Mr. Deng Xize believes that the Chinese college students are the social effects caused by the excessive expansion of colleges and universities. They also believe that the scale of the enrollment of colleges and universities should be about 4 million to 5 million, and the current scale reaches more than 11 million (Lianhe Morning News 7Speaking on the 1st).In this regard, the author agrees, but it cannot be fully agreed.The internal volume of college students does have the factors of universities, but not necessarily. The deeper factors are:

1. The planning of the development of higher education and the misplaced reform of marketization

China Higher Education is formed by imitating the Soviet Union under the planned economy system. From the moment of birth, the attributes of the plan are served for the development of the national economic industry development plan.Freedom of citizenship with the spirit of independence. "Now, an important assessment indicator of the Ministry of Education of China (including 985 universities) is the employment rate, so that there is a scholar with famous colleges and universities -even schools like Tsinghua have to consider the employment rate.What is the ultimate goal?

With the continuous advancement and deepening of reform and opening up, the disadvantages of the planning attributes of higher education in China have become increasingly apparent, and it is misplaced with the market decision mechanism of resource allocation.

On the one hand, the setting and layout of colleges and universities are planned uniformly, compared with the development of national economic and industrial structure, and the marketization development of social needs.It is necessary to be approved by administrative approval, professional settings and revoking planning characteristics are significant, and it is difficult to step on the pulse of the market.

As a result, the talents cultivated by universities often do not match the needs of marketization.

2. The positioning of the development of higher education and the dislocation of social concepts

Although the concept of Chinese society is still deeply rooted after more than 40 years of reform and opening up, this has also made higher education reforms very difficult.China Higher Education is divided into two series of ordinary higher education and vocational education. It is a relationship of parallel and equality. However, vocational education is "low -class" in people's minds.Parents, resisting the merger and reorganization with the "higher vocational colleges" into new application -oriented undergraduate colleges, behind it is the tenacious social hierarchical concept.

The discrimination of different types of higher education is not only reflected in the concepts and behaviors of ordinary people, but schools and government agencies also play a role in promoting.Key universities, ordinary universities, "three universities" and "higher vocational colleges" are given different levels and status by the public, becoming a symbol of another heavy identity; government civil servants will usually set up corresponding schoolsstandard.

Higher education gives students the opportunity to change the status of society, that is, the awareness of "reading changes to destiny" in Chinese society.Under these concepts, the expansion of Chinese universities is only to provide choices for many parents' intentions to change their children's future destiny; if Chinese universities do not expand their enrollment, there will be other alternative options, but the college entrance examination is the most fair one that is widely accepted in society.Way.

III, the dislocation of the development of higher education and the development of industrial structure

China's industrial structure is in the process of transformation and upgrading, especially the rapid development of the digital economy in recent years, which is accelerating this process.This process is overlapping on a large scale with higher education. At the same time, it has encountered economic pressure in international and domestic, making the employment of more than 10 million graduates in the same time, which is difficult to increase the employment of more than 10 million.

The unable to take off Kong Yiji gown is more of a pseudo -proposition. Between survival and gown, it is obvious that survival is more important. Otherwise, how to understand college students and graduate students to send takeaway and run courier?College students have worked hard to find employment, but take off the gown, can they solve the problem of survival?The supply of talents in higher education and the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure are misplaced.

Four, the dislocation of the development of higher education and the changes in population structure

With the expansion of higher education for many years, the proportion of college students has also increased year by year, which has greatly improved the overall quality of China's population, which has made an important contribution to China's economic development.

At the same time, China is also in the high -speed development period of urbanization. The urbanization rate has reached 65%. Even so, compared with developed countries, China's urbanization level is still low.The gap between China's urban and rural areas is still large. A large number of college graduates stay in the city, especially the first -tier and second -tier cities. As a result, the relative surplus of talents can also be done by undergraduates and even college students.PhD.However, from the overall structure of China's population and the overall demand for talents in China's industrial development, is it overly surplus of college students?What's more, China's uneven and insufficient development has made this problem more prominent.

After the reform and opening up, from the 1980s to the 1990s, the government civil servant "went to the sea" even appeared. Now the opposite is the opposite.Recruitment of civil servants in communities or streets entering first and second -tier cities.It is also reported that after graduating from famous universities, they went to a remote region in Yunnan to apply for civil servants.These phenomena are not explained simply by the excessive expansion of university.Cracking the phenomenon in the society today must be "broken" and "standing". What is "broken" is the institutional obstacle of the planning system.It's out of the way.

The author Liu Hongbin is a teacher at the School of Economics Management of Zhejiang University of Technology

Yu Gui is a teacher of the School of Accounting, Zhejiang University of Technology