After the British Labor Party leader Stammer saw the British King Charles III on July 5, he was invited to form a new government and officially became the British Prime Minister.In his first speech after taking office, he promised that "change work immediately", and he will "rebuild the United Kingdom" by tiles and tiles.However, he is facing a weak British economy, British voters who lack confidence in the future, and foreign relations full of variables. The reconstruction tasks will be very difficult.

The first is weak economic growth.Since 2010, the Conservative Party has re -reshaped the Britain, planning Brexit, cut public service expenditure and welfare expenditures.In the fourth quarter of 2023, the British economy shrank 0.3%, and in the third quarter, 0.1%atrophy was also shown.In the first quarter of this year, although the British economy has increased slightly, it has increased by 0 in April.At the same time that the economy is stagnant, British prices are rising.Since 2022, the prices of food, energy, housing, and other highs have repeatedly reached high, which has brought great pressure on the people, especially low -income groups.

The second is the public service crisis.Institute of Think Tank British Government Research Institute had previously warned that British public services were "crumbling" and faced a continuous crisis.Affected by the economic crisis and the epidemic of crown diseases, the time of the British people waiting for medical treatment to grow, and pensions, charities and schools also face personnel and capital dilemma.In the second half of last year, local governments in many important cities such as Nottingham and Birmingham also declared "bankruptcy", which caused local public services to face great challenges.

Third, social division has intensified.Scotland has always been dissatisfied with the British government's policies, especially on the issue of Brexit.Scotland believes that Brexit has damaged its economic benefits, so it has repeatedly called for independent referendum.Northern Ireland's political situation has also been unstable, and there are differences with the British government on trade and border issues.The rise of the national separationism of Scottish and Northern Ireland has increased the risk of division of the United Kingdom.The gap between social classes is also expanding, and the living standards and opportunities between the rich and the poor are becoming more and more obvious.This has caused social contradictions, and the people's dissatisfaction with the government has increased.

Fourth is the issue of illegal immigration.According to data from the British Ministry of Political Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense, as of the end of June, more than 13,000 illegal immigrants have traveled through the British Geely Strait this year to the UK for four years.With the rise of the Right -wing forces on the opposite side of the Geothy Strait, negotiations with France on illegal immigration issues may become more complicated.The influx of illegal immigrants has brought tremendous pressure on social services, housing, and employment in the UK, and also caused some social security issues, such as rising crime rates.The British government takes a series of measures on dealing with illegal immigration issues, but the effect is not good.On the one hand, there is a loophole in the British immigration policy, and on the other hand, cooperation with other countries is not close enough.The Labor Party has clearly stated that it will fight illegal immigrants by establishing the "Border Security Command" and strengthening cooperation with other European countries.But these measures may take years to take effect.

Five is the lack of political trust.Due to factors such as the failure of public policy, the current public confidence in the government system has fallen to a historical low, and many related data break the worst record of history or the same as it.According to the report of the Public Observation Survey Company, 49%of British voters "almost never" believe that the government puts national needs on the interests of the party. 73%of voters believe that politicians do not really care about the demands of the people.In the past, it was more inclined to think that the Labor Party and the Conservative Party were "not much different."The conservative party government's frequent changes, the unstable and lack of continuity of the policy make the people feel disappointed and confused.The exposure of a series of political scandals, such as the "party door", has also seriously damaged the image and reputation of politicians.During the election, voters' participation has declined, reflecting the indifference and distrust of politics.

Six is ​​the variables of foreign relations.Since its withdrawal from the EU in 2016, Britain has become more and more lonely internationally. Starmore is in power, and it is difficult to completely change this isolated state of "diaphragm" with the international community.In terms of policy on China, the British Labor Party intends to pursue the "3C Guidelines", that is, "cooperation, competition, and challenges", and at the same time, it takes a more pragmatic attitude towards Sino -British relations.For the United States, Stammer hopes to maintain a special relationship between Britain and the United States and form a united front in the common strategic field.However, in the face of protectiveism, and the United States, which is more and more difficult to predict, the United Kingdom will retain its own position on some issues, rather than blindly running with the United States.For the European Union, the Labor Party or the psychology of regretting the people's regrets on Brexit claims to be planning to seek a new security agreement between Britain and the European Union to rebuild the relationship with European allies and strengthen cooperation with all parties.

But the right -wing forces of the European continent are further rising, which is very unfavorable to Britain.As for the issue of Russia -Ukraine relations, Starmore's Labor Party may increase assistance to Ukraine in terms of politics, economy, military, and finance, reiterate that Ukraine to join NATO, and reiterate that Russia is the enemy of Britain.In general, Stammer must flexibly respond to various variables in the complex international situation to safeguard Britain's national interests and international status.

Stano's reconstruction of Britain is full of challenges and uncertainty.He has to show his outstanding leadership and wisdom in order to lead Britain to get out of the predicament and achieve revival.

The author is the writer of China Financial Media column, chief analyst of Jingsu Media