The former sunburned country has long been sunset, and the existing joint kingdom seems to be thin.People hate the Conservative Party and begging the status quo. The Labor Party leader Stammer followed the trend and advocated that changes, and it really ushered in the opportunity.But what drama he can change needs to be observed.

The Dust of the British July election settled, and the Conservative Party's Conservative Party set a record in 190 years.The Labor Party in the wild has won about 64%of the parliamentary seats, which can be governed alone.But if you look closely, the total voting rate of the Labor Party is actually only about 34%, that is, it actually only receives the support of about one -third of the voters.

Therefore, some people have analyzed that the results of the election are not so much a Labor Party, it is better to say that the Conservative Party has lost a lot of votes, showing that many original supporters are now discouraged and fast.The Conservative Party has indeed lost most of the votes. They are scattered to other parties. In addition to the Labor Party, a large part is actually flowing to the right -wing party.The rate is 14%, although it only won five seats.The third largest party in the fourth (12%) of the voting rate won 72 seats, 64 seats increased by the previous election.

The income rate of the votes and the income is incomparable, which is related to the simple major system (First Post The Post) implemented by the UK.The characteristics of this system are: in each constituency, candidates who get the most votes are elected or eaten. No matter how many candidates who are candidates, how much they get.In this election, more than a dozen candidates are actually only a hundred votes more than their opponents.

This system is beneficial to the ruling party.Occupying 60 % of the seats in Congress, the ruling party has greater advantages to cope with the entanglement and constraints of the opposition party, which is conducive to passing the bill and governance.The seats won by the Labor Party this time are also covered with four parts of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Therefore, it can also be said to be more representative.The Scottish National Party, which was originally unique and even had to hold an independent referendum, lost this time, and fell from the original 39 seats.

The Conservative Party has nothing to do with the administration of 14 years

The election results show that most British voters are iron -hearted to drive the Conservative Party to step down.In their opinion, the British faced many issues before, and the Conservative Party could not blame the Party.Compared with the 2019 election, the Conservative Party only won 121 seats this time, with a large loss of 252 seats, and the voting rate was only 24%.The analysis of BBC (BBC) summarizes the defeat of Conservatives into three major factors: right wing, turbulence and living costs.Based on this framework, the various symptoms of British disease should be not far away.But the root of the disease may still be corrupted by the conservative party quality.

The so -called right -wing factor refers to the turbulent right wing currently appearing around Europe.However, there are also analysis that the rise of right wings is only the symptoms of European political diseases.It can also be said to be a phenomenon caused by the latter two reasons.Looking back at the conservative party's ruling record in the past 14 years, the political turmoil is not enough to sum up. In addition to turbulence, it has nothing to do, and the promise to voters has basically failed.British politics falls into the so -called Performance Politics. Politics is like acting. No matter how realistic, it is just a performance.

From 2010, the Conservative Party defeated the Labor Reinforcement and re -governed five prime ministers: Cameron, Tryzme, Johnson, Tellas, and Sunak, of which Tras became the most ""The Prime Minister of the short -lived "short -lived", only 49 days, some people ridiculed that her freshness period was shorter than the lettuce on the supermarket.Five prime ministers are not as good as one crab.As a result, "Britain is Broken" appeared.This is what the party leader Farachi said.

The most critical change in the past 14 years should be Brexit referendum.Cameron not only gambled his political life for this, but also quickly caught Britain into a dilemma that should not be.Johnson's election emitted in 2016, echoing the White House in the White House.Johnson said to end Britain's decline and reproduce the golden age, but this is just a slogan.His "grand wish" is based on an unrealistic idea, thinking that the Brexit, abandoned China (country), and pro -beauty can create a spring.The fact is just the opposite.

Many votes in favor of Brexit are now reluctant to talk about Brexit, they know that they have been deceived by politicians.The "recovery sovereignty" shouted by Johnson and others is a seductive campaign slogan, because many British mistakenly believe that the British problem is caused by the EU, thinking that joining the EU has lost many autonomy.Therefore, if you can get back the autonomy, all problems can be solved.

Lost losses after Brexit

In fact, the negative impact of Brexit and the loss of the European market far exceeds many people's imagination.Earlier this year, a survey by Labor London Mayor Sadik Khan quoted the economic consulting company Cambridge Economics.), Economic output is also reduced by 6%compared to Brexit.London's own economy has shrank £ 30 billion after Brexit, and the income of British people has also decreased.

The report estimates that 1.8 million jobs have been lost after Brexit, and London's job position alone has less than 300,000.If you look forward again, the situation is even more pessimistic.By 2035, Brexit losses in the United Kingdom will estimate that it will reach £ 311 billion. Regardless of output, investment, employment, export or import, it will be far lower than that in the European Union.

After the Brexit, the dance of the United States did not bring any benefits to Britain.In addition to losing the majority of European markets, it also breaks its relationship with China.At the same time, it was affected by the crown disease epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War, which led to a rise in living expenses, the level of living continued to decline, and the people's grievances were boiling.It was already overwhelming. The National Medical Service System (NHS) of Zuo Zhi and Right is facing a collapse, and even the nurse took the street demonstration, requiring a salary increase of 30%.

The Conservative Party has continuously produced five prime ministers who have governed the country without the country. They cannot face the internal issues of British in politics, and they cannot get a governance plan. ThereforeEU control, Chinese competition, and so on.This should be the root cause of the overall decline of Britain in recent years.A friend who was sent to study in the United Kingdom in the 1960s said that at that time, republican students could also enjoy free medical and university education. It can be seen how much wealth for the British Empire to searches from the colonies.It seems naturally natural after soaking for generations.

The past is like a smoke. Although the former sun is not falling, it has long been sunset.People hate the Conservative Party and begging the status quo. The Labor Party leader Stammer followed the trend and advocated that changes, and it really ushered in the opportunity.But what kind of play can be observed for him. To this day, we have not seen his specific plan yet.Johnson and others have promised all kinds of beautiful promises. After Brexit, Britain even dreamed of becoming "Singapore on the Thames", but after all, it turned into a bubble.It is easy to call out the beautiful and moving political slogan and talked on paper. It is easy to repair the country that has been smashed for a long time!

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress