Since Thailand has removed marijuana and its products in 2022, it is removed from the national drug list (editor: Thailand has announced in May that marijuana is planned to be re -listed as controlled drugs), and marijuana often appears in news reports.But I have never seen a marijuana. It was not until I arrived in New Delhi, India in May this year that I saw marijuana really appearing in front of me.

When I arrived in New Delhi in early May, when I was drinking tea and chatting in a three -story villa in my friend, he brought out a basket of leaves that rolled up and asked me if I wanted to try it.I asked him what he was, and he said it was marijuana leaves.I was startled and told him that Singapore's law stipulated that Singapore citizens would be punished by law even if they took marijuana and their products abroad. Back to China will still be punished by law. The best strategy is to stay away from drugs.

But I am curious, where so many marijuana leaves came from.A friend said that there was a large wild cannabis at the door of his downstairs.I want him to take me to see.After walking downstairs, I saw it clearly that there was a empty space between my friend's villa and next door, and there was a vensive marijuana that was taller than me.According to friends, this is a wild marijuana. India is everywhere, and it is easy to grow on the empty ground.

I look at the hemp leaves carefully and find that it is extremely similar to the Ricinus Communis (Castor Oil Plant).My friend took a piece of leaves and rubbed it with my hands to make me smell it. The smell was almost exactly the same as the smell of ramie leaves.When I was a child, I planted a lot of ramie in the village of Xunshan. The people were eaten by squeezing oil with racket seeds. The outer skin of the tainer can be used to make hemp ropes to use. The pork leaves are mixed in the pig food. The pig likes to eat it.But I don't remember someone rolling ramie leaves as tobacco.In our primary school Chinese textbook, there is a text that can be used as aviation fuel.When the teacher explained this way, I always looked at the sky in the sky. Whenever the plane flew over, I wondered whether the plane above my head was driven by the beater oil in my puppet village.

The cannabis is native to Dandan and India. Drought and long, the wind can blow up the seeds everywhere.The hemp is born to be drugs. In history, the use of cannabis is famous in ancient India. The legendary destruction god wet mother -in -law worship and like to worship and like to absorb.Long -term absorption of marijuana can induce mental chaos and delusion, and the personality will become very paranoid, and the physical function will be severely damaged, and the resistance and exercise coordination ability will decline.The adsorbent will have hostility, impulse or suicide to human beings; the damage to the human body is more than 10 times that of cigarettes; excessive absorbers will be like zombies in film and television dramas.

Thailand once legalized marijuana in 2022, becoming the first country in East Asia to legalize and consumer.After the policy was released, Thailand was equal to opening Pandora's box, and drugs became an out of hand. Bangkok became a cannabis capital.Cannabis products have penetrated into many foods, such as marijuana ice cream, marijuana cigarettes, marijuana toothpaste, marijuana desserts, marijuana beverages, and so on.At that time, some people were worried that they ate a snack and a glass of water on the streets of Thailand.

This trip to India made me realize that marijuana was so renocent. Drugs were next to us, and drugs were unknowingly infected with drugs.Drugs are not stimulants, and people who have calm minds will not approach.Cannabis is not a wealth password. If a country wants to plant cannabis to develop the economy, it is not a long -term plan, but the long -term harm is far greater than economic income.

Everyone must have a clear sense of drug rejection, stay away from drugs, and firmly say to any form of drugs: NO.

The author is a cultural tourism communication operator