Genai (Genai) has brought revolutionary changes in many industries, and the field of recruitment is no exception.More and more companies now rely on AI -driven systems to analyze their resumes and simplify the recruitment process, or they are converted from a file to a short film form, and even some companies have discarded resume screening.Can these changes meet the expectations of recruiters and job applicants?

Resume screening is traditionally a labor -intensive task.Recruiters often need to manually screen hundreds of resumes to find key qualifications and experiences.AI tools such as applying for rail systems (ATS) are preliminary screening through automation, making this process more efficient.These systems match the specific keywords and phrases in the resume to match the work description and score according to the correlation.This enables recruiters to quickly identify the most suitable candidates and reduce the time and energy investment in the early stage of recruitment.

In the context of resume analysis, AI provides several advantages: First, efficiency, deal with a large number of resumes in a very short time, saving nearly 90 % compared to human recruiters; second, consistency, AI can uniformly apply theseStandards to reduce the risk of human prejudice; 3. Cost and benefits, which is particularly significant for industries (such as services, catering) that require frequent recruitment (such as services, catering).

However, it is not difficult to imagine the lack of mechanization: 1. Pseudo -positive, which may include keywords in the resume, but may not indicate relevant experience or skills; 2. Candidates with false negatives, candidates with valuable skills, if they do not write expected expectations,Terms may be ignored; 3. Lack of understanding below, the AI ​​system may not be able to understand the context, and may wrong the qualifications of candidates.

Of course, the first two items are also problems that the real -life screening will be encountered. Although some companies will not be able to invade the situation, try to invest in resources to improve the AI ​​system, such as adopting diversified data training, human review, regular audit, etc., But it is difficult to ensure that AI is always effective and fair.This shows the main points that all job seekers must know: the past resume is only written to humans, and now it is even more necessary to cater to artificial intelligence.

In addition to the encounters, the job search is not only the ability, experience, and price of job seekers, but more importantly, whether to know how to recruit the game rules.That is, even if the ability of poor power, but knowing the rules of the game, you can get an interview opportunity; on the contrary, the ability is very high, and you do not know how to bypass the "hiring difficulties".The door cannot be opened.

In view of the high dependence of keywords and specific formats, job seekers must adapt to this new reality.It is a strategic method to make a resume that can screen and impress human recruiters at the same time. This is what the author took care of the headhunting company in his early years as a consultant for many candidates.

In addition, many companies have taken a different approach to recruit innovative recruitments to meet the company and the talent market change: For example, Fast Company, when dealing with the challenge of "big layoffs", choose the method of boldly separated from traditional recruitment specifications.They abandon their traditional dependence on resumes, but use the power of online communities and personal contacts to attract talents.By avoiding rejection of the requirements of traditional famous universities or famous work experience, Fast Company not only enables staff to diversify, but also taps a large number of high -quality candidates to reduce applicants who know how to play with job job interviews.

Another example is GoClip, MMHMM, MyInterivew, VEED, etc., using short films as a means to convey the story as an employer and job seeker to make the graphic stereotype a paradigm transfer.Some companies are paired on the platform, and some provide you with a video resume model.Employers can simplify the recruitment process through the instant understanding of personal abilities and perceptions, surpass the traditional resume of prose -based resumes, and sieve people who have to interview for the first time in the past to accelerate the choice.

Both cases highlight one of the basic trends in the practice of contemporary recruitment: from the strict framework of traditional recruitment methods to a more dynamic and inclusive method.Whether it is Fast Company's community -driven recruitment or GoClip's video resume, the common feature is to break the obstacles and promote the diversification of labor.

The business society is changing with each passing day. In addition, the Genai explosion, innovative strategies have a profound impact on human resources to job job applications.Constantly learning appreciation and hard work to adapt is the only way to maintain competitiveness.

The author is a digital technology practitioner who has opened a headhunting company in Singapore