Source: China News Agency

In the second round of the Iranian presidential election of the Iranian reform school candidate Pezhiyang, the Iranian reform faction candidate Pezhiyang won the leading advantage of nearly 3 million votes.At present, the impact of a new round of Pakistani conflict has continued to expand, and the security situation in the Middle East is becoming increasingly complicated.What reforms will Peizhiyang will launch to respond to the multiple challenges of internal affairs and diplomacy, which will become the focus of attention from all parties.

The reformist "Strange Soldiers"

The 69 -year -old Pezhiyang was a cardiac surgeon.He went to the front line to serve as a military doctor during the Iraqi War.In 1997, Pezhiji joined the cabinet of the former President Hatami, and began his political career.From 2001 to 2005, he served as Minister of Health in Hatimi cabinet.In the 2008 parliamentary election, he was elected parliamentarian on behalf of the Dabli constituency.From 2016 to 2020, Pezhiji Yang became the first deputy speaker of the Iranian Parliament.

Pezhica is not high -profile in his previous political career. He participated in two presidential elections and ended in failure.This year, he became the only reformist of the six candidates approved by the Constitutional Supervisor and won the election in the final round, which was unexpected to a certain extent.

The Guardian reported that in many presidential debates, Pezhiji left the impression of integrity and humility.Wang Jin, director of the Israeli Research Center of Northwestern University, said that Pezhiziyang dared to make opinions on the government's existing problems on many occasions, and compared with the careful image of conservatives.His ideas are clear, and the proposed claims are more conducive to solving some economic problems in Iranian society.Liu Zhongmin, a professor at the Middle East Research Institute of Shanghai Foreign Languages ​​University, believes that at present, people's livelihood is difficult and the external environment is relatively bad. The people still expect that the reformists can bring changes.

Multiple challenges of internal and external problems

Iran currently face a variety of complex problems, covering many aspects such as political, economic, social and international relations.

Since the breakdown of the Iranian nuclear agreement and the more stringent economic sanctions on Iran, the relationship between Iran has been very nervous with the West.Economic sanctions have also severely hit the Iranian economy, leading to high inflation, rising unemployment rate, and depreciation of currency.Although the government is trying to stabilize the economy through various means, the effect is limited.

This election is also in the tense situation in the Middle East.In April of this year, the relationship between Iran and Israel worsened, and for the first time, it launched an attack from its territory to Israel.After that, the conflict between Israel and the Lebanese Allah upgraded, and the situation suddenly heated up.The aggressive turbulence of the regional situation also threatened Iran's security.

Qin Tian, ​​deputy director of the Middle East Research Institute of the China Institute of Modern International Relations, said that the most concerned on the Iranian people are currently the most concerned on how to boost the economy and improve the social livelihood; the other is how to improve the relationship with the United States and the West.

Wang Jin believes that even if Pezhiji is the president, he is still around a large number of conservative government personnel around him, and his reform road is thorough.

Where is the reform?

Pezhican participates in the competition with the "for Iran" campaign slogan.After the victory, he issued a statement saying that he would promote reform, dispel the haze brought by sanctions and war, pursue long -lasting peace, launch regional cooperation, and dialogue with world constructive.In general, Pezhican will take the development of the development of the domestic economy and improve the international environment as its important governance direction.

In terms of internal affairs, Liu Zhongmin believes that the reformists pay more attention to the role of market mechanisms, focus on governing the country, and seek to change the decline of Iran's economy.Wang Jin said that Peizhi's claims are more in line with the expectations of young people, such as encouraging the development of small and micro enterprises, improving employment rates, reducing government interference and playing market role, etc. These are also closer to solving specific problems facing Iran's economic development.EssenceHowever, due to the current conservative forces of Iranian departments, he will face a lot of resistance when implementing these measures.Qin Tian said that Pezhica may take measures to repair the gap between the people and the government and enhance the people's confidence in the government.

In terms of diplomatic strategy, Liu Zhongmin believes that Pezhica will be more balanced than conservatives, not only paying attention to "looking east", but also seeking to improve the relationship with Western countries; in regional diplomacy, he will continue to continueImprove the relationship with Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and promote diplomatic diplomacy.Qin Tian said that although Pezhiji advocated a healthy interaction globally and softened the Western attitude, it is still difficult to achieve specific results.

Liu Zhongmin emphasized that Iran will still face great pressure in dealing with Pakistani conflict and Israel's challenges.Even though the Lebanon Allah will not move towards Israel, the conflict within a certain scale is unavoidable. This is another challenge facing Pezhizi after coming to power.