Education needs to think about all aspects of thoughts, patterns, methods, and education management, and conduct strategic profound changes.If education responds to new challenges brought by AGI in traditional models, it is difficult to meet future requirements.

What is Sputnik?In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite Sptnick No. 1. The satellites turned around on the heads of Americans every day, and Americans felt nervous.Global education is also facing such a moment, which is the crisis brought by the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

There is a question from Jobs in the field of education.In 2011, Jobs and Bill Gates had a dialogue. He asked: Why does information technology change almost all fields, but it is surprising to the change of education?Bill Gates also said that for so many years, most of the educational technology (Edtech) has not brought particularly substantial changes to education.

However, Bill Gates's recent point of view has changed because a new thing appears, which is AGI.

In May 2024, the online education platform (MOOC) expert of Khan Academy (Salman Khan), an online education platform (MOOC) expert, published a brave new vocabulary for books: how to let the Education Revolution,It is clearly proposed that AI will bring revolution to human education.Bill Gates specifically for this recommendation opinion, seeing that AGI really wants to bring revolution to global education.

How does AGI cause the revolution in human education?Why do you say that it brings human education warning like Sputnik?The first is: AGI changes the logic and paradigm of knowledge.Everyone knows that there is a large model AGI with 10 trillion parameters now, mainly by data, not causal relationships.In other words, we originally depended on logic, experiments, and observations, and obtained knowledge through logical analysis.Now, AGI does not rely on this, relying on data can generate knowledge.Therefore, the way of knowledge is very different from before. Traditionally, logical -based natural education and scientific and technological education methods are still applicable?

Another important feature is that AGI and ChatGPT increase intelligence through language communication.The famous language philosopher Wittgenstein said: "The boundary of the language is the boundary of the world", which means that language determines our understanding and understanding of the world.In the context of the rise of AGI, the large language model (such as GPT) is to dig and build knowledge by analyzing language, and also build a new cognitive framework.Therefore, the logic of education, the way of knowledge generation, and the tools of knowledge have changed.How should education adapt to these changes?

Third, we have to learn from educated, and we have to learn from people with learning.However, AGI created a smarter machine than humans.Musk said: "AI will be smarter than the smartest people in the next three years." This is not his own conjecture. The natural articles of the famous scientific magazine say: AI has defeated humans in basic tasks.Now the highest IQ of AGI has exceeded humans.In the past few years, AlphaGo defeated the world's number one Go player and Ke Jie of China, and Nie Weiping, who was known by the Chinese as a chess saint, said that we have to control AlphaGo as "Teacher A".Go.Agi is smarter than humans. What should teachers do in the future?Is there any need for teachers' occupation?

Fourth, another very important issue is that AGI has changed the educational paradigm.After the advent of the AGI, the relationship between education was changed.The original education is the education of people, and now there are new people education for machinery.Humans educate a machine with zero IQ to be smarter than humans.In the future, we need to study and educate with machines, and there will be a machine education for people. In the future, there will be a machine education for machines.Therefore, the paradigm and education relationship of education have undergone profound changes.As a result, one thing will appear in the field of education, that is, a machine, a very smart machine.

The recent GPT-4O, an AGI technology developed by this OpenAI company, can understand language like humans.For example, if your child uses GPT-4O to shoot homework, it can provide help to coach students to do homework.This technology is smarter than humans. It can understand human beings. It is better than human teachers and parents. It is more patient and does not lose his temper.In the face of such technologies, how should the field of education adapt and change?

From an industrial perspective, the emergence of AI and AGI will reconstruct the industry.In the future, machines will increasingly replace people on the production line.For example, in the past two years, a "female" robot named Sophia was awarded citizenship by Saudi Arabia, a relatively conservative country in Saudi Arabia because of being able to talk with humans.Recently, FIGURE01, which is smart and flexible by GPT technology, has appeared recently.Therefore, future machines will play a huge role in production, which will have a profound impact on human occupations.Will artificial intelligence be the terminator of certain occupations?What new occupations will it create and which existing occupations will replace?These problems need to be considered from the perspective of education, because future work will inevitably be closely connected to the machine.

At present, a new professional concept appears internationally, called "Copilot", which is the work of human -machine coordination.Li Yanhong, the founder of Baidu Group, a well -known Internet company in China, mentioned that a very important job in the future will be the "Prompt Engineer", which is the engineer who can ask AGI to get the correct answer.It is the key to many occupations involve whether it can effectively use large models and whether it can be properly raised to these big models.

What should I do in the face of career change education?

In the face of career change, what should I do?The UNESCO issued a future education guide to respond to AI challenges; the Ministry of Education of China proposed that artificial intelligence should be deeply penetrated into the entire process of education, and in 2018, it was issued and issued an artificial intelligence innovation action plan for colleges and universities.But just doing this is enough?If there is no profound change in the paradigm and relationship of education, can we simply add several courses and majors, or add an artificial intelligence college, can it meet the challenges of AGI?Moreover, the current education is far behind industrial development. Education workers have not understood the impact of education caused by AGI on society.If college teachers only pay attention to their research every day, and have nothing to do with the industry, how do they teach students?How do students find a job after graduation and keep pace with the times?

The Davos World Economic Forum pointed out that global education is at the crossroads, facing the problem of teachers in the global shortage and insufficient overall skills of the education system.In the face of such a situation, what should I do?The AI ​​report in the education released by Microsoft Group recently pointed out that we are facing a paradox now: we are preparing AI education, but we still act like the original way.But the development of AI requires strategic thinking. Do we have this strategy?Microsoft has recommended a few points, including overall use of AI education, thinking about the future we want.But are these enough?

In 2021, UNESCO issued a joint conception of our future: a new educational social contract report, discussing and looking forward to education for future and even 2050, and proposed future education.The challenge, education requires a new social contract.Education must think about all aspects of thinking, mode, methods, and education management, and carry out profound strategic changes.If education responds to new challenges brought by AGI in traditional models, it is difficult to meet future requirements.Hope that humans can challenge the Sputnik challenge like the United States at that timeIn the same way, explore the way to successfully respond to AGI's impact on education.

The author is the deputy director of the China Development Strategy Research Association, a special expert in China Forum