The jury composed of 12 ordinary citizens can be convicted of Trump in accordance with legal procedures.A former president cannot enjoy any privileges, and the US judicial system does not allow anyone to spend on the law.As an outsider outside the United States, he does not understand American law, and is not sure whether the US political internal fighting controls the law, and he must set up a political opponent to death.But with the jury to spend 10 hours to review Trump's case, we should believe that the jury has fulfilled its legal obligations.There is absolutely no organization in American society that can control society.

I feel that Trump is convicted, because the case around Trump's involvement of a star can be convicted.There is a three generations in the world that can be hereditary in the North Korean regime, and all three generations have obtained a service called "Happy Group".Why is the supreme leader who trampled on the good family in this country without being punished without being punished?Is there a country that can't even make a voice that can't make a sound?Looking at the statue of the leader, the tall body has a big hand in front of him, telling Yun Yun all sentient beings, the wise leaders who have no leaders, and the working people will live in hell.In fact, the people of this country have not even been solved.If the laws of this country can judge their former leaders, can the hereditary regime continue?

The leader waved the direction of the direction reminiscent of the devil Hitler, Hitler's right hand waved, the German troops went to the front line, millions of Jews were sent to the burden, tens of millions of people died of war fire, HitlerBring Germany into destruction.If Germany had an independent judicial system at that time, can such devils allow such demons to do whatever they want?Hitler was in power under the defective election system, but the German people did not have a system that could drive him down, but had to pay for his crimes.Today, Germany has a system that cannot allow people like Hitler to take power.At that time, West Germany Prime Minister Vili Brandt was forced to step down in East Germany's spy Ji Lam scandal. This means that the German political system had a error correction mechanism. The leader did a big mistake and should not continue to govern.

But this error correction mechanism does not exist in authoritarian countries.After the Qin Dynasty, the dynasties of the Qin Dynasty were all authoritarian systems. This rigid system did not have a point error correction mechanism. In the end, it could only be overthrown with violence. It repeatedly repeatedly played it. The unlucky people were always civilians.After the Opium War, all aspects of Chinese society seemed to be incompatible with the booming Western civilization, but this did not feel the rulers. They only knew to maintain the rule.From 1861 to 1908, the Empress Dowager Cixi ruled China for nearly half a century.She has not received much education, has limited insights, and knows nothing about the essence of the modern world, but she regards her personal interests than everything, and has no ability to shoulder the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the dynasty and the country.The fate of hundreds of millions of people was in her hands alone, and she couldn't.Only when she died before changing the destiny of the country.

The rigid system under autocracy is the end of civilization, and the democratic system is the hope of the people.Trump is a strange politician, but no matter how strange he is, in the four years of his ruling, those who opposed him did not find evidence that he violated the law.He spoke nonsense, but many of his nonsense was not fulfilled. For example, he threatened to catch the former President Clinton's wife and former Democratic Secretary of State Hillary.In fact, Trump praised Hillary's achievements after coming to power.This is not only a means of politicians. Behind the legal system, he cannot catch people at will.

Under the rigid system, it is not to solve political opponents through legal means, but to remove political means under the cover of law.This removal lays a foreshadowing for future instability.Therefore, we are happy with Trump's conviction.This is not for Trump himself, but to admire the greatness of the American democratic system.

The author is Shanghai current affairs commentator