The frequent traffic accidents involving older drivers in the near future have caused the society to think and discuss the elderly's driving ability assessment and safety management.Regarding the control of older drivers, we need to balance public safety and personal rights. Through stricter physical examination and driving ability assessment, it is believed that it can effectively reduce relevant traffic accidents and improve the overall traffic safety level.

In June, there were at least three traffic accidents involving older drivers in the local area.Last Wednesday, a 74 -year -old female driver's car suspected to be out of control and rushed to the sidewalk, causing her to be sent to the hospital.A few days before this, an 89 -year -old man took a 90 -year -old friend to go to the morning. During the car, he lost control and hit three cars and causing them to be injured and admitted to the hospital.In another car accident, a 74 -year -old female passenger died, and the driver was her 76 -year -old husband.

In a rapidly aging society, traffic accidents involving older drivers are increasing. This is not a unique phenomenon in Singapore. The discussions of related control issues have always existed.For example, in Japan, a 84 -year -old man drove into a group of elementary school students in Saitama Prefecture north of Tokyo in early June, causing a girl to be seriously injured. Whether the elderly should continue to drive in Japan and heated again in Japanese public opinion.

Like Singapore, both Japan and South Korea are facing the problem of aging population. They are studying how to find suitable policies and measures between the convenience and public safety of the older driver.Some are worthy of Singapore's reference.In Japan, in addition to passing a cognitive test every three years, drivers who are 75 and above must pass the driving technical test.In South Korea, in order to encourage older drivers to abandon driving, elderly people who voluntarily abandon their driver's licenses at the age of 65 and above can get 100,000 won (about S $ 100) shopping vouchers as rewards.Wan won.

Singapore is consistent with the practice of other countries. There is no age to set up driving licenses at the third and below. Drivers over 65 years of age only need to submit the medical examination report every three years to prove that it is still suitable for driving.With the increase of traffic accidents involving older drivers, it is necessary to enhance control in this area.Today, drivers are increasingly unable to endure, and pedestrians and drivers are easily distracted by mobile phones. Faced with these reckless road users, the driver's response must be more agile. ThereforeIt should also be allowed to receive the reaction test.Singapore can consider setting different evaluation standards for older drivers of different ages, shorten the interval between testing to one or two years, and refer to Japan's

For some elderly people, driving is their livelihood. Commercial driving is different from ordinary driving. For a long time, continuous driving has higher physical requirements.The age limit of the local professional driving license is 75 years old. According to the data of the Singapore Pharmaceutical Association disclosed in 2022, the possibility of accidents between the 70s and 74 -year -old and a private car driver accidents are five higher than those under the age of 60.Six times.Therefore, when updating related professional driving licenses, more stricter standards should be adopted.

Some people recommend that the driver's age is limited, but this is not possible, because the body and mental condition varies from person to person and cannot be generalized.In addition to stricter evaluations, another positive approach is to encourage seniors to not drive alone without necessary.Singapore's transportation is convenient. Even if you do n’t drive, you will not be too troublesome to travel. After mastering the use of smartphones, you can call your car at any time. You can also check the bus table through your mobile phone without having to waste time on the bus station.

People can still drive everywhere in the twilight years, which is a symbol of self -reliance and freedom, which will help to improve the mental health of the elderly.However, with the increase of age, the risk of collision on the road is higher than that of young people, and the consequences of the accident may be more serious.For seniors who are accustomed to driving, driving has become a lifestyle or even identity. There is indeed a certain challenge to change.Driving to slow down a huge impact on life.