G7 is like a relatively aging middle -aged person, keeping the vested interests, and is extremely vigilant to external forces; the BRICS is like a young man who has a strong growth, and he is full of energy but easy to adventure; both are both. Both are both. Both are both.The indispensable elements of the world have to be very worried about the signs of conflict between each other.

At the beginning of mid -June, the international community staged two dramas to attract everyone's attention, that is, the BRICS (BRICS) expanded in Russia on June 10 was the first foreign minister meeting after 10 countries, and and the first foreign minister meeting, and and and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and the first foreign minister meeting, and,,On the 13th, the seventh -point group (G7) summit at the 13th is almost the most important meeting of the two most important national groups in the world today.

In view of the similar time of the two meetings, the issues are connected, and each has a huge influence and appeal, it is far away or even different from the point of view.Knowing who can lead the future development of the world.

In fact, these two national groups are not as opposed to each other as they are today. Although they have not reached the point where they have not reached the level, they are enough to make people forget the hot honeymoon period they have had.The main countries of these two groups are G20 member states. They have responded to major global issues such as the US subprime mortgage crisis, the European sovereign debt crisis, the global warming, the "Spring of Arabia", and the Islamic State; they also includeAll five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, among the international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund, are the main backbone of China, forming the main framework of the current international order.However, since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the major countries of the two groups have not really sat down to discuss the problem. The G20 has gradually been forgotten, and the United Nations has been slowly despised.Signs farther.

G7 is an old -fashioned developed country group, and the BRICS is composed of emerging developing countries.In different data statistics versions, the proportion of the two parties in the total domestic GDP (GDP) of the world has reached more than 30 %. Based on the purchasing power parity, the BRICS may have exceeded the G7.However, the level of economic, social, and science and technology of G7 is obviously higher. Compared with most of the BRICS countries that are committed to modernization, the G7 has taken the road of postmodern development. From an advanced perspective, it should be more moreMulti -country longing.It is just that this advanced nature does not see completely advantage, such as the blurring of the economy and the hollow of the industry. When facing traditional wars, it is difficult to recover military capacity.If developing countries and underdeveloped countries are copied, they are likely to face the dilemma of dissatisfaction with soil and water. In this regard, there are not a few that are chaotic and turbulent. BRICS models are more attractive to most post -developed countries.

G7's self -proclaimed high ground, the BRICS adheres to the path of realism.This round of G7 summit emphasizes the opposition to aggression, and uses frozen Russian assets as mortgage to provide Ukraine with about $ 50 billion in loans; claims to maintain the world trade order and jointly respond to China's unfair economic and trade behavior;Talking about the concerns of Gaza's humanitarian disaster and artificial intelligence; calling on Hamas to accept the Gaza ceasefire route map proposed by the US President Biden, sign a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine, and so on.These claims and practices have been tuned with idealistic moral aura, becoming the basis for the G7 to stand at the peak of the world to see the problem.The practice of the foreign minister of the BRICS countries is much more pragmatic. A total of 13 political and security cooperation, 17 economic and trade and financial cooperation, and 10 humanistic cooperation are launched, all focused on the development and cooperation of various countries;On the problem, despite the "theft" behavior of Russia President Putin severely rebuked the G7, China and Brazil still launched a "six -point consensus" to promote peace talks and believe that "the appropriate time recognized in Russia and Ukraine should be held.Fair discussing all peace plans "; at the same time, they also held the BRICS Minister of Education and the BRICS Games, and strived to deepen the exchanges and understanding between the parties.Of course, the practice of the BRICS countries cannot avoid many helpless ingredients, but isn't it the biggest contribution to the world to pay attention to the work in the world?

G7 is relatively closed, and the BRICS is more tolerant.Established in 1976, G7 is still the seven countries. In addition to briefly absorbing Russia and making EU leaders attend, it is a small circle and wealthy club in developed countries that lasted for nearly half a century.I dare not expand, just like the old -fashioned nobles are unwilling to sit on a table with the upstart households. Although the latter's strength, they neither want to sit up with them, and they are afraid of being snatched by them.President Miri, although it appeared at the G7 summit scene, it was just a dialogue partner of an off -site fan (editor: male fan). It is not easy for ordinary countries to take the development platform of G7.The BRICS Foreign Minister will be more like a celebration banquet after successful expansion. The main topics include the Summit of October, which can solidify the identity and achievements of new members."), There are 12 important regional development countries participating, and nearly 30 countries are waiting to join, and it seems that it seems that it is only a matter of time. Among them, Turkish applications are particularly noticeable because it is the Middle East Islamic country as a member of NATO members.The identity is enough to indicate the attractiveness and tolerance of the brick.The open and inclusive attitude of the BRICS countries is very different from the G7, which is an important reason for the hope and interest of the majority of developing countries. Although the final process and results are yet to be tested.

G7 is like a relatively aging middle -aged person, adheres to the vested interests, and is extremely vigilant to external forces; the BRICS is like a thriving young man, with a lot of energy but easy to risk;The long and folding bottle is the natural law of human development. It is an indispensable element in the world. However, the signs of conflict now have to make people very worried.

G7 and BRICS, who will be the future of the world, is unknown. The current primary task is that the two sides should not fight, and you must not use force to decide who is the protagonist of the future world.Multi -verified failure experience, no need to again need to prove that human beings cannot learn from historical lessons.If both parties fight, no one will be the future of the world, and it is a problem to survive; if they can coexist and negotiate and learn from each other, both sides represent the future of the world, but they are in different stages of development.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator