Since AI replaces or reduces daily schedules, it has become a fact. How to make good use of the time to make it more meaningful to individuals and society, and at the same time, it is more humane to explore the remuneration and benefits of non -full -time jobs.It is worth discussing in the whole society.Only by using these future trends and the meaning of human work attached to it, the balance of work and life is not just a beautiful scenery, but a substantial significance.

The future American scholar Darrell M. West, a future American scholar who studies artificial intelligence, robotics and work, found that the assistant of another company was a smart training through his personal assistant many years ago.Virtual assistant: Reading emails, identifying information, and response can also urge others to reply.And this technology, together with other high -end automation projects such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and drones, and face recognition algorithms, it is already part of modern technologies in modern technology, and there is a living place.

The Future of Work: Robots (AIND AUTOMATION) published by West in 2018, using this small experience to open the book for human beings must rethink the concept of work and work definition of work and work definitions.Discussion.Only by redefining can we adjust the policy revision policy to provide various economic and social security for people who are squeezed into the bottom of society by different social communities.What the senior researcher of the Brukins Society wants to say is that the social contracts connecting the country and the people, the government, and the people must be innovative, otherwise technology will subvert the imbalance of income caused by traditional work and value, the issues of disparity between the rich and the poor, and the disparity between the rich and the poorIt will definitely cause political and social turmoil.

In 2018, this book was published, 5G was released, 3D printing technology of metal parts made breakthroughs and lower costs. The security function of blockchain technology extended to the protection of various industries, as well as more intelligent apples and SamsungThe new series of mobile phones are available.However, the development of digital and artificial intelligence (AI) behind these technologies will affect people's future work, and the driver that affects the economy does not seem to attract the majority of attention. Generally, the "future" may be far away.

Until the crown disease epidemic attacked the world in 2020, various digital technology that could operate long -distance operations achieved explosive upgrades and take -off, and further promoted the infinite development of artificial intelligence after the epidemic.People's concerns about the future of work have also become more and more sensible after the birth of artificial intelligence and deep learning technology. In the past two years, they have more discussions in various society and call on the government to face it.

Investigation and research results made by American universities such as West and Yale at least five or six years ago predicting that in 2026, AI can easily write high school papers, and in 2049, they can write best -selling books; in 2027Can drive a truck; a surgery can be operated in 2053.The technical experts quoted by West also predicted that in the next 120 or shorter, the automation of human work and life will be realized from AI or more cutting -edge technology.

Since the first industrial revolution in the 1760s, humans have experienced various machines and technology to grab rice bowls and eliminate traditional industries in different times.However, human beings have never given up mechanized and technological economic production and innovative activities, because each technological breakthrough will bring greater benefits and exciting to the overall society and human civilization.Rather than retreat, humans choose to move forward, try their best to make the interests of progress and the well -being created far exceeding the cost of progress.

Singapore has always invested a lot of resources to master the development momentum of science and technology, which should also be in this spirit.If technology can reduce the dependence of Singapore's resources and raw materials, it can reduce certain costs and uncertainty of economic production for the country and enterprises.EssenceThe question is how to see the importance of mastering digital and artificial intelligence technology before these major events occur. How can various government departments speed up people to prepare for the future of response?

AtxenterPrise, which has been held in Singapore in the past two days, the Singapore government announced a series of related plans, including the blueprint of the digital enterprise, hoping to help local small and medium -sized enterprises to strengthen network security, while at the same time, it can be more effective.Use the development business such as generating artificial intelligence and cloud systems; launch a large -language model testing tool to detect bad production content such as violence, incite hatred, etc., helping companies that are building artificial intelligence to testweakness.

Enterprises 'strong development and guarantee employees' employment and occupation improvement. Digital enterprise blueprints and other plans are to help local SMEs keep up with science and technology smoothly.The runway became a technical practitioner.

However, as West said, humans must re -think the concept and definition of work in response to the AI ​​era, because artificial intelligence will gradually replace the general trend of many industries, which will reduce the needs of many enterprises to all employees.The employees who hire contracts or outsourcing types, the salary guarantee of such employees and benefits of medicine and insurance should be the essentials of re -thinking about the work concepts of various governments and society and discussing a new social contract.West also proposed that volunteer work and raising children should be regarded as a part of future work, because their far -reaching contributions to society should give their due and reward.

At the same time, in addition to improving productivity, digital and artificial intelligence can also replace many daily schedules, allowing people to do more meaningful things, such as increasing reading and training, enhancing work and life satisfaction.Harvard University economist Lawrence Kart pointed out the trend of replacing traditional work on robots that people do not need to spend too much time in work in the future.Guided economic and work, and this transformation will turn the current consumer world to the creation world.

Is the suggestions and ideas of these scholars too idealized?Things are artificial, and what they propose is not unable to margine. Since AI replaces or reduces human daily routine, it is true. How to make good use of the time to make a more meaningful thing for individuals and society, and at the same time, it is more humane exploring and not inquiring.The reward and benefits of full -time work are worthy of discussions in the whole society.Only by using these future trends and the meaning of human work attached to it, the balance of work and life is not just a beautiful scenery, but a substantial significance.