Under the current situation of the United States' focus to Indo -Pacific and the turbulent world situation, the fate of Britain and the European Union is increasingly related.The future of Britain is not to become the so -called "Global Britain", but "Britain in Europe."Only becomes "Europe in Europe" can it really become the leader of the world.

The results of the British election were no doubt on July 5th, and the Labor Party in the wild has won an overwhelming victory in the 14th year of the wild.Winning the general election is not due to the personal charm of the Labor Party's political program and the party leader, but because the conservative party government is unable to revitalize the economy, and the constant dissatisfaction of political scandals has caused extensive dissatisfaction.

New Prime Minister Stano's slogan of "changing the country".Facing many variables caused by economic dysfunction, the problem of immigration, the Ukrainian war, and Trump's possibility of governing the United States again, the United Kingdom does need to make changes.In fact, the chaos and decline brought about by the Conservative Party provided many favorable conditions for changes in the Labor Party.The question is: what to change?How to change?Where is the turbulent Britain?

Before the election, Stammer put forward six claims in the Labor Political Political Political Plastic Political Plane: stabilize the economy; improve the national health care system (NHS) services; strengthen border security; establish a new national energy system; combat anti -social behavior; and increase teachers' positions.Stammer said he would adhere to the middle route.In this regard, British and American public opinion believes that at the critical moment of change, the new government needs to do not do the so -called "cautious precisly", but boldly act.In other words, Stammer should not be satisfied with the stable economy, but to revive the economy.

Revitalizing the economy must improve public services

The difficulty of economic rejuvenation is how to reverse the stagnation of British productivity while preserving national benefits.There are no fundamental differences between the welfare issues.After the impact of the financial turmoil from 2007 to 2009, neo -liberalism is no longer a good way to save the world.Liberal economists have published a reflection article on July 12, 2018, pointing out that welfare countries are related to capitalism.After the British Labor Party experienced the "New Labor Party Movement" in the 1990s, it has been reborn as a Central Left Party. The biggest challenge it faces is how to achieve the "third road" advocated by British sociologist Anthony Gustas to create aVibrant capitalist welfare country.

Returning to marketing originalism is obviously not the answer to the problem.Today, the global industry competition has already entered the oligopoly monopoly, and the country and the market no longer exclude each other, but to integrate with each other; whether it is to protect the country's market or strengthen the competitiveness of domestic enterprisesFacing institutional competition from national capitalism.Therefore, the Economic State is now everywhere. The economy that revives the decline needs to improve public services and expand government expenditure.The difficulty is: Where does money come from?The negative economic effects and political risks of increased taxes are self -evident.Not to mention that the British personal income tax rate has reached the highest level of history, and the Labor Party has clearly ruled out the possibility of levying wealth taxes.However, it is almost impossible to resolve the disparity of wealth distribution. It is almost impossible to revive the economy and restore social vitality.

British public policy experts pointed out that public services should be improved by increasing consumption tax, wealth tax and capital gains tax, supporting production activities and small enterprise entrepreneurship, thereby getting rid of the dependence on taxes.In short: taxes to the rich.The Labor Government has the right to make such a choice.However, this is not enough. It must also reflect on the weakening of previous financial control on the stability of the national fiscal system. Establish a tax system that can better resist external macroeconomic impact, thereby strengthening economic stability and fiscal elasticity, and avoiding the cycle of prosperity and depression.

In addition, the British Labor Party will play a certain role in the extreme right of the European continent.Although Brexit caused heavy losses to Britain in 2016, the Reform Party of the Anti -Immigration Party was also in the general election, and it will continue to restrain the ruling party's policy on European policies.In fact, the seriousness of immigration issues, so that the Brexit that developed into the trend of populism is the consequences of Britain's long -term pursuit of "offshore balance".

Brexit causes both Britain and the European Union to lose both

After the Cold War ended, in order to prevent "Europe in Germany", Britain adopted two aspects of countermeasures: First, remove the Western European Union (European Independence Armed Forces), and strengthen British and French military cooperation (December 1998 St. MalloDeclaration); Second, the EU expands eastward, expanded from the fifth east in 2004, and pulled the "second Europe" (internal internal European countries) into the European Union to dilute Germany's voting rights in the European Union.The St. Mallo declaration implies the intention of restraining Germany, with the purpose of strengthening Europe's independence in NATO, but it is suspected of undermining European unity, being rejected by the European Union, and also caused alert to the United States and gradually moved towards marginalization.Citizens of the second European countries who enjoy the "four major freedoms" of commodities, services, personnel, and capital flows are able to flood a large number of developed Britain.In just 10 years, the British population, which was less than 60 million, expanded 8 million, which made the British welfare system overwhelmed.

The Starmore government has revived the economy and must consider returning to the world's largest market in the world.But this is not easy. The European Union will force Britain to give in the issue of immigration as the price to return to Europe -and this will definitely detonate British politics.So far, Brexit has caused both Britain and the European Union to lose both: Before Brexit, the European Union highly relied on British diplomatic experience. On behalf of the European Union, the EU's economic diplomatic negotiations were mainly Britain.It is no exaggeration to say that Brexit not only damaged Britain, but also reduced the soft and hard power of the European Union.

Strengthening the defense cooperation between Britain and the European Union has become a established policy for the Labor Government.In the context of the current Russian and Ukraine War, strengthening unity with the European Union is imperative; without the addition of British military forces, the EU's conventional military forces are difficult to withstand Russia's pressure.At the same time, almost all EU countries were worried about the prospects of Trump's re -appointed President of the United States, worried about losing the protection of NATO; expecting France to provide a nuclear -protecting umbrella for the entire Europe, which is obviously difficult to be difficult, and Britain must be involved in it.If Britain echoed France's claims and turned into the wartime economy, it would be even more inseparable from the European market.

Britain has never given up the ambition of the great power.In 1945, Churchill designed the "Third Ring Diplomacy", which is the British and American special relationships, the relationship between the European and American, and the relationship with the Commonwealth in order according to the importance.Since the aftermath of the war, Britain has always been in a subordinate status in the special relationship between Britain and the United States, and the relationship is unstable.British Federation cannot be compared with the European Union in terms of economy and politics.In the current situation of the United States' focus to Indo -Pacific and the turbulent situation in the world, the fate of Britain and the European Union is increasingly related.The future of Britain is not to become the so -called "Global Britain", but "European Britain".Only becomes "Europe in Europe" can it really become the leader of the world.

Britain returns to Europe in a timely manner, which is conducive to Europe's security and stability; European stability helps to inhibit extreme political forces and prevent the disintegration of external forces.Without a stable Europe, Britain cannot be alone.

Internal affairs are the extension of diplomacy. For Britain at the crossroads, it does not solve the direction of national foreign policy. Returning the economy may be empty words.Where to go, people will wait and see.

The author is a Ph.D. in Political Science, London School of Political Economics, a visiting scholar at the School of Political Economics and Economics of London