Source: Bloomberg

Trump's former national security adviser described the Republican candidate's foreign policy after returning to the White House in the most detailed article that the Republican candidate said that the United States should cut off all economic connections with ChinaConsidering the deployment of the entire Marine Corps to Asia and restarting the nuclear weapon real bombs.

Robert Obrain, the last national security adviser in Trump's tenure, explained these suggestions in an article that is about to publish in foreign affairs magazines.If Trump wins again in November, Obrain may still be senior officials.Although he was a hardliner and pushed Trump's position for the Huagong faction formed in the later period of Trump, the Fang Zi he opened this time far exceeded the level of his public claim at the time.

"Because China seek to weaken the economic and military strength of the United States, Washington should return teeth with teeth," Opplaining's most explosive policy suggestions in the article, "In fact, Washington should seek economic decoupling with China."

Now it is impossible to determine whether Trump will adopt Obrain's suggestions on China in the article, especially considering the degree of intertwined between the Sino -US economy, this will have a significant impact on the United States and the world.

Obrain recently stated that he still maintains a "regular contact" with Trump. In the past few months, he has appeared on the public stage more frequently.The response to the US military in Iraq and Syria is not enough.

This article is just the latest in such a series of suggestions in the former Trump government officials and conservative think tanks.But Obrain's previous role and the prospects of his return make this statement more weight than others.

Trump and George W. Bush's political appointed official Christian Whiton who assisted Obrain's writing of this article said that Obrain gave a copy of the Trump campaign consultant Susie Wiles.Whiton also said that Wiles showed Trump a printed version.Trump's campaign team has stated that only Trump can express his authoritative views on his policy plans.

This article of more than 5,000 words believes that Trump's 60%tariffs on Chinese products should be only the first step, and then there should be more tough measures, such asMore stringent export control.

He also advocates launching military challenges to mainland China.Obrain suggested that the United States help Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam expand the army, increase military assistance to Taiwan, and strengthen the missile defense and fighter protection systems in the region.