The Ukraine Peace Summit held in Switzerland ended on June 16. There were 80 countries and four European institutions signed on the joint bulletin, but a small number of global southern countries did not sign.The communiqué clearly condemned Russia to fight against Ukraine, and called on Russia to return the control of the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station and the Ukrainian port to Ukraine, and also advocated recovering peace through dialogue.Because Moscow's position was tough, Russia, which launched the war of aggression, has not been invited to attend the summit this time, which is undoubtedly the biggest shortage.After three years of blood warfare, the involvement of Western society, mainly NATO, is getting deeper and deeper, and the Russian and Ukraine War has become increasingly impact on the world order operating in accordance with international law; how to end, the geopolitical pattern of the future will be controlled.

Shen Ying, the Singapore Prime Minister Special Envoy, Ministry of Development and Minister of Foreign Affairs, pointed out at the meeting that the country's territorial integrity, political independence, and sovereignty are complete, and they should be maintained and supported.Russia's invasion of Ukraine violates these principles, so Singapore clearly condemns that it adheres to the insistence on principles, not the position of the border selection station.This proposition is believed to be the basic consensus of the vast majority of love, opposition to power is the country that is axiom, and is also a key prerequisite for global peaceful development after World War II.How to end the Russian and Ukraine War is of unruly significant significance.

Respect for international law and the UN Charter must be the basis for ending the Russian and Ukraine War, because this is the principle of peaceful order after World War II; destroying it is bound to end the status quo of peace and let international relations fall into the law of the jungle.Throughout the history of the world, weak meat and strong food have always been normal.The First World War disintegrated the European imperialism. The Second World War ended Western colonialism. Humanity was painful, and the new civilization order and UN organization that regulated international exchanges with the rule of law in the rule of law will usher in a peaceful development of the nearly century.The Russian and Ukraine War challenged this precious but fragile contemporary civilization value, so it must be paid attention to the attention of countries and properly resolved.

Russia, which has not been invited to participate in the summit premise, has its own discussion conditions, and requires Ukraine to recognize the reality of aggression, abandon the sovereignty of the four states in the east, and cut the ground.This is of course unacceptable and is also attacked by Ukraine and Western countries.Western countries led by the United States have recently increased military assistance to Ukraine; the United States announced before the opening of the summit to provide Ukraine with more than $ 1.5 billion (approximately S $ 230 million) assistance to assist Ukraine to build damaged energy sourcesThe facilities and ease of humanitarian crisis are indicating that the firm position of invasion cannot be made, and avoids the Russian and Ukraine War to subvert the existing order of international rule of law.

It is regrettable that the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres and the US President Biden did not attend the summit.After all, the summit emphasizes the use of the United Nations Charter as the principle of peace to end the war. The absence of Gutres has weakened the symbolicness of the summit.The United States is the main western country that supports the Ukraine War. Although Bayon sent Vice President Harris to attend the meeting, he is not as good as he himself attended himself.As a rising world, China has no representatives to participate, and it is inevitable that all circles have questioned Beijing's attitude towards the maintenance of international rule of law.Of course, it is necessary to end the Russian and Ukraine War without the participation of Russia.Therefore, the Swiss Summit is just the beginning. With the changes in the situation, similar peace efforts are needed.

Although the conflict of military conflicts is a collective purpose, historical experience shows that peace must be obtained on the battlefield.First World War was that the exhausted German Empire agreed to sign the suspension agreement, and World War II was the end of Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire's consent of unconditional surrender.These are peace after the victory on the battlefield.This may be why Western leaders have repeatedly emphasized that Russia must not win Russia in the Ukrainian battlefield.There are reasons to believe that the subsequent conference to the peaceful Russia -Ukraine War must occur in the Ukraine who received Western military aid and military training, and the Russian army was strongly defeated.Otherwise, the Russian -U -U -U -U -Wars war will be concluded according to international law.

Compared to the discussions of Ukraine, the wording of the communiqué, despite being more milder, only proposes nuclear safety, food security, and release of illegal Ukrainian citizens and children, but still has not been supported by the international community.Some global southern countries such as South Africa have not signed on the bulletin, showing the vulnerability of international justice.After World War II, the world was peaceful, so it was a dangerous sign of axioms that appeared from the rule of law as the power of power.This is worthy of being alert to peaceful and stable people.