The "five -zero master" with richer life experience may be more able to interact and resonate with the majority of adults and elderly people, representing their voice in Congress.

Prime Minister Huang Xuncai, who is also the Minister of Finance, took over the sticks of the leader country on May 15th. Many comments analyzed the domestic and foreign challenges he faced, including the aging of the population, the more diverse political demands, and the unclear geographical geographical geographyPolitical environment.

Compared with few people, it is another major challenge he faces -talents who are willing to politics enough to serve the country.

52-year-old Premier Huang pointed out in his employment speech that Singaporeans who are 30 or 40 years old joined him to join him.Team .He hopes that more young people who are relatively young will come forward and organize their "worthy government" for the Singaporeans.

The ruling People's Action Party has always emphasized that self -renewal is its core DNA, and each election will launch a new face of 20 years and 40 years old.In addition, Dr. Shashi Jayakumar (Shashi Jayakumar) noticed in the history of the People's Action Party -from 1985 to 2021. Since the 1980s, he has not become a post -seat member of the government official, general service, general service, general serviceNo more than three terms of office, in order to inject new blood for political parties.

For a long time, in the 30s, he has become a government official in the age of 30, and is nearly 40 years old, and then promoted to a senior minister. It is a model for Singapore to establish a leadership team.Prime Minister Huang, who was elected as a member of the 39th, was in charge of different government departments for 10 years.

I hope that people who are relatively young will have a longer political runway, and have the experience of serving different government departments to understand the subjects in different fields. This is understandable.However, if they want to participate in the election in this age of fighting, they are increasingly unable to guarantee that they will be entrusted by voters, or they may be unemployed even after being a government official, which may make the originally interested in politicians.

Not to mention that no one is willing to be searched by people, and no one is happy to see his family, career, education, etc. being critical of by netizens, and even involving family members.

Dr. Li Wenwen, the former secretary of the party's former party of the People's Action Party, said that in the 1990s, only two or three of the 10 people would agree to accept the formal candidate interview procedures.At the moment when social media is popular, there may be fewer people who are willing to work in politics.

This means that the "web" of the DAP network has been wider. In the 50s of the 50s, he has a successful career and believes that at this time, he is more capable of giving back to the society. It may be a group of new political blood that cannot be ignored.

On the one hand, even if they have not been commissioned by voters in the end, they already have a certain economic foundation. They do not have to worry about the loss of money.On the other hand, Singapore's aging population and richer life experience may be more able to interact and resonate with the majority of adults and elderly people, representing their voice in Congress.

Some people will say that the successful salary of people with successful careers is higher than that of government officials. If they are in politics, the opportunity costs are high. It is not easy to convince them to be politically dedicated to politics.Besides, doing so is equivalent to airborne people to be a government official. Will this lead to the dissatisfaction of active party members who have worked silently at the grassroots level and believe that political parties do not pay attention to their "infantry".

The author believes that the wise leadership team can make a mechanism to attract people to be volunteers and serve residents at the grassroots level when they are young, until they think they can make greater sacrifices, and then give back to the society from politics.

People who are more suitable for people must not only tolerate more different ages, but also actively find more sources of talents.So far, many politicians are either from uniform groups or technical bureaucrats printed in the same mold. Even if they come from the private field, they are mostly lawyers and doctors.This is why many people worry that the governors have collective blind thoughts, and often make unexpected decisions because they are too consistent.

In the past, the DAP has also introduced Pan Liping, who has struggled with the rights and interests, and Huang Guoguang, who cares about animals, and other special backgrounds.Next, if you want to attract more similar candidates, you have to see how the new leadership team further penetrates into various civil society and different fields. New people with potential have potential, so that the halls of the parliament are more flowers and hundreds of birds.