The 17 -year -old middle school girl who learned clothing design broke into the top 12 of a well -known global mathematics competition.Recently, the story of "Genius Girl" Jiang Ping has caused heated discussions on the entire network.But perhaps as the fate of any public figure, Jiang Ping has also ushered in a lot of doubts in recent days.

Some people turned out the scores of suspected Jiang Ping's test scores and questioned why Jiang Ping's previous results were not outstanding, but suddenly the results in this competition were amazing; some people questioned in some promotional photos, Jiang Ping's board of books seemed to have any books.Error; some people say that the game is open, and the results are the result of Jiang Ping's cheating.

Of course, Jiang Ping can be questioned, and the academic field is questionable.Not to mention Jiang Ping, even if he is a long -standing industry giant, it is inevitable that he is often used for review.As a young man who is famous, his story is even more dramatic than a novel, and it seems abnormal without questioning.

Of course it is no problem, but it is not necessary if it rises to conspiracy theory.Some netizens' imagination is flying, and this participation is described as a long -term plan.It's far away.

After all, it still needs strong evidence and meticulous logic. In any case, the game is not over now, and Jiang Ping is still one of the contestants.At this time, the public's onlookers may wish to maintain some restraint, do not do too much malicious speculation and conspiracy theory.

Compared with reasonable academic doubts, conspiracy theories are often difficult to testify and cannot be argued, which has greatly harmed personal reputation, and it is easy to have a great impact on the status of the contestants.Since the game is still in progress, people may wish to be more patient and believe that time will give the answer.

All the reputation around Jiang Ping actually reflects that public opinion is relatively strange to professional mathematics.Before Jiang Ping came out, many people may not be familiar with this competition. The evaluation of Jiang Ping's level did not directly refer to the test questions. Instead, in the same competition, "Who is the first place?"", Use a simple reference system to locate.

You can also see this strangeness in the questioning of Jiang Ping, such as "opening the test, Jiang Ping may cheat."According to this statement, since the test mechanism has such a large loophole, then anyone may cheat. What is the credibility of this competition?Why are there so many professionals participating?

Because of this strangeness, there are two tendencies that are prone to Jiang Ping, one is to make gods and the other is slander.Some online evaluations either take Jiang Ping into a genius who will not be born, and various fake news that various famous schools have admitted to her; or it has happened in recent days, and she does not believe that the "technical secondary school students" can counterattack.

This has also appeared before.For example, after Wei Dongyi, a mathematical teacher in Peking University, has circulated various legends on the Internet, including only one night solved the problem that plagued 6 doctors' 4 months, Harvard broke the school rules for him.Pseudo.Another female doctor at the Department of Mathematics at Oxford University, because she has a good face and exquisite life, is questioned as "academic Yuan", and has suffered a lot of questioning. She even had to confirm her innocence on the Internet.

These also show that the public's onlookers of the professional academic field are likely to be distorted.What is the true skill of an academic figure, after all, it is necessary to define it in the professional field and the onlookers of professional peers.For the understanding of experience and the attachment of imagination, people may be false in the face of complex reality and in the face of high thresholds.

The academic career is long, and Jiang Ping is still very young.There is no need to be in a hurry to find a genius or a "counterfeiter" in a week of news fermentation.

I believe that with her out of circle, there will be a professional person who will look at her more comprehensively, and there will be more competitive stage waiting for her. These will make a more professional assessment of Jiang Ping.People may wish to give the right to the academic community, and to get the imagination of conspiracy theory.

Contribution/Xiayan Editor/Chi Daohua School Division/Zhao Lin