarta continued to fall in and could not cope with future needs.He also agreed to distribute Indonesia's economic activities to other areas outside Java.

However, while approaching the capital, Adika still cares about this plan.He said: "I don't agree with the current implementation of the current execution, Tai is urgent, and I have not studied the impact on the environment and society. The fiscal budget is unrealistic, and the urban planning also attaches more importance to the appearance rather than the necessary conditions. We should pay more attention to commuting and convenience, Water supply, electricity, civil servant accommodation, and the most important thing is to allow locals to participate in urban planning.

Atkashahina, who "agreed" in the questionnaire, was also worried that the moving capital would increase the burden on the national debt of the offspring.The teacher from southern Jakarta bluntly stated that considering Indonesia's limited fiscal capabilities, the Nushan Dala project is a bit high.

The two people worry about the main reason why the other 52 % of the respondents do not agree with the capital.Among the respondents who did not agree with the capital, more than 60 % of them believed that moving the capital was not a top priority, and also believed that the construction of new construction brought about land ownership; more than 80 % worried that the relocation capital increased the country's fiscal burden and the natural ecology that endangered East Gariman.

Most of the respondents are dissatisfied with the progress of Xindu (44.8 %) or are not very satisfied with (20.7 %), far exceeding the 15.5 % of satisfaction and general satisfaction.

It is worth noting that those who are dissatisfied with the progress are not that the current moving capital is too slow.There are 38 interviewees who are not satisfied with the progress and are not very satisfied with. Among them, only five of the 16 people who are willing to share their views. Only five people think that the construction and migration of the new capital should accelerate. 11 people actually want to slow down.

The original goal of the Indonesian government was to move the first batch of civil servants to the new capital in March this year. However, due to the delay of the project, this plan has now exhibited until September.However, according to the survey, only 7%of the respondents hope to start migrating this year.It is hoped that in 2029, that is, 30 % of the next move before the expiration of the government, hoping that the capital would be relocated by 2045.The remaining 40 % of the interviewees did not express their positions.