Not long ago, a rare fatal car accident occurred at an intersection at a crossroads. Six cars collided in a serial. The two died unfortunately, and six were injured and admitted to the hospital.Such a tragic car accident is really suspicious of the sulk. What causes this accident?How to reduce dangerous driving to reduce the frequency of car accidents and the number of casualties?

While discussing a car accident, you may wish to take the lens to the patients and family members who are admitted to the hospital for a car accident, so that all road users can realize that the occurrence of a car accident is in an instant., Even long -term and profoundly affecting the perpetrators and the victims.

As a family member of the victim of a car accident, the author in 2019 has experienced the darkest period of life in a hospital in China.During this period, he witnessed the separation of the sorrows and joy of the world, and the life and death of ordinary people.

Those families are often difficult to accept in the face of sudden changes.One of the 32 -year -old guys admitted to the hospital due to a car accident. In order to make him better treatment, his family members contacted the ambulance and transferred to the hospital overnight.Because there was no bed in a large hospital, they soon turned back.From a distance, I couldn't bear to look straight at the family's paralyzed sitting on the corridor floor, crying against the wall.

A 19 -year -old flower season girl encountered a car accident when riding. The spinal nerve damage caused paraplegia below the chest. In addition to surgery, long -term treatment, and high medical expenses, they might be accompanied by wheelchairs in the second half of their lives. Later treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment and treatment and later treatment.Rehabilitation will also be long -term suffering.The beautiful life rewritten. Her parents couldn't stop tears and sighs outside the ward, and she was full of blood in the night.

In addition to the damage caused by a car accident, in addition to physical disability, neurological damage and sequelae, complications will be more troublesome, lasting, and difficult to recover.Essence

During the treatment of medical treatment, contacting the hospital, and later rehabilitation treatment, the author really felt the pain of physical and mental fatigue and helplessness.Both the wounded and their families have to stand the multiple tests of the body, spirit and economy.If the couple are only children, they are facing the pressure of a couple supporting four elderly people. Once the elderly are admitted to the hospital, the hardships are self -evident.

Once I entered the intensive care unit (ICU), the wounded and their families seemed to have been thrown into the alchemy furnace.As seen in Chinese hospitals, due to the dangerous situation of the victim of the car accident, the condition of the condition is changing, and the course of the disease is long, the family members have been accustomed to the notice of illness in the illness.Gradually become daily.Many wounded families have to stay in the hospital while taking into account their work and family. The days when the candles are burned, they are operating overload every day.

ICU next to the family is waiting for the family. Every time the medical staff calls the broadcast of the family, someone immediately bounked from the chair and rushed over to find out.At night, the family members opened a simple folding bed and took out the quilt from the locker to prepare to rest.The long window sill is covered with a variety of toiletries, hot kettles, snacks, instant noodles and drinks.The operating room and ICU share a spacious hall, and every day, a group of family members with patients holding patients are pouring in.

ICU has a small window outside, which is the only channel for direct medical communication.According to the instructions of the medical staff, some family members put the liquid diet of the nasal feed in the small frame of the window within the prescribed time.These nasal feed diets are relatively high, too thick, too thin, and too low, too low, and too low. At the same time, it is necessary to take care of nutritional balance and diet taboos according to the condition. For family members, preparing these diets every day is a big test.

ICU patients have higher charges, and there are many charges, and each charging bill is long.Some charges were put in the window basket alone, and they were taken away by family members waiting outside.A long charging of the wounded was accumulated in the basket for several days. Later, I heard that he was a foreigner. After the accident, he was sent to the hospital by a passerby.

Those who were seriously injured in a car accident were sent directly from the ICU and were sent directly to the general elimination. The family members followed them and helped each other to cry.Some wounded returned to the general ward and received the next stage of treatment.Standing here, you feel the vulnerability of life in the situation, and life and death are only in the front line.The car accident occurs every day, and the suffering inside and outside the alchemy furnace continues every day.

After entering the Chinese hospital, the economic ability determines the level of treatment and nursing.The smallness and humbleness of the family members of the patient have nothing to do, and the contradiction between hands and feet, husband and wife may also fall from the sky.

Many large hospitals have popularized electronic charging systems, and inpatient injuries have a fixed account. Family members must recharge this account in time. If the balance is insufficient, various treatment and care will automatically stop.There is no toll collector in the payment hall. A large row of recharge machines are on standby all over the weather. In the face of these infinitely infinitely infinite golden beasts, people are chilling.

Some special drugs have to go to the pharmacy to buy it. For example, human hemurin, the prescription reads two bottles a day, the price is more than 1,000 yuan (about S $ 200).A small bottle is so expensive. How can ordinary families afford it?Some people have to give up using expensive medicines and use prices to accept alternatives.

The family members of neighboring injuries have been discussing whether to ask a caregiver for help?The family has been adhered to for more than a month, the patient's condition is repeated, and the relatives take turns to take care of it, but ask the caregiver to increase another expense.At the entrance of ICU, I also saw the brothers raging because of medical expenses and even fighting.In the hospital cafeteria, the family members of the injured patients with white hair held the buns and asked the staff for some free soup.There are also those who stand in the hospital stairwell and call to borrow money, publish the disease online and hope to send it to public funds ...

The large billing bills of medical expenses in China make people breathless, and in the end, they may have lost their wealth tragedies.Some families who are not high in income will bring great economic pressure to the whole family once they are admitted.The injury to low -income families and more than insurance compensation scope is even worse. It is a true portrayal of many patients with patients with illness and liabilities.

If earthquakes, tsunami, floods, droughts, etc. are all irresistible natural disasters, and traffic accidents are human disasters that can be controlled and avoided by manpower, depending on whether the people holding the steering wheel are cautious.According to data released by the Ministry of Transport in February this year, the 2023 fatal car accident and the number of deaths have written a new high for seven years.The aforementioned in the car accident collision in six cars, the vibrant life of Malay girls who were only 17 years old and excellent in quality and academics stopped abruptly.I hope those tragedies have rang the alarm to all road users, and always keep in mind "holding the steering wheel and stepping on people's life."

The author is Chinese teacher