Every World Cup kicks off, which will attract countless people from all over the world. People jointly vent their sorrows, also show national and cultural diversity, and enhance the cohesion of a specific society.When I was young, I was a fanatic football fan.In Hu Peng's partner, he used beer and shouts to survive countless sleeping nights, and he also experienced the sadness and joy of the supporting team's performance.

This hobby stops abruptly as I entered the academic circle. One is too busy, and in the academic circle, there are far less people who love football than other more personal and leisure sports enthusiasts.The lack of ideological resonance around me also made me see fewer and fewer goals.

However, in March this year, I accidentally turned on the TV and watched the Singapore Lion Football Team and the World Cup in Asia.Compared with the world's ranking 70, most of the players are worthy of Chinese teams, and they seem to be the lion team who accompanies the prince's reading at all.The two teams used to play against each other in the past. In addition, because of the first two rounds, the Lion had just changed the coach at the time. Therefore, after the first half of the Chinese team continued to the two cities, it seemed that the game had lost suspense early.The amateur team with a projectile land, facing the 1.4 billion people with almost infinite talents and materials reserves, what is the significance of this competition that will definitely lose?

However, in the second half, the lion team who clenched the teeth ushered in the turn.First, the striker Farris, who appeared in the bench shortly before the opening of the bench, kept an eye on many people, and exquisitely shot the dead end of the border column to pull back a city, and the audience cheered.Even the daughter who was doing homework couldn't help but watching nervously, and in the 81st minute, the male lion player Jacob Maaller used the opponent's penalty area to score a goal and equalize the score.Until the end, although the indomitable male lion team failed to score a goal to win the game, the audience had so far that the whole family was surging.The sense of collective belonging is probably slowly cultivated in such a subtle way.

Since then, we have begun to chase each match of the male lion team. After passion, we found that the Lion team has a large gap with first -class teams in all aspects of player strength, skills, and organization.After all, this is just a team that people do not pay much attention to football. Parents are trying to make their children's tutoring.Therefore, the Singaporean National Football Team also lost the suspense of the 18th Asia of the World Cup in the World Cup. The cruel reality made only all the competitions in the following competitions fighting for honor.

But the last round of the evening of June 11, even brought me surprise to me and unexpected people.This is the last battle of the lion team that has long been eliminated and the Thai team struggling for the right to qualify.China and South Korea, which kicked off before, defeated China 0 to 1.Therefore, the Thai team can only be available only at least three goals in the winningion lion.In this thrilling game, the Thai team, which obviously exceeded a lot of strength, first the next city, and the striker Yishan, who found a good opportunity in the second half, equalized the score with a world wave.Since then, the male lion team has fallen significantly, and the danger in front of the door has been born. Many male lion players have fell to the ground and fell on the ground. The bloody battle was 1-3 when the end of the game, but its unyielding spirit won the respect of the local and China's hundreds of millions of audiences.

In addition to the striker, the performance of the male lion team Hashan is particularly remarkable. The entire game has repeatedly resolved the opponent's single -knife and the must -go.After the game, due to the hard battle of the Lion team, the Chinese team squeezed out the Thai team to enter the quarterfinals. Therefore, the Internet public opinion in China has stirred a round of Singaporean lion team.Many Chinese fans swipe their screens.The former editor -in -chief of the World Times Hu Xijin left a message on Weibo. Hashan's performance "touched countless Chinese fans" and called on "Chinese who travel to Singapore to travel to eat his booth."

Of course, Chinese fans thanked the Lions for being a joke.For so many years, no matter the different thoughts or the social class, ridicule of the Chinese national football team is the common language of the Chinese people.The lion team comes to the last breath, of course, not to help the Chinese national football, just to defend his honor and dignity.

Although the level of professionalism is not high, it has a Singapore -style professionalism.They show that Singaporeans will never play tacit balls, but have their own sports morals and professional spirit.Otherwise, if you really want to help, many male lion players usually play in the Thai league, and it is more likely to help the Thai team.The male lion players fight for the last second, but they have done their best to play with the players, but now it seems that this score is so precious.The coconut milk rice stalls in the Hashan family may be fried in a short time, but the lion players' sincere love and professional ethics for football have exceeded a game and a food, showing the spirit of Singapore's national spirit.Unique and precious side.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher