Source: Bloomberg

Author: Jordan Fabian

Joe Bayeng strives to continue to represent the Democratic Party's candidate for the president of the Democratic Party. He comes from the self -beliefs that have been refined in the past 50 years. In these 50 years, his efforts to win the White House have been repeatedly frustrated.

From the perspective of many Americans, the 81st year of Biden still insisted on not logically running.Although he can do everything he can, attempts to prove that he has enough energy to re -elected president, but it does not help change the outside world's high view of his age.Suspect said that a younger and more energetic leader came forward to run for the Democratic Party.

However, after the performance in the presidential debate is surprising, the anxiety of Democratic Party members, gold owners and activists seems to further strengthen the belief of Biden, thinking that he is the best to defeat Donald Trump.Personalized.

"I am the most qualified to run for the president. I defeated him once and would defeat him again," Biden said at a press conference on Thursday.

Biden has never been easily shaken by the outside voice.His consultant team is not large, and has almost changed for decades.Major decisions are usually made through family discussions, and his wife Gil plays a significant role.According to the NBC News report, Hunter, the only son in Biden, was facing addiction, and was also ruled that illegal guns had recently attended the White House meeting.

There are almost no signs that the closest people around Biden are urging him to re -consider whether to run.Such a topic is definitely difficult to enlighten, and it is tantamount to letting people compete for the president's throne in several elections to take the initiative to abandon the president, and they are forced to retire because of their age.

Democrats who advocate re -nomination of candidates believe that age issues will only get worse and worse, and Bayeng's bad performance will only be more common in the second term.86 years old.But Biden didn't take it for this.

When facing California's members of California Mike Levin in a private call on Friday, Biden acknowledged that he was "reasonable concern", but he said that he could calm down the way of exposing public appearances.

"I showed more and showed everything, including how sensitive my activities were and how much knowledge was, I still firmly controlled the situation," a person who knew the content of the conversation quoted Biden.

Suspecting whether Biden has the ability to defeat Trump continues to spread within the Democratic Party.But after the event similar to Detroit last Friday -people shouted "You are not allowed to refund" -i, the possibility of Biden withdrawing seems more difficult to imagine.

Undergraduate politician

The anonymous Biden Assistant reiterated on Friday that the campaign was carried out as usual.Biden himself may not be moved, because he believes that the election situation is more stuck than many public polls.

"All polls told me that it was difficult to distinguish me," Biden said in an interview with ABC News."I remember that they told me like this in 2020, saying that I can't win."

The disgust of Trump also drives Biden to continue.Along the way, he was contempt from time to time, and eventually formed a view that he was an undervalued politician all year round, including when successfully defeating Trump four years ago.

Even now, Biden often boasted that he was elected Senator at Tellawa when he was 29 years old and seized this site from the Republican Party.He also joined his suggestion to Obama from time to time from time to time in his speech.

He rarely considered his frustration in the early days of the Democratic Election of the Democratic Party in 2020, but in the end he won the primary election.He mocked the reporter that the media believed that he could not achieve two -party legislation.He also criticized the doomsman who predicted the "red wave". Such a scene did not come true in 2022. At that time, the Democratic Party lost the House of Representatives with a lower expected gap and expanded most of the seats in the Senate.

Biden's allies and former officers said that all this caused Biden to fall into the current crisis, and it is easy for the restless emotions within the party to be regarded as that they were not respected, underestimated, or both.Yes.