"There may not be a good result, but it is getting worse and worse" psychological public opinion, requires political organizations and politicians to be indifferent when facing a society that needs to be changed urgently.

In the past few days, the election results of the three countries have attracted global attention.On July 4th, Starmer led by the British Labor Party overwhelmed, defeated the conservative party, which was governed for 14 consecutive years, and won the governing position.One day later, Pezhiyang, who was regarded as the Iranian reform school, in the second round of presidential election voting, unexpectedly defeated the former nuclear negotiations of the hardliner, Saiye Jali, was elected.The conservative candidate stood out, and in the final election, it received 16.38 million votes and won 53.6%of the voters support, so that many observers who predict Jali can lie down to break the glasses.

On the second day of Iran's selection, the second round of voting results in the French Parliament was released.In the first round of voting, the extreme right -wing national alliance, the embarrassing scene of the third place in the seat, made the party leader Le Pen's abandonment operation of the traditional left, right, and middle parties.However, people are not as good as heaven. French President Macron blocked the National Alliance, but did not block the left -wing alliance temporarily pushed together before the election. The latter won the most seats.Time lame state.

Three elections in four days, if what words can be used to summarize their characteristics and the meaning of public opinion, it should be Stammmer's campaign slogan: change.

Stammer said to do so.During his four years when he became the new party leader of the Labor Party, the "change" was from the beginning to the present.Faced with the "Corbinism" of the extreme left at the time, the Labor Party continued to lose votes. Stammer "changed" the first word, eliminating the tough left in the party in one hand, moved closer to the middle route, and lifted the economy that faded the ideology of ideology.Stable and creating a banner of wealth, setting up the way to pragmatism, only four years before and after, allowing the Labor Party to realize salted fish and enter 10 Tangning Street.Iran and France's elections are also a sample of re -discharge based on "changes".Pezhiyang can disrupt the spring water of the Iranian politics. French voters would rather let go of the parliamentary parliament that has no great benefit to the development of the country.The "change" advocates more and more voters who are more dissatisfied with the status quo and are eager to look forward to changing.

Fanglin Xinye urges Chen Ye, and the water is waved in front of the water.In this chaotic world today, the way of governing chaos is only taken.Throughout the ages, the principle of changing is to be passed by countless facts.That is, such as the changes in the international structure in recent years, whether it is the frequent change of the government, the rush of politicians, the rise of the extreme forces, and the popularity of the radical leaders, the inside is the dissatisfaction of the voters and the change of the change in the status quo.The expectation.

For the international community, the war -ending of the country is frequent, conflict, and the faults of the old ideas behind the lack of trust, the old concepts behind the lack of trust, the disorders of the old pattern, and the losing color of the old rules.The track of change is a reminder of the old order with the new outline.For ordinary people, letting life is stable, making life continuously improve, and hopes to follow the shape. It is the only thought they determine who votes in their hands.If these expectations are not satisfied, they may be able to endure for a while, but the long -lasting status quo remains and continuous disappointment accumulation will promote them to dislike politics and vote away.The self -righteous politician was dazzling.

For example, in 2016, the British Prime Minister Cameron Hao Brexit made himself fall in politics. It is also like Macron this year Macron has disbanded the great bets re -selected by the parliament.EssenceIn fact, Trump came to power with Trump ’s scenery in the election year this year, and was related to the change mentality of voters."There may not be a good result, but it is getting worse and worse." Public opinion under the psychology requires political organizations and politicians to be indifferent when facing a society that needs to change urgently.

Of course, the world's constant changes are relative.The sun is new every day, and there is often no new thing in the sun."New" is that when it changes, it changes and keeps pace with the times; "no new things" means that unsusable things need to be adhered to, such as conscious recognition of the law of development, and always pay attention to the demands of voters.Furthermore, between "changes" and "unchanged", the true meaning lies in conforming to the current situation, consistent with public opinion, and must be sincere.

The British Labor Party, which is like a rainbow in this election, has not had no chance to come back in the 14 years of the Conservative Party.In 2014, the Labor Party won two re -election victory, but in the end failed to turn over; in 2019, the internal division of the conservative party of the ruling party is frequent.Opportunity, unfortunately, until the election ended, it could not really take out the feasible solution of revitalizing the economy and the specific Brexit.The true attention of "changes" is also difficult to win people's hearts.

Therefore, the British Labor Party and representatives of the Iranian reform faction were successfully elected. In fact, their tests have just begun.With the "prosperity of its rejuvenation" achieved by the banner of change, will it be "the same speed" because of the failure of the change. It is a true or false test gold stone on the road to change.

As for the left -wing alliance that jumped in France, it is like the National Alliance quickly dived after the first round of elections. If you can't think about your own way of response, it is estimated that there will be a lot of fetters on the way.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi