As a trendy of a maverick, Le Pen -Trumpism will aim at the construction of the establishment and the current political system.They believe that there are so many problems in Europe and the United States, the root cause is that the national elite has betrayed the interests of the people, and they are self -proclaimed with "people's spokespersons".

The four -day European Parliament election is over.According to the results of the export polls of the French Institute of Public Opinion, the French National Alliance led by Le Pen's extremely right -wing populist party received 31.7%of the votes, ranking first among French political parties.The middle school Fuxing Party led by Macron was only 14.9%of the votes, ranking second.

In response, Macron, who was severely hit in the European Parliament election, announced the dissolution of the National Parliament and held lightning elections.For this decision, Le Pen welcomed and said that her political party was ready to be in power after the results of the parliamentary elections convened by Macron.It is reported that Le Pen said in front of his party supporters: "I can only welcome this decision ... We are ready to govern ... ready to end large -scale immigrants, prepare the purchasing power as a priority matters, and be ready to be heavy.Zhenfa Pharma " The French National Front (editor: Reform the National Alliance in June 2018) was established on October 5, 1972 by Le Pen's father Jean-Marie Le Pen.Unified National Front ".The rise of the National Front was after 10 years of unknown "desert period", and only obtained an important breakthrough in 1984. The key to the breakthrough was the European Parliament election in 1984. To cope with the election, Jean Mali Le Pen published a question.It is the first book in France.

France First and Le Penism

Old Laopong used problems such as the domestic economic downturn and the high unemployment rate of France at that time, which caused dissatisfaction among the masses, and strongly advocated national sandwichism, extracurricularism and racism in the book.He believes that France is being invaded by foreigners, and those foreigners have led to unemployment and crime, leading to national culture decline.It advertises its right wing that opposes the left -wing government and does not agree with the bourgeoisie.In this book, Lao Le Pen summarized his political program, including requiring the modification of the Constitution, proposing to implement a proportion of representative election systems, the implementation of non -state -ownedization, restricting strike rights, restoring death penalty, strengthening social order and civil defense construction, etc.EssenceIn the book, Le Pen clearly proposed the political stance of anti -immigrant, anti -globalization, anti -European integration, anti -government, and anti -mainstream political parties, and proposed the slogans of "French preferred", "French first" and "people spokesperson".During the two or three years after the book was published, the National Front attracted a large number of unemployed youths, small and medium -sized industrial and commercial owners and freelancers. The members increased from 500 to 25,000.

This book can be said to be the programmatic document of the National Front. For decades, the party has continued to fight, but its core proposition -clear anti -immigrant, anti -globalization, anti -European, anti -government, anti -mainstream political partiesPolitical position -has never changed.It strongly opposes immigration, especially African immigrants enter France, and must maintain "nation's purity"; oppose European alliances and free trade, promote tariff barriers to protect domestic economic development and employment of the public; oppose abortion and homosexuality.

More importantly, the scope of the book's influence is far more than France, or not only in Europe.In recent years, the emergence of foreign armys, emphasizing the United States first, the United States priority, anti -globalization, opposition to free trade, advocating tariff barriers to protect domestic economic development and employment, anti -immigrant, and anti -building system.Its policy claim is simply the copy and engraving of the book's ideological content.In this regard, I call this trend of thought as Le Pen Trump.

The rise of the rise

As a political trend that relies on the discourse of "politics incorrect", Le Penpi -Trumpism can survive and stabilize in European and American politics, and the forces are increasingly expanded. The reasons are very complicated.It is not only related to European and American political and cultural traditions, but also related to the current situation of Europe and the United States in globalization and trade integration.

First of all, there are many nationalism, racism, and extracurricular traditions in European and American countries, especially the latter two, which has deeply plagued the United States so far.This provides an ideological foundation for the emergence and development of the rotual right -wing trend of Europe and the United States.

Secondly, with the deepening of globalization and trade integration, more and more industries have shifted from Europe and the United States to China.In the economic expansion cycle, some problems are covered by prosperity.However, with the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, these issues began to appear concentrated.On April 2, 2014, the then French Chancellor Manuel Valls attributed the problems encountered by France in the interview to globalization.He said: "The global economic crisis and economic globalization have brought many adverse effects to the development of France, making tens of thousands of French people unemployed.For example, the factory enterprises turned to low labor areas, and the closure of the factory that followed caused a large number of people to lose their job.SMEs, employees and families who have been frustrated in economic globalization; foreign companies with advantageous tax rate systems are prohibited; foreign companies support American companies for "unfair international competition"; foreign investors are prohibited from entering strategic and important American industries.Nationalism and economic nationalism are resurrected.

Once again, after World War II, immigration issues have already attracted widespread attention in European and American countries.Because a large number of immigrants are non -skilled workers, their income and social status are very low, and most of them live in slums.What's more serious, these immigrants have no unemployed, spouse -free, children, low -income, and no families, becoming unstable factor affecting social order.After the financial crisis in 2008, the economic growth rate of various countries slowed down and the unemployment rate was high. This situation was particularly prominent in Latin America and Africa, which caused a large number of immigrants into Europe and the United States, and the issue of immigrants gradually became the focus of society.As the increasing number of voters who pay attention to immigration issues, the attitude and position of various political parties on immigration issues have become one of the important factors affecting the support rate of election.In this context, the extreme right -wing political forces including the French National Front and the US Republican Party, which have been transformed by Trump, have begun to use more and more people to dissatisfied with immigrants and put forward tough anti -immigrant claims.They are constantly preaching the harm of immigration issues to their society.For example, foreign immigrants will occupy the welfare and job opportunities of their citizens, leading to deterioration of public security and rising crimes, damaging social stability, impacting their own cultural traditions, and threatening national national identity.

Fourth, political parties in European and American countries have unprecedented polarization phenomena.The endless party disputes "hijacking" the long -term interests of the country, and a few members of the "uncompromising" have violated the wishes of most people, and it is difficult for the government to make "good decisions" and implement it.There are a lot of saliva war in Congress, but the output rate of the proposal is getting lower and lower.In this regard, as a maverick trend, Le Pen -Trumpism aims at the establishment of the system and the current political system.They believe that there are so many problems in Europe and the United States, the root cause is that the national elite has betrayed the interests of the people, and they are self -proclaimed with "people's spokespersons".

In short, after World War II, a series of challenges have plagued European and American countries. With the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008, immigrants from unus developed countries have influx, which has worsenThis has created favorable conditions for the rise of Le Pen -Trumpist, the rise and growth of the far -right populism.They dare to throw the concept of "political incorrect" in traditional political discourse, resist economic globalization, preach trade protectionism, oppose immigration, and promote new racism, populist and nationalism.Today, this extremely right -minded trend has becomeIt is an extremely powerful force in Europe and the United States, and because there are many problems at present, it is expected that it will only become stronger and stronger.As for how the impact and impact on Europe and the United States and the world, we only need to review what Trump brings to the United States and the world, and we will get a general impression.

The author is a Chinese economist and a financial columnist