The New York Times website published an article entitled why Ukraine should seek peace on June 14. The author is Professor Walter Don, a professor at the Royal School of Military Academy in Canada, compiled as follows:

After more than two years of death and destruction, both the Ukrainian war did not seem to be close to victory.Sooner or later, both parties have to agree to the ceasefire and reach a peace agreement.

Reaching an agreement will not only reduce the killing, suffering and huge costs of war, but in the long run, Ukraine will also make Ukraine more capable of defending themselves and their own democracy.It is important that this will reduce the possibility of the risk of war.

Many people in the West believe that concessions to Russia in order to reach a peace agreement are equivalent to soothe invaders, and they will only encourage further attacks.But this is not appeasement.Russia has not achieved the initial war goals, and to achieve any agreement, it is necessary to make major concessions.

This war is swallowing life and resources at an alarming speed.In contrast, even incomplete solutions are better.So, what are the concessions to Ukraine?

Ukraine vowed not to cut the territory.However, in order to achieve long -term ceasefire, Ukraine may need to acknowledge Russia's efforts to have control over some areas of Wudong and Crimea (although not sovereignty) and stop military efforts to recapture the occupied region.

As part of the peace agreement, Ukraine may also have to suspend the application to join NATO, and promise that it will not join NATO within several years.In view of whether NATO member states are allowed to be allowed to join a state of war, this one becomes relatively easy.However, this will still be a major concession.

Most importantly, temporary peace -even if it is interrupted by breach of contract -eventually give the people in Ukraine to rebuild their lives and countries.Millions of refugees can return to home and start living again.

In order to make the peace agreement easier to accept Russia, it can be proposed to reduce sanctions that the condition is that Russia complies with the agreement.Russia can then conduct oil and natural gas trade at market prices, and Russia will also get gold and foreign exchange reserves frozen by the West.

Because U.S. -Russia will still be neighbors in the next decades or even hundreds of years, the two countries must reach some arrangements to resolve dispute peacefully.If the current killing lasted for several years, the two sides reached a settlement, and everyone would wondering why so many people would be killed in vain.The best way to commemorate the war of war is to ensure sustainable peace, so that others do not have to make the same sacrifice.(Compilation/Zhao Feifei)